1.I am altering my course to starboard 1.我正在向右转向
2.I am altering my course to port 2.我正在向左转向
3.I am increasing speed 3.我正在加速
张震岳 再见4.I am reducing speed 4.我正在减速
5.You should keep your present course and seed
7.You should pass astern of me 7. 你应该从我的船尾通过
8.I will pass ahead of you 8.我将要从你船头通过
9.I will pass astern of you 28.安在旭图片 Degree 度
10.Please stay away from me 31. Seconds 秒
10.请离我远一点 30. Mile 海里
11.do not overtake me
12.I will from your port overtaking
13.Please from my port (starboard) overtaking
名言大全14. I agree to be overtaking
14. 我同意被追越
15.Do not pass ahead of me
高睿 非诚勿扰15.不要从我的船头通过
16. Do not pass astern of me
16. Do not pass astern of me
18.Do not pass on my port side
18.Do not pass on my port side
19.You should not anchor you are going to foul my anchor
19.You should not anchor you are going to foul my anchor
20.Are you going to anchor?
21.I am dragging my anchor. 21.我正在走锚
22.port to port 左舷对左舷starboard to starboard右舷对右舷
23. Red to red 红对红 Green to green 绿对绿
24.I am going ahead(astern) 我正在前进 (后退)
24.I am steering moer to port (starboard) 我正在再向左驶 (右驶)
25.I am under way 我是在航
26.I am ready to get under way 我准备启航
27.Can you spell the name of vessel