国家公共英语(二级)口试模拟试卷1 (题后含答案及解析)
题型有:1. 考生个人情况介绍 2. 考生相互问答 3. 继续性问答
正确答案:Examiner: Lily,tell me something about your job?Candidate A:Well,Im a English teacher. I teach postgraduate students who are majoring in English. Ive been working for about 5 years.Examiner: How do you like your job?Candidate A:My job is challenging and interesting. I like the students around me.Examiner: Wanglei,what is your major?Candidate B:I major in Business Management. I mainly study the International Business Management as it relates to foreign trade. How do you like your major? I enjoy it. Im glad I chose it because it suits me a lot. I just like learning the principles of Business. I like solving problems successfully. 
2. 题目1:口语老师:Candidate B, you want to get to Xidan in the quickest way. But you dont know which vehicle to take. Ask Candidate A to tell you. Use the words on the card to help you. (将Card lb递给考生B) Card lb乘 车方 式:票 价:特 点:所用时间:Candidate A, B wants to get Xidan quickly. Answer Candidate Bs questions using the information on this card. (将Card la递给考生A) Card la乘 车方 式:地铁票 价:每人3元特 点:快捷,不会遇到交通堵塞所用时间:20分钟题目2:口语老师:Candidate A, you want to telephone your family and you want to save money. Ask Candidate B to tell you. Use the words on the card to help you. (将 Card 2a递给考生A) Card 2a打电话方 式:价 钱:使用方法:优 点:Candidate B, A wants to telephone his/her family. Answer Candidate As question u-sing the information on the card. (将 Card 2b 递给考生 B) Card 2 b打电话方 式:用IP卡价 钱:国内长途每分钟3角使用方法:先拨17908,再拨卡号和密码即可拨打优 点:节省高达30%,可打许多地区