Prince Doran Martell是《权力的游戏》第五季里面一个非常重要的角,他会出现在很多集里面。
Prince Doran Martell – Doran is described as the major new player this year, appearing in multiple episodes. The fiftysomething prince uses a wheelchair, is reclusive and rules wisely. It appears the show is looking to continue the trend it started with Pedro Pascal, and cast Latino actors for the Martell clan.
Prince Trystane Martell – Trystane, the handsome fiance of Princess Myrcella, is being age
d up to 18.
Areo Hotah - Doran玄彬退役s personal bodyguard will appear throughout the season, assisting the prince with his duties. The show is particularly looking for a black actor to fill the role.
The Sand Snakes, Oberyn Martells bastard daughters (with ages ranging 18-25):
Obara Sand – The eldest and most athletic Sand Snake will be having a major fight scene with a series regular character- not one who crosses her path in the books. This is an interesting change.
Nymeria Sand – Nymeria is described as “mixed race,” with her father being the fairer Oberyn and her mother being darker skinned. The second oldest of these Sand Snakes, shes beautiful, emotional and very strong.
Tyene Sand - The youngest of the Sand Snakes that we meet uses her wits and seductive powers, and is less of a physical fighter than the other Sand Snakes. She is just as deadly as her sisters, however, but her weapon is poison.
道朗·马泰尔王子 (Prince Doran Martell):道朗是第五季的主要新角之一,将会有多集戏份。他大约50多岁,坐在轮椅上。他是阳戟城的公爵、多恩领亲王,过着隐居的生活,推行仁政。他谨慎、沉静,从不将情绪外露。该剧可能会启用一个拉美裔演员扮演此人。
  崔斯丹·马泰尔王子 (Prince Trystane Martell):道朗的幼子,弥赛菈·拜拉席恩公主的未婚夫,英俊,很快将年满18岁。
  阿利欧·何塔 (Areo Hotah):道朗的侍卫队长,整个第五季都有戏份。他是道朗的重要帮手。该剧可能启用一个黑人演员扮演此人。
  奥芭娅·沙德 (Obara Sand):奥伯伦的私生女统称为沙蛇,奥芭娅是她们当中年纪最大的一个,也最健壮。她将与一个常规角大战一场——但不是书中和她打过交道的人。这意味着奥芭娅在剧中的故事将被大幅改写。
  纳梅莉亚抖音痞幼视频·沙德 (Nymeria Sand):她是一个混血人,是红毒蛇天天向上天佑是哪一期奥伯伦 (Pedro Pascal)与一个黑皮肤女人所生的私生女。她在沙蛇中排行第二。她美丽、情绪化、非常强壮。
  特蕾妮·沙德 (Tyene Sand)沙蛇中年纪最小的一个,聪明绝顶,善于使用媚惑之术。她的身体不强壮,因此不像们那样善于战斗。但她和们一样可怕——因为她最喜欢的武器是毒药。
  雀 (High Sparrow):书中一个宗教运动的领袖,在第五季中有多集戏份。
  乌尼亚修女 (Septa Unella):这个无情的、威严的修女第五季中将和一个核心角长期待在一起。毫无疑问……那是瑟曦 (Lena Headey)高曙光与江珊
  Maggy the Frog:《鸦的盛宴》中的一个预言师,她有一集戏份。
  洛丽丝·史铎克渥斯 (Lollys Stokeworth)权利的游戏大结局:就在刚刚播出的这一集中,波隆声称自己要娶洛丽丝为妻,但小恶魔 (Peter Dinklage)认为这不是个好主意。看起来不仅波隆会活到下一季,他的婚姻愿望也会被提上议事日程。洛丽丝是坦妲·史铎克渥斯夫人的二女儿。她是一个公认的温懦愚笨之人。
  The Waif:艾丽娅 (Maisie Williams)在书中遇到的乖孩子,剧中可能由一个年长的(接近成年的)演员扮演。该剧可能会启用一个东亚裔演员扮演此人。