  1、 简要阐述自己的学习经历、专业、工作背景
  2、 阐述自己出国留学的动机,以及为什么选择这个国家,这个大学,这个专业
  3、 留学时间规划
  4、 说明留学资金的来源
  5、 个人的职业规划,留学归国的理由和打算
在申请留学及签证的过程中,经常会被要求写学习计划书(study plan),许多留学的朋友往往搞不清楚学习计划书和个人陈述(personal statement)区别和写法,因此结合自己的工作经验,介绍一下学习计划书的写作。
学习计划书的行文风格和文章结构与个人陈述有很大不同,不需要太多个性化和感性的描述,而应该是结构清晰简单,逻辑严密,阐述的事实明确,相关论据有力可信,学成回国的理由要非常充分,并且绝对不能和申请人的其他材料发生矛盾。关于学习计划书等留学文件的写作,可以上 www.winnerps , www.tigtag 等网站获得帮助。
由于使馆的工作人员每天要处理大量的文件,因此学习计划书切不可写的太长,一般不应超过800字,并且说明一个问题最好只用一个段落,段落前加上标题,如 my choice of un
iversity of toronto in canada ,my career objective 等,以便使馆的工作人员对您一段内容的中心思想一目了然。您的阐述应该非常清晰易读,不能希望让使馆的工作人员从您的文字中挖掘您潜在内容。
study plan模板1
study plan
如何去美国留学 本人是土木类专业,并修读管理类双学位,去ua读相近专业master,结合ps进行的完善。 dear sir/ madam,
i am looking forward to study in university of alberta in canada this fall. as an essential part of visa application process, i understand that a true study plan is important for my further success.
my name is***, male, born on *** in***, china. i accepted the offer of admission into the graduate program in civil and environmental engineering at university of alberta. my undergraduate education has laid the groundwork towards the path i now intend to embark on. pursuing dual degrees from seemingly vastly different fields at ** university endowed me with a solid theoretical background in two diverse fields of engineering and management and placed me in a unique position to appreciate the importance of management within the construction industry.
my choice of studying in canada
over the past decades, china has enjoyed rapid development in all aspects of its economy. opening its doors to the world has facilitated its expansion; this development necessitated building the proper infrastructures that will sustain the tremendous development the country’s economy is undergoing. in line with this, the rapid rate of economic growth fostered an accompanying rapid rate of constructions. currently, buildings and skyscrapers are being built in the different cities of china. apart from infrastructures, these developments require the application of advanced technologies and the implementation of knowledge support, especially in fostering an effective, efficient, and thriving construction engineering and management system. however, as an undergraduate student i know my knowledge and skills are somehow limited, necessitating advanced study in this field. doing so entails i look outside of china and learn from the experiences of other developed countries, especially those with far advanced systems in place. learning from their example will provide me with the exposure necessary for achieving my goals.
after a careful and thorough search, i have decided to seek admission to the university of alberta in canada. the graduate program in *** is exactly the correct integration of interests i am searching for. one of the main attractions of the university’s program is not only its solid reputation in the field of engineering but its interdisciplinary nature as well. the prospect of studying ***in a new environment to broaden my horizon is a thrilling one, as it will raise new challenges for me to conquer.
compared with somebody holding a master degree from a chinese university, a graduate holding one from north america which is not only exam-oriented is much more competitive in china’s labour market. in addition, studying abroad may save time for me to gain the master degree. moreover, compared with us and britain, canada is able to offer international student the first-class education resources with lower expense and canada is