10. Ready for the Bettys【贝蒂新生命】 ——The Bettys
You gotta bang your Betty bongos快敲响你的贝蒂小鼓
And bring your Betty bass guitar再带着贝蒂低音吉他
And with the Betty backbeat跟上这贝蒂节奏
You'll go Betty, Betty far就像贝蒂一样辣

So drop your boring baggage丢掉无聊的行囊
And come with Missy, Tink, and Crash让叮叮和泼泼陪着你
There's a Betty (There's a Betty) bandwagon开着贝蒂的专车
Going to a Betty bash (Going to a Betty bash)! 迎向贝蒂新生命
Get ready for the Bettys, ready for the Bettys迎向贝蒂新生命
Get ready for the Bettys, ready for the Bettys迎向贝蒂新生命
(Ready for the Bettys)
Get ready for the Bettys, ready for the Bettys
It's the best thing you can do! 这是最棒的旅途
Get ready for the Bettys 'cause the Bettys are ready for you!准备好跟着贝蒂 因为我们要一同遨游
9. Queen of Mars【火星女王】 ——Candace
I was just a lonely girl我是寂寞的女孩
looking for a little fun想寻一些乐趣张若昀的家世
Though without a friend in the world没有半个知心朋友
I was forced to find a new one只好开辟新的世界

海贼王无双3Now I'm the Queen of Mars. 在火星上的女王
I was invisible on Earth地球上已消失不见
It only took a magic portal to Mars只穿过一道神奇的门
To give me some self worth在这里 到了自我

You put a crown on my head你们给我戴王冠
And you all seem to worship me虔诚忠心对我膜拜
Well you don't understand a word I've said虽然不懂我在说什么
Still you treat me like royalty却还是尊我为上宾

'Cause I'm the Queen of Mars. 在火星上的女王
I was invisible on Earth地球上已消失不见
It only took a magic portal to Mars只穿过一道神奇的门
To give me some self worth. 在这里 到了自我
8. Ain't Got Rhythm【我不到节奏】—— Phineas & Swampy
  Phineas : So you're saying that you don't have rhythm你说你自己抓不住节奏
But listen at what you're doing right there但听听你正在做什么
With that stamp and a book you've got a real nice hook印章 还有书就是最佳的工具

Sounds to me like you've got rhythm to spare听起来你已重拾节奏感

Swampy: I have no idea what your talking about我不知道你在说些什么
I've got as much rhythm as that chair我的节奏感就像张椅子
What happened to me was a tragedy我经历的是一场大悲剧
But I don't have to be a millionaire反正我不想当百万富翁
Look, I got a sweet deal going on here听着,我享受这份工作
I've got all the books that I can read我有那么多书可以读
All these sweet old ladies and this carpet from the 80's这里的善良女士和八零年代地毯
What more could a librarian need? 一个图书馆员还需要什么?
(Women:Ssh! 嘘!)
Besides I ain't got rhythm何况我抓不到节奏
No I ain't got rhythm 抓不到节奏
Said I ain't got rhythm 抓不到节奏
I ain't got rhythm 抓不到节奏

Phineas: You're kidding me right, y-you kidding me你开玩笑的对吗 你在开玩笑
Don't you see what you were doing right then你不知道自己在干什么
That's a wicked groove you were starting to move那是种律动 早已开始
Mister, you got rhythm times ten你的节奏感在舞动

Swampy:I think perhaps that you not listening我想也许你没有仔细听
I find it tedious to repeat一直重复地说很无趣
It's no big crime那不是罪
I just can't keep time我跟不上时代
I'm telling you I lost the beat我已经说了我丧失了节奏感
I don't need my face on t-shirts我不需要被印在T
Or hit a power-chord guitar也不用给我电吉他
They were screaming my name他们尖叫着我的名字
I guess it's a shame我想这是一个耻辱
But I don't need to be a rock star我并不想做一个摇滚巨星
Besides I ain't got rhythm何况我抓不到节奏
No I ain't got rhythm 我抓不到节奏
Said I ain't got rhythm 我抓不到节奏
I ain't got rhythm  我抓不到节奏
I ain't got rhythm 我抓不到节奏
虎门批发市场Phineas: Sounds like rhythm to me我听是有节奏
Swampy: No I ain't got rhythm我抓不到节奏
Phineas: See like they all agree他们也都同意
Swampy: Said I ain't got rhythm 我抓不到节奏
Phineas: But your laying down some funky syncopation你的确创造了摇滚的切音
Swampy: I ain't got rhythm我抓不到节奏
Phineas: But you got that beat
Swampy: No I ain't got rhythm我抓不到节奏
Phineas: Look at them, their stomping their feet
Swampy: Said I ain't got rhythm我抓不到节奏
Phineas: It's time for you to rock a brand new generation现在轮到你创造一个新的时代
(Library patrons: Brand new generation一个新的时代)
Phineas and Swampy : Gonna rock a brand new generation让我创造一个新的时代
Swampy : Cause I ain't got rhythm! 因为我抓不到节奏!
7. I Love You Mom大学生社会实践心得体会【我爱你妈妈】—— Candace
Mom it's your birthday妈,今天是你的生日
Thanks for all the care and love you give谢谢你付出的爱与关怀
Not to mention the meals更不用说为我们做饭
At times I get kinda nervous有时我会紧张
And forget to tell you how I feel忘了告诉你我的感受
(Shoo-bee-doo, shoo-bee-doo)
I'm a little high strung我有时情绪起伏不定
It's just because I'm young只是因为我还年轻
Mom I adore ya妈妈 我爱你
And I'll do anything for ya 并且愿意为你做任何事
Although my brothers make me frantic虽然有小弟害我抓狂
With every single crazy antic做一些令人疯狂的事情
(Ooh, ooh, )
And when I'm bouncing off the walls每次都急得我跳墙
You're the one who stays calm你总是不慌乱
(You're the one who stays calm)
Because you love me for who I am, 因为你全心全意爱这样的我,
I'll always love you, Mom. 我也会永远爱你,妈妈。
6. E.V.I.L. B.O.Y.S.【魔鬼男孩】 ——Candace
Candace: Those boys are always up to something那些男生一天到晚在搞鬼
And it's bringing me to tears我超想哭的
Cause just before you get home因为每次在你到家之前
It always just magically disappears怪事都会神奇消失
Those boys are evil他们是魔鬼
But before you get home they somehow always clean up the mess他们会在你到家前把混乱都清理好
Those boys are evil他们是魔鬼
Let me spell it out for you mom妈妈让我拼给你听
E-V-I-L B-O-Y-S!
They built a roller coaster他们建造了云霄飞车
And a beach in the backyard还在后院造沙滩
Drove cattle through the city放牛在大街上
And messed up the boulevard 把交通秩序搞得一团糟
They took me back in time when we went to that museum去博物馆参观 他们带我回到过去
They built fifty foot tree-house robots他们做了五十尺的树屋机器人
But still you didn't see them 但你还是什么也没看见
Those boys are evil他们是魔鬼
Their crazy shenanigans cause me all kinds of distress他们疯狂的恶作剧让我十分痛苦
Those boys are evil他们是魔鬼