第二,节目内容丰富,艺术水平高超。比赛现场,小演员们用标准而流利的英语口语和引人入胜的表演技巧将一个个精彩生动的小故事呈现在全体师生面前,每个人物形象都演绎得惟妙惟肖。 第三,本次大赛的实际意义巨大。学校开展此次活动的目的,通过用英语来表现平时的学习效果,让英语真正融入学生的生活。 比赛结束后王彧校长代表评委对本场比赛做了精彩点评,对英语教师的精心准备表示肯定;对获奖学生的精彩表现表示祝贺;对在场观看学生提出严格要求和思考。最后通过评委们从剧本编排、英语语
言、口语发音标准、表演技能、现场效果等方面的综合评分,六年(1)班的剧目《The snow white and seven dwarfs 》以出的表现折服了全场,荣获一等奖;六年(2)班的《Three little pigs》和五年(2)班的《Frogs are my friends》也以精彩的演出分获二等奖;四年(1)班的《Let’s a picnic》、2班的《 A clothes show》也各具特,并列三等奖。整个活动达到了预期的目标,在热烈而愉快的气氛中圆满落下帷幕。
A new study says one of the best ways to curb greenhouse gas emissions is to eat less meat. In fact, the study says meat consumption in the developed countries should be cut by 50 percent per person by 2050.
Meat production and consumption are expected to soar by 2050. That’s because the global population is projected to grow from the current 7 billion to 9 billion. But also, the diets of people in many developing countries are changing. Countries with emerging economies are seeing a sharp rise in protein consumption, especially red meat.
Davidson, the president and senior scientist at the Woods Hole Research Center in Massachusetts, said changing how people eat can have a dramatic effect on greenhouse gas emissions. If there is a growing demand for meat, that is going to end up requiring use of more nitrogen fertilizer and production of more livestock manure, both of which end
up resulting in unintentional releases of various forms of nitrogen to the environment, including nitrates to groundwater and surface water and also greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide to the atmosphere.
Davidson says the main sources of nitrous oxide are synthetic nitrogen fertilizers and storage and use of livestock manure. Therefore, farmers should be given incentives to use fertilizers and manure more judiciously.
Even if it were possible to turn off all harmful greenhouse gas emissions today, for the climate change would continue, we should start it sooner. So our children and grandchildren will have the more options in terms of being able to feed themselves and have prosperous lifestyles without environmental degradation.
Davidson’s findings appear in IOP Publishing’s Environmental Research Letters.
In my opinion, there’s considerable room for us to manage our portion sizes and the frequency with which we eat meat. I don’t think that means everybody suddenly needs to
e a vegetarian. Rather it’s kind of reversing the super size trend and being more mindful of the impacts of the amount of meat and the types of meat, both for the environment and our own health.