第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
1.The witness    an important detail when describing the accident.
A.brought out    B.kept off
天猫双十一成交额2021C.left out    D.ran into
2.In order to satisfy the needs of the market, the electric company has ______ its focus to tablet computers and smart mobile phones.
A.switched    B.shaped
C.directed    D.discovered
3.It is immediately clear ______ the financial crisis will soon be over.
A.since    B.what
C.when    D.whether
4.Egyptian President decided to ______on Friday afternoon after an 18-day campaign against him, ending his thirty-year rule.
A.step down    B.break in    C.break down    D.step in
5.—Listening to language recording in bed seems like an easy way to _______ some new vocabulary.
—But does this learning method actually work?
A.polish up    B.make up
C.pick up    D.build up
6.He switched off the light and was about to leave the classroom and only then____ to rain heavily.
A.it began    B.it begins
C.does it begin    D.did it begin
7.We can communicate________people in every part of the world ________the Internet.
A.with;with    B.with;through
C.through;through    D.through;with
8.The science competition is a good opportunity to show students _____ creativity can add new value to their school life.要是什么就什么造句子
A.where    B.whether    C.how    D.when
9.When ________ questions in class, one should answer them as clearly as possible.
A.asking    B.to ask    C.to be asked    D.asked
铜仁市高中阶段学校招生管理系统10.Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to _________________them too hard.
A.draw    B.strike
C.rush    D.push
11.Sometimes we have to face embarrassing moments ________ we can only keep silent.
A.who    B.which
C.when    D.why
12.The 19th Party Congress drew up a blueprint for China’s development in the next three decades and more.         this blueprint into reality, we must be down-to-earth in our approach, take one step at a time as we move forward and deliver solid outcomes.
A.Turning    B.Turned
C.Turn    D.To turn
13.(2015·北京)___________the early flight, we ordered a taxi in advance and got up very early.
A.Catching    B.Caught
C.To catch    D.Catch
14.______ the difference between the two findings is one of the worst mistakes you’ve made.
A.Ignored    B.Ignoring
C.To ignore    D.Having ignored
15.Not even when _____through the darkest valley _____be afraid, for you are always close beside me.
A.do I walk; will I    B.do I walk; I will  C.I walk ; I will    D.I walk; will I
16.If you can do what you’re weakest ______, you can handle any challenge.
A.for    B.at
C.with    D.to
17.Don’t refer to the dictionary every time you come across a new word as sometimes its meaning may be _______ clearly in a given context.
A.picked out    B.ruled out    C.brought out    D.taken out
18.-I was afraid I would miss the important lecture.
-Oh, was that why you _______asking me to speed up?
A.had kept    B.are keeping
C.would keep    D.kept
19.The old road is indeed less direct and a bit longer. We won’t take the new one, _______, as we don’t feel safe on it.
A.somehow    B.otherwise    C.therefore    D.though
20.Various efforts ________ in the past decades to protect the environment.
A.had made    B.have made
C.were made    D.have been made
第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
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