Facebook, Google, MySpace, Twitter, the proliferation of social networking means more personal information are accessible to strangers than ever before.Facebook、谷歌、聚友网、Twitter,随着社交网站的盛行,越来越多的个人信息开始开放给陌生人。As attitudes to privacy are starting to change, here is a short list of some ways to protect your privacy online:在人们对待隐私的态度逐渐发生变化的情况下,我们列出几招教你保护自己的网上隐私:1) personalised search engine optimisation - strange as it may seem, people are willing to pay for experts to alter position of their name in Google`s listings as it is typed. The method keeps the bad news private.搜索引擎的个性优化——看上去有点奇怪吧,但仍然有人愿意雇专家,帮助他们改变在谷歌搜索列表中自己名字显示的位置,以保证负面信息的私密性。2) change your name - stranger yet, Google`s chief executive, Eric Schmidt, has said youngsters might have to rename themselves to escape the shadow of their dodgy past. Many adults already use aliases for sites to avoid casual visitors.改名——更奇怪了吧,谷歌的首席执行官埃里克•施密特曾劝年轻人去改名,毕竟旧的名字记录着他们不愿被提及的过去,改名就能躲避这种不良影响。不少社交网站的成年用户就使用化名以避免那些不
魏秋华速之客的造访。3) change your security/privacy settings – it offers you some genuine control over who sees what. Do you really want a prospective boss checking what you used to do at the weekends?修改安全/隐私设置——设置完之后,你可以限制浏览自己页面的人。你是否希望未来的老板通过浏览页面,看到你周末干了什么?4) set strong passwords - too many people just put in their birthdate, pet`s name, or the name of the site. Thousands of hacking guides are specifically designed to enter Facebook via Google. The best advice remains: a long, interspersed combination of lower-case letters, capital letters and numbers.设置可靠的密码——许多人的密码只是生日、宠物的名字或者网站的名字。然而,成千上万专门设计的黑客软件,能够通过谷歌搜索进入Facebook帐户。最佳建议是:一长串大小写字母和数字的随意组合。5) untag yourself - social networking sites allow other people to "tag" photos of you but you have the opportunity to remove it. So pay attention when you are prompted to do such things.解除自己的标签——在社交网站上,别人可以从照片中圈出你,但同时你也可以移除选中的标签。当你被圈的时候还是小心为妙。6) don`t include dates of birth/address - such things are almost invariably used as security questions for banks and credit card databases. Giving them u
分付怎么开通p makes it easier to "clone" your cards and steal your money.不要把生日/地址之类的信息作为安全问题的答案——在设置银行账户以及信用卡资料库时,几乎每个人都用这些信息。如果这类信息泄露的话,别人将更加容易地伪造出你的卡,窃取钱财。7) don`t respond to dodgy emails - a bit of an old trick. If you get an unsolicited email from a business wanting to give you an incredible amount of money for a simple task, delete it. It`s a scam, door for electronic intruders.不要回复陌生的——老掉牙的把戏了。如果你莫名其妙地收到一封邮件,说做一件小事就可以赚大钱,把它删了。这绝对是,目的是给电子入侵者引路。8) log out - if you`re in communal space without logging out properly, people can get onto the machine you`ve just vacated and dive into your profiles.退出登录——在公共场所的机器里,没有退出登录的话,你的个人信息就会暴露给别人。9) wi-fi - if you`ve got wi-fi at home, give it a good password. Otherwise it allows intruders in with few barriers to overcome.无线网——如果家里的电脑使用的是无线网,最好设置一个可靠的密码,否则,黑客不费吹灰之力就能进入你的电脑。10) don`t use Facebook - if you`re terrified that someone might learn your darkest secrets. The only certain way to avoid embarrassment is to avoid social networking sites altogether.别再用f