题目:      大学生信用卡营销策略研究
Title The Research of Marketing Strategy for College Students Credit Card
At present, while the retailing financial market of china is gradually opening to foreign companies, Chinese banks are confronted with serious challenges. To face the accelerated opening of the credit card market and the potential competition form foreign financial institutions, domestic commercial banks have intensified the inputs on the credit card business. Commercial banks release the college students’ credit card after re-segmenting the market in order to find new profit growth points and choose the complementary marketing strategy.
This article starts with the current status, defines the concepts of mentioned marketing strategy and then pointed out the importance of college students’ credit card marketing strategy. Then presented the status of the credit card market in order to lay the foundation for the study. Next, it extract the problem of the said market through the analyzing the environment and surroundings of the market on the basis of which credit cards to college students are given the proposed marketing strategy.
Through the study of this article, students should be done from the product strategy, pricing strategy, channel strategy, promotional strategy: as to product strategy: According to the characteristics of college students’ life, specify the appropriate product function; price strategy: a number of promotional activities to preferential annual fee, or give credit card cash corresponding concessions in advance; channel strategy: the commercial banks promote sales by specialized personnel locating within in school community-based marketing point; promotional strategy: do marketing basis on the existing university students card features and grade, gender, personal characteristics, such as multi-channel direct marketing. This article combines with case studies; through the practice of university students introduce the development of
the credit card market advantage, as well as the process of marketing solutio ns. Keywords:Credit card Marketing Strategy
1  引言 (1)
1.1  选题背景 (1)
1.2  研究目的及意义 (2)
1.3  文献综述 (2)
1.4  研究的内容与方法 (3)
2  相关理论研究 (3)
2.1  信用卡概述 (3)
2.2  营销策略理论 (4)
3  大学生信用卡市场现状分析 (5)
3.1  大学生信用卡的市场环境分析 (5)
3.2  大学生信用卡的市场现状及特点 (6)
3.3  大学生信用卡市场存在的问题 (10)
4  大学生信用卡营销策略研究 (11)
4.1  大学生信用卡的产品策略 (12)
4.2  大学生信用卡的价格策略 (12)
4.3  大学生信用卡的渠道策略 (13)
4.4  大学生信用卡的促销策略 (13)
5  案例分析——招商银行大学生信用卡Y oung卡 (13)
5.1  招商银行大学生信用卡Y oung卡介绍 (13)
5.2  招商银行大学生信用卡Y oung卡的营销策略 (14)
结论 (18)
招行信用卡年费致谢 (19)
参考文献 (20)