上帝的实验室⾼频词100题⼀. 名词部分(28题) 1. These natural disasters have warned us that everyone should start to protect the _____ immediately. A. amusementB. development C. environment D. government 2. For my homework I have to write a(n)______ about the wonders of the world. A. music.B. picture. C. composition.D. exam 3. Read the ______ carefully. They will help you know how to use the popper. A. instructions B. decisions C. results 4. Tom can go to school now. His father has paid for him __. A. education B. vacationC. competion D. invention 5. Cici enjoys dancing. It's one of her . A. prizeB. prizes C. hobby D. hobbies 6. 1 have some problems with my English writing. Can you give me some____? A. adviceB. decisions C. information D. messages 7.— I'm going to the supermarket. Let me get you some fruit. —OK. Thanks for your _____. A. offerB. information C. message D. order 8. _______ about the sports meeting make us excited. A. News B. InformationC. Messages D. Advice 9. —Where's Jack? —He's left a ________ saying that he will be back in a minute. A. message B. news C. information 10. I don't know how to deal with my family problem. Can you give me some_______? A. adviceB. messages C. information D. instructions 11. —Dad, I've got an “A“ in the math exam. —Great. And I'm sure you will do better, because this is a good ______. A. reportB. resul
刘郡格个人资料t C. startD. skill 12. —How many teachers are there in your school? —them over two hundred. A. woman; The number of; isB. women; The number of; is C. woman; A number of; is D. women; A number of; are 13. Stop making so much _ _. The children are sleeping. A. voiceB. noise C. sound 14. —Did you hear any strange _____when the quake happened? —No, I was in my garden with my flowers and was enjoying the beautiful _____of my birds at that time. A. voice; noise B. noise; sound C. whisper; soundD. sound; voice 15. He has poor _______, so he can 't see the words on the blackboard clearly. A. smell B. taste C. hearing D. eyesight 16. As young adults, it is our___ to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teacher. A. work B. job C. dutyD. task 17. Work hard, and you'll get good _____. A. lessons B. notesC. gradesD. answers 18. The singer felt very sorry and decided he would never drive again after drinking. The traffic accident was really a _________ to him. A.gameB. pleasure C. skill D. lesson 19. —Mrs Black, could you give me some advice on how to write an application letter? —With pleasure. Remember that the letter should be written in the formal ______. A. value B. style C. effectD. mood 20. Today, we have many other
_______ to pay besides coins or paper money. A. excuses B. ways C. chancesD. plans 21. —I'm sorry I went out for a smoke. I was very tired. —There's no ______ for this while you are at work. A.
cause B. excuseC. matter D. choice 22. —Mrs. Wang was sent to teach English in a poor mountain village last year. —She said she would never forget some pleasant ______while working there. A. experiments B. expressionsC. experiences D. emotions 23. —Excuse me. May I know
your_______? —Sure. It's No. 3. Bridge Street. A. house B. addressC. way D. place 24. My classmate lent me a(an) so that I wouldn't get wet in the rain. A. candle B. umbrella C. scarfD. Wallet 25. The two cities have reached an to develop science and technology. A. educationB. excitement C. agreement D. invention 26. —Jack, will your family move to Shanghai? —Yes. That's a very big my parents made. A. decideB. decision C. education 27. —I hear you are not allowed to eat in class. —Right. It's one of the in our school. A. plans B. orders C. rules D. suggestions 28. In order to stay fit, people pay more attention to their _ _. A. diet B. experience C. thoughts D. awards ⼆. 形容词、副词(37题) 29. —Have you ever seen the movie called Los Angles 2011? —Yes, but I think it’s _____. I fell asleep when I saw it. A. exciting B. boring C. bored D. excited 30. We felt ________ when Liu Xiang won the first prize again in the race. A.
brave B. proud C. successful D. worried 31. —Why are you staying up so late playing computer games again? —Stop being so ______! A. funny B. silly C. serious 32. The bag that my grandpa made for me ____ gets out of style(过时), but it is still the best. A. usually B. normally C. gradually
33. In America, when you’re given a present, you can open it ____. You don’t have to wait. A. immediately B. properly C. carefully D. quietly 34. —Boys and girls, we will have a three-day holiday next week. —Great! What ________ news! A. exciting B. bad C. dissaponted 35. ________ the movie star goes, there are lots of fans waiting to see her. A. Whatever B. However C. WhereverD. Whoever 36. If everyone pours less polluted water into Dianchi Lake, it will be _______. A. deeper and deeper B. cleaner and cleaner C. dirtier and dirtier D. wider and wider 37. —Look , how beautiful the car is! —Yes, but it’s too _________ for me. A. expensive B. high C. cheap D. low 38. His grandparents live ____ in a small house, but they don’t feel _______.
