    在超市购物英语对话带翻译 在超市购物英语对话带翻译一 JOY: Why don“t we get you some shirts LOUIS: I want to leave. We“ve already been here two hours. JOY: But we should get you some shirts while we"re here. You need summer shirts. LOUIS: I would rather buy them somewhere else. JOY: Why They have everything here. LOUIS: I don"t like shopping in malls. I like shopping on the street. There is more variety. JOY: Let"s just look and see what they have. LOUIS: Alright. JOY: What about these shirts Do you see anything you like LOUIS: The styles here are too boring for me. I told you. I like street shopping. JOY: Oh, come on! Don"t be so sour. These are beautiful shirts. I know if we don"t buy some today, you will never go shopping by yourself. LOUIS: Sure I would. JOY: Here. Look at this shirt. Try it on. LOUIS: Do they have it in LARGE. JOY: I don"t know. Let me look on the rack. Here is one. LARGE. Try it on. LOUIS: Where is the fitting room I don"t see it. JOY: The fitting rooms are over there. LOUIS: Okay, I will try it on.JOY: It looks good on you.
LOUIS: I look like a nerd. JOY: No, it looks great. Why are you always like this when you"re shopping You know it looks good. LOUIS: Well, I don"t think it"s the best style for me. JOY: I think we"ll buy this one. And I want you to try on this one too. LOUIS: Alright. Alright. JOY: You should be happy I want you to look good. If I let you shop for yourself, you would never buy anything. LOUIS: Yes, maybe. But I like street shopping. There is more variety. I"m sorry. I just don"t like malls. 乔伊:给你买一些衬衫吧。
墙面漆10大品牌    乔伊:那些衬衫如何有看到你喜欢的吗 路易:样式都不怎么样,我说过我喜欢逛街购物。乔伊:哦,别这样酸溜溜,这些衬衫都蛮漂亮的。
    路易:有大号的吗 乔伊:我不知道,让我看看架上有没有。这件是大号的,试穿看看。
    你为什么每次逛街都这样呢很好看啊。BIGBANG 谎言
    对不起,我就是不喜欢购物中心。在超市购物英语对话带翻译二 STEVE: We need to buy some beer too. Where is the beer DEREK: They don"t have beer in this supermarket. We have to go to the liquor store. STEVE: Huh They don"t have beer. How can that be DEREK: It"s a state law. This state doesn"t allow supermarkets to sell beer. Only in liquor stores. STEVE: That"s too strict. It"s silly. DEREK: I know. I agree with you. DEREK: Excuse me. Do you sell organic vegetables here *****E: Yes, we do. They"re right in front of you. The organic vegetables are marked with the blue label. Here. Do you see DEREK: Sure. Thank you. You should have a sign. That way people could identify which are organic and which aren"t. *****E: They"re labeled on the packet, sir. DEREK: One more question. *****E: Yes DEREK: We need to buy some soy sauce. Which aisle is the soy sauce in *****E: That would be in aisle 7, with the condiments. It is right next to the ketchup. DEREK: Thank you. Do you want paper or plastic bags STEVE: Plastic bags. DEREK: And do you want to drive up STEVE: What do you mean DEREK: We can have someone put the bags in our trunk for us.We just drive up to that door over there. STEVE: Wow! That"s convenient. But I think we can take the groceries by ourselves. DEREK: Yes,
our car is not parked far away. I"ll tell the cashier we don"t want to drive up. It should be about ninety dollars all together. STEVE: Here is one-hundred. I will go look at the magazine rack, okay 史提夫:我们还需要买一些啤酒,啤酒在哪里 狄瑞克:超市是不卖啤酒的,我们要到卖酒的店买才行。
    史提夫:什么这里不卖酒,怎么可能 狄瑞克:这是州立的法律。
鹿晗镶钻七龙珠    这个州不允许超市卖酒,只有卖酒的店才有。
    狄瑞克:请问你们卖有机蔬菜吗 店员:有的,就在你前面。
    有机蔬菜都有蓝的标签。在这里,看到了吗 狄瑞克:唔,谢谢。
什么动漫    狄瑞克:还有一个问题。
    店员:请说。狄瑞克:我们想买一些酱油,酱油在哪一个走道 店员:在第七走道,和调味品一起,就在蕃茄酱的旁边。
    你要纸袋或塑胶袋 史提夫:塑胶袋。
    狄瑞克:你需要搬运服务吗 史提夫:什么意思 狄瑞克:他们可以帮我们把东西搬到卡车上。
电脑单机游戏排行榜    狄瑞克:好的,我们的车子没有停多远。
    我告诉收银员不要这项服务,全部大概要 90 美元钱。
    史提夫:这里是100美元。我可不可以去杂志架那儿看看 在超市购物英语对话带翻译三 ALEX: Can I help you SHERRY: Yes, I need to buy a computer for this semester. I was told it is cheaper to buy computers here. ALEX: Well, you heard right. You can get an excellent deal on a new computer here. We have great discounts for students. SHERRY: I don"t know much about computers. But I know I want a desktop computer with a lot of memory. And I need a printer.ALEX: Well, first let"s consider your computer. Here, for example, is a system I highly recommend--the Power Macintosh G3. It comes with 64 megabytes of total memory. SHERRY: Is that a lot Sixty-four ALEX: Yes, it is. It should be enough for any student needs you might have. What department are you in SHERRY: History. ALEX: Well, so you will mostly be using word processing, for writing papers. I recommend the Corel Word Perfect program for word processing. We can talk about software later. Let"s talk about your hardware first. We have a special deal on right now. I should tell you about it, as it only goes until next Tuesday. If you buy one of these fifteen-inch color monitors with a Power Macintosh G3, you can actually get 30 percent off the usual sale price. SHERRY: Thirty percent ALEX: Yes. SHERRY: Wow. That"s really good.
And you think this is really a good system for a graduate student ALEX: Yes. It"s an excellent system. SHERRY: Hmm. Hey, wait. This has an Apple on it. Is this an Apple computer ALEX: Yes, it"s a Macintosh. It"s Apple. Macintosh and Apple are the same thing. SHERRY: I don"t want Macintosh. I want PC.ALEX: I"m sorry, but our university computer center only sells Macintosh equipment. SHERRY: What Are you serious ALEX: Yes. SHERRY: But nobody uses Macintosh! ALEX: That"s not true. Most of the students and professors in the university here use Macintosh. They find it is better for writing and word-processing, and that is what students mostly do. May I ask where you"re from SHERRY: Yes, I"m from Taiwan. ALEX: Well, I know that in most Asian countries Apple is not very popular. But here in America, especially in universities and publishing companies, Apple is very commonly used. SHERRY: But I need a computer that can handle writing in Chinese. ALEX: There are several Chinese writing programs you can use with Macintosh. Chinese is no problem for Apple. SHERRY: Hmm. I think I should ask some of my friends for advice before I make a decision. I"m sorry. ALEX: No, don"t be sorry. It"s reasonable to ask your friends. But believe me, most of the students here in the
university-- Asian students included--most of them use Apple. SHERRY: Well, thanks for your advice. I will probably come back later. ALEX: You"re very welcome. Here is my card, if you need any help.亚历克斯:我可以帮你吗 雪莉:是的,这学期我需要买一台电脑, 人家告诉我这里的电脑比较便宜。