姓名:_____ 学校:_____ 年级:
如:To lea rn English w ell is diffi cult.
=It is difficult t o learn Engl ish well.
如:her h obby is coll ecting stamp s.
She see ms to be a ng ry.
能跟动词不定式作宾语的动词很多,常见的有:want,like, wish,hate, hope,prefer, try,ask, start,begin, deci de, learn, c hoose, agree , expect, re member 等。
如:he wanted to b orrow my CD player.
情人节红包祝福语动词不定式作宾语其后又有补语时,常用it作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语即不定式放后面。如:feel, fin d, make,+ it + 形容词,名词+to do
I find it difficult t o remember e verything.
⑴能跟动词不定式作为宾语补足语的动词有很多:want,ask, tell,teach, order, get, wish,allow, invi te, encourag e, beg 等。
常用句型:vt + sb + (not) to do s th 如:Who taug ht you to pi ay the piano ?
(2)常用省去to的动词不定式有:一感(fee I),二听(hear, listen to),三让(make, let,have),四看(Io ok at, see,watch, notic e)
如:I felt s omeone enter the room.
如:He was h eard to laug ht in the ne xt room.
(3)可接动词不定式和动名词作宾语,意思差别不大的动词有begin, start , like, love z hate, cont inue 等。
如:I'm beginning to understand my Chinese r oots, and wh o I am..
⑷J〔接动词不定式和动名词作宾语,意思差别较大的动词有forget、remem ber,stop,try ,go on 等。接不定式作宾语,表动作尚未发生;接动名词作宾语,表动作已经发生。
Stop to do停下來做另外一件事,stop doing停止做,不做当前这件事Try to do尽力做,try dong 试着做
Go on to do接着做另外的事情,go on doing继续做原来的事情
Forget to do忘记去做某事fo rget doing忘记做过某事
如:I have so mu ch work to d o today.
如:He is ol d enough to go to school .
动词不定式的复合结构是it be +形容词+f or/of sb to do sth〃.不定式复合结构的介词用of还是for,主要取决于前面形界词的性质。一般來说,o f前面的形界词是care ful,clever,f oolish,kind,等既说明人的特性又说明不定式动作的特性。For前而的额形容词是dange rous,importa nt等一般只说明不定式动作的特性,不说明人的特性。
如:it is very kind of yo u to help me .
It is easy for me to pa ss the exam.
不定式前而可以带疑问词w hat,which,wh o,how,when,w here等。在句子屮用作宾语,主语,
如:I don’t know what to try next.(作宾语)
W here to go i s not decide d yet.(作主语)
不定式;的否定成是not /never 、不带to的不定代的否定式;是not/neve
如:somet imes they ha ve disagreem ents, and de cide not to talk to each other.
His p arents tell him never to drive after drinking.
如;seeing is b elieving
如:his favou rite sport i s playing ba sketball.马天宇家庭背景
如:a swimmi ng pool山东高考成绩2018
Finish ,give up,c annot help,k eep(on),mind ,miss,practi ce,put off,f eel like,sug gest,allow,b e used to,Io ok forward t o, think of,dream of, h ear of, prev ent from, ke ep from, sto p from, be i nterested
in , be proud o f, succeed i n, have diff iculty/troub le in 等。
如:Wo uld you mind opening the window?
1.It's our duty _________ the r oom every da y.
A. to cl ean
C. clean
D.cleans (甘谢省)
2.It's ha rd for us _________ Engl ish well.
A . learn B. lea ms C. to learn D. I earning (江西省)
3 It’s ve ry nic e _________ you to get me two tickets __________ the Wo rid Cup.
B. of, for
C. to, for
D.of, to(安徽省)
4.He fou nd it very d ifficult _______ .
A.sle eping
C. slept
D. to fall asleep (湖南省)
5.Me imei likes E nglish very much. She do es her best ________ Engli sh well.
C. to I earn
D. learns (四川省)
6.My m other was ve ry glad _______ her old f riend.
A. t o meet
B. meet
C. met
D. meets (甘萧省)
7.1have a lot o f homework _______ .
A. d o
B. d oing
C. did
D. to do (河南省)
8.He is not an e asy man _______ ?
A. get on
B. to get on
C.get on with
D. to get on with (山东省)
9.Your father is s leeping. You *d better _______ ?
A. no t wake up hi m B ? not to wak e up
wake hi m up D. not to wake him up (陕西省)
10.1was made ______ m y hom ework in the afternoon.
A. do B . doing C . to do D. did (贵州省)
ll.The new h ospital ________ is near t he factory.
A. build
C. t o build
D. t o be built (青海省)
12 T here is goin g to _______ an important meeting tom orrow. Pleas e try ________ late.
六一儿童节祝福语大全集A. h ave,not to be
B.have,not b e
C. be, nottobe
D.be,not be (内蒙古自治区}
Keys: 1.A2. C3.B 4.D5.C 6 . A 7. D 8.D 9. C 10. C ll.D 12. C
一:根掘句意,用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. I ofte n hear peopl e _____________ (say) ___ (see) is _____________ (believe}'
2.Don’t keep me_______ (w ait) for a I ong time.
3.Can you fini sh __________ (read) the book in thr ee days?
4.___________ (be) ill, he couldn't go to school.