Beautiful Sanya
何政军图片>电源已接通未充电我想牵着你的手歌词On New Year's Day holiday for three days, my uncle, grandmother, younger brother and others flew to Sanya. Pack your bags at the hotel, and my uncle proposed to show you around Penang Valley. As soon as we got off the bus, my brother and I couldn't wait to run into the gate of Penang Valley, and wanted to see the strange thatched cottage right away. Uncle said, these are boat houses where Li people live, and now the "most expensive old people" of Li people live in them. In the past, the Li nationality had a sacred traditional custom of tattooing on their bodies and faces. This custom has a history of more than 3,000 years, but now it is facing extinction. After the death of these "most expensive old people", this custom will disappear. Later, we bought some delicious fruits that can't be named, ate them and talked about what we saw and heard today.
After lunch, it was the beach time that my brother and I had been looking forward to for a long time. We rushed to the beach excitedly, took off our shoes and socks, pulled up our sleeves, sat on the sand and played with it heartily. "Let's build a great pyramid with wet sa
nd!" My brother suggested. We wet the sand with bottled water for a while, build up the sand little by little, and then pick up the colorful shells to decorate the pyramids ... How time flies! Before we know it, it's getting dark. Looking at the endless sea and the golden beaches, my brother and I are really reluctant to part with each other.
Beautiful scenery, blue sea water, soft beaches and a long national history, this is the beautiful Sanya!去三亚要带哪些东西
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