【篇一:英语导游词 外滩】
the bund and environs
the bund is 1500-stretch along the huangpu river, running from the waibaidu bridge in the north to the yan’an road in the south.
that the beginning of the 19 century, the area
was a mere shallow waterfront covered with reeds. as a resule of opium war in 1840s, the bund area became the site of some of the earlist foreign settlements after shanghai was opened as one of five “treaty ports” listed in the unequal nanjing treaty imposed by foreign powers. block after block of buildings were
thbuilt in the 20 century. they houses the
embassies, hotels , clubs, companies, agencies and banks. in1930s, it was described
as the wall street in the far east for the large number of banks and financial institutions.
in 1990s,the bund area underwent a great physical transformation, followed by a renovation completed by 2010.the shanghai government also managed to highlight this area as a tourist attraction.
on the riverfront a promenade was raised to prevent the city from flooding and offer visitors a wide walkway for take photos and relaxing in front of the beautiful harbor. the promenade also sees locals doing morning exercises and lovers making good of the romantic evenings.
though the physical change on the waterfront was great, the skylines of this area didn’t change. the municipal government renovated the old buildings, highlighting them as the best tourist attractions of shanghai. known as “gallery of world architecture”, it means 23buildings in a line. they are in a variety of styles, ancient and modern, chinese and foreign. when the night falls, all the lofty buildings along
the bund, outlined with beautiful artistic lights, look like a giant crystal palace, presenting a special charm.
ith offering the best scenic scenes of the city, the bund is also a traffic hub in the new network. the main streets running west-east
all start at the bund. the road running along the bund is also a vital link in the city’s new highway network and about half of the traffic east of the north-south elevated road uses the bund. under the road is a vehicle tunnel constructed in 2010.
in the new century, the bund area is not confined to the former british concession but extends both southward and northward. it is evolving into one of the most popular urban resorts of shanghai. the history of the bund can be considered the epitome of the history of modern shanghai.
  外滩位于上海的黄浦江畔。 它代表着上海的风景并且是一个上海的必须参观旅游目的地。 在19世纪后期,外滩的许多外资银行在被誉为上海的“财政街”或“东方华尔街”的外滩建立了。 因此,外滩成为了鼓励财政投资的场所。 由于外滩所富有的历史价值,在外滩拥有一小块土地不仅仅是财富的标志,更是荣誉的标志。
上海外滩介绍  于是,外滩成了一块“风水宝地”。在外滩拥有一块土地,不仅是财富的象征,更是名誉的象征。商行、金融企业在外滩占有一席之地后,即大兴土木,营建公司大楼。外滩的建筑大多经过三次或三次以上的重建,各国建筑师在这里大显身手,使面积不算大的外滩集中了二十余幢不同时期、不同国家、不同风格的建筑,故外滩又有“万国建筑博览”之称。