Natio nal Swimming Center is also know n as “Water
Cube ”,lo cated in the Beijing Olympic Park ,it is one of
the 2008Beijing Olympic Games landmark buildings.Na-
tional Sw imming Center site plans to build 62,950square
meters ,a total construction area 65000-80000square me-
ters ,of w hich so me of the gro und f loor o f the building
area of no t less than 15,000square meters.And its Na-
tional Stadium (co mmonly known as Bird ’s Nest )po ints母亲节寄语 20字
out in the city of Beijing in the northern end of the axis o n
both sides to jo intly form a relatively co mplete historical
and cultural city of Beijing image.国家游泳中心———“水立方”
腾讯充值[Voca bula ry ]
⑴construction n.建筑,建
⑵axis n.轴
⑶image n.图像,形象化的
比喻⑷audience n.观众,听众⑸leisure n.安逸,空闲译文:国家游泳中心又被称为“水立方”,位于北京奥林匹克公园内,是2008年北京奥运会标志性建筑物之一。国家游泳中心规划建设用地62950平方米,总建筑面积65000-80000平方米,其中
泳中心承担游泳、跳水、花样游泳、水球等比赛,可容纳观众坐席17000座,其中永久观众坐席为6000座,奥运会期间增设临时性座位11000个。赛后将建成为具有国际先进水平的、集游泳、运动、健身、休闲于一体的中心。During the 2008Olympic Games ,
the National Swimming Centre for swimming ,diving ,sy nchronized swimming ,w ater polo ,and o ther co mpetitions ,the audi-
ence can accommo date 17,000seats ,including permanent
seats for 6,000spectators ,during the Oly mpics additional
11,000tempo rary seats.After the Olympic Games it w ill
be built into an internatio nally advanced level ,set swim-
ming ,sports ,fitness and leisure in the centre of
波姬 小丝
动感地带奥运专栏T T D y D
W 35h e h e m e ia r ate eather