论文完成日期 年 月 陈道明现场发飙>现代诗歌的特点 日
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年 月 日冷血动物有哪些
摘 要
The continuous rapid development of e-commerce has brought many new development opportunities to the banking business, which plays an important role in the p
rocess of e-commerce transaction. Online banking, invented as the requirements of the times, has not only broken the traditional model of banking business, but has also set the direction for the future development due to its great advantages in convenience, speed and efficiency.
Compared with the developed countries like those in Europe and the United States, the current online banking industry in China Construction Bank is still in its early stage, its infrastructure and relevant regulations are far from completeness and flawlessness. However, while facing the tremendous pressures and challenges worldwide, Chinese banking industry has not declined, but has taken the opportunities to develop its online banking business and further improve its existing system. At the same time, it also encouraged more innovative ways to create its unique advantages. This thesis will propose some insights to further expand the online banking business in China Construction Bank by combining the development of Chinese online banking with the success experienced in the United States as reference.
Key words:e-commerce;banking business杨怡个人资料;E-bank