A. lonely; alone
B. alone; lonely
C. lonely; lonely
D. alone; alone 39. —Who is suitable for the new chairperson of the Students’Union? —David. He is ______ enough to come up with new ideas. A. imaginative B. humorousC. modest D. outgoing 40. Sally used to be , but now she enjoys meeting and talking to new friends. A. active B. shy C. honest D. outgoing 41. —It’s going to rain. Let me fetch an umbrella for you. —Thank you!You are so . A. luc
ky B. kind C. relaxed D. interesting 42. After a three hours'long walk, the boys look rather_____. A. excited B. bored C. tired D. stressed 43. Some students are so ______ that they often make mistakes in their homework. A. carful B. serious C. careless D. successful 44. He said he would come to see us the next afternoon. A. sometime B. some timeC. sometimes D. some times 45. In China it is a custom to give kids lucky money_____ during the
Spring Festival. A. finally B. luckily C. simplyD. especially 46. Everybody should remember it is not ______ to swim in the river alone. A.healthyB. safeC.possible www.doczj/doc/5616326420.html
fortable 47. Stay away from junk food, please. It’s bad for us,_________ for children! A. recently B. especially C. probably D. nearly 48. —I’m really _________ before the exam. —Take it easy. You’re the best. A. surprised B. nervous C. comfortable D. confident 49. —Mr Smith, I don’t think we can get there on time by bike. —You mean it’s ______ for us to take a taxi? A. necessary B. important C. possible D. difficult 50. —What do you think of Liu Huan? —Oh, he is my favourite singer. I think no one can sing_____. A. good B. well C. better D. best 51. Elephants eat______, but they can move
个体工商户贷款_______when necessary. A. noisy; silent B. noisily; silently C. noisily; silence D. noisy; silence 52. Th
e Internet is really to us. We can easily find the information we need. A. safe B. hard C. boring D. useful 53. He was late this morning, because the bus was too for him to get on. A. quiet B. tidy C. crowded D. noisy 54. I ________ go to the theatre, because I don’t like operas at all. A. always B. often C. sometimes D. never 55. I don’t have any close friends here. I feel ______ from time to time. A. alone B. happy C. lonely D. proud 56. My cousin wants to keep slim. She does exercise every morning and ______ eats meat. A. seldom B. always C. usually D. often 57. Mr. Zheng is such a __________ person that he has donated much money to the chools in his hometown. A. selfish B. patient C. humorous D. generous 58. He was late this morning, because the bus was too ____ for him to get on. A. quiet B. tidy C. crowded D. noisy 59. —So where do you want to go, Tina? —Let's go to the Blue Lagoon. The soft music makes me . A. exhausted and sleepy B. calm and comfortable C. active and energetic D. tense and disgusted 60. We can do a lot to stay healthy. ___, we should eat a balanced(平衡的) diet. A. At a time B. In fact C. First of all D. All together 61. —Terra, you shouldn’t be so ____. You always leave your things here and there. —Sorry, mom. I’ll put them away soon. A. terrified B. cheerful C. careless D. frightened 62. —
How do you like the game show? —_______ I can't stand it. A. Funny B. Important C. Perfect D. Awful 63. —I wore sports shoes to the ball yesterday evening by mistake! —Oh, dear, you must be very _____ at the ball! A. embarrassed B. satisfied
C. tired
李心洁老公D. surprised 64. —Wuhu is a beautiful city. —Yes, and I feel ______ to live there. A. comfortable B. worried C. afraid
D. tired 65. —I think winter is a beautiful season,_______ when it snows. —Me, too. A. specially B. especially C. probably D. properly