  Teacher's Day is coming. The students in the class are busy preparing to give presents to the teacher. I'm the same, but what's the gift for the teacher? I'm worried.
  9月9日晚上,我翻来覆去睡不着,因为我还没有准备好送给老师的礼物呢!都怪老爸,他说到店里买礼物送给老师是没意义的,要我自己想办法给老师准备礼物。坏老爸,不给钱就不给钱,小气鬼!怎么办?我苦思冥想。有了,给老师发短信。 对,就给老师发短信。现在是凌晨五点,我等不住了。于是,我偷偷地拿来老爸的手机,躲在被窝里给班主任蓝老师发了一封短信:蓝老师:您辛苦了,祝您节日快乐!接着,我又给英语李老师、数学曾老师、科学雷老师和信息梅老师发了短信,祝他们教师节快乐。
  On the night of September 9, I couldn't sleep because I didn't prepare the gift for my teacher. It's my father's fault. He said it's meaningless to buy a gift for my teacher in
the shop. He asked me to find a way to prepare a gift for my teacher. Bad Dad, don't give money if you don't give it, cheapskate! What should I do? I think hard. Yes, text the teacher. Yes, just text the teacher. It's five in the morning. I can't wait. So, I secretly took my father's mobile phone, hid in the quilt and sent a message to the teacher in charge of the class, Mr. LAN: you have worked hard, I wish you a happy holiday! Then, I sent a message to Mr. Li in English, Mr. Zeng in math, Mr. Lei in Science and Mr. Mei in information, I wish them a happy Teacher's day.
  On the morning of September 10, I came to the school early, because today is the teacher's holiday, I can't be late. But when I passed the teacher's office, I saw that the office was already full of students who came to school early to give gifts to teachers, a
nd the desk was full of big boxes and small boxes of gifts they gave. I am embarrassed to walk quickly through the corridor of the teacher's office, come to the classroom, and quietly sit in my own position.
  The first section is the class of teacher LAN. He said happily to us in class: Thank you, classmates, thank you for your blessing, thank you for your gift. Today, I'm really happy and excited. I received the gift from ye Xiangyu at five o'clock in the morning. It's the first gift I received today. I will keep it well. Thank you, ye Xiangyu. Thank you. The students are all focused on me. There was a brief silence in the classroom, followed by warm applause
  A text message, just a small gift I gave to teachers' day, has won such a warm applause, because it expresses my deep understanding and deep blessing to teachers: dear teachers, you have worked hard, I wish you a happy holiday!
教师节 礼物