韩非子 英文版 [韩非子英文简介]
  韩非子生平经受  韩非子主要主见
        Feudal autocracy
        Han Fei advocated the establishment of a unified central and feudal authoritarian state in the countrys political system. Han Fei-zis law, surgery and potential combined political ideology are important elements of feudal despotism. Han Fei also inherited some of the thoughts of the feudal autocracy in Xunzi, and further theoretical and systematic, and thus become the advocate of feudal despotism.
        Although we can say that Confucianism Confucius Jun Jun, minister, father, son and Mencius father and son have pro, monarch and justice, couples are different and feudal despotism have a certain relationship, but not as Han Fei Speak clearly. Han Feizi Zhongxiao chapter, said: Chen Junjun, son of the father, wife and wife, the three governor o
f the rule of heaven, the three inverse of the world chaos, this world is also often. Han Fei, On the king, father, husband affiliation made sure, and the three of the cis as the world chaos often. This has the basic content of the three Gang. Coupled with Han Feis law, surgery, potential political ideas, so that the idea of feudal despotism basically formed.
        Han Feizi inherited and summed up the thought and practice of the legalists during the Warring States period, and put forward the legalist theory of monarchy. (Han Feizi real right), the power of the state, to focus on the monarch (saints) a person in the hands of the monarch must have the right to have the right to have the right Potential to manage the world, the main by virtue, thousands of times the king, so the system of the world and the princes who, with its power and potential (Han Feizi master). To this end, the monarch should use a variety of means to remove the hereditary slave owners aristocracy, scattered its party wins its auxiliary (Han Feizi main road); at the same time, select a group of practiced feudal officials to replace them, Prime Minister will play in the state, fier
ce will be issued in the soldiers Wu (Han Feizi). Han Feizi also advocated the reform and the implementation of the rule of law, asked the waste of the king of the teachings (Han Fei Zi asked field), law to teach (Han Fei Zi). He stressed that the development of the law, it is necessary to strictly enforcing, no one can exception, so that the law is not expensive do not avoid the ministers, reward and no husband (Han Feizi degree). He also believes that only the implementation of torture heavy punishment, the people will be obedient, the community can be stable, feudal rule to consolidate. Han Feis claims reflect the interests and demands of the new feudal landlord class, providing a theoretical basis for ending the feudal separatism and establishing a unified centralized feudal state.
        True match
        Han Feizi argued that the name is consistent, that the monarch should be based on the subjects of speech and performance is consistent to decide merit reward and punishment.
        For the people, he absorbed his teacher Xunzis nature of the evil theory, that the pe
oples nature is withered and happy, to the law to restrain the people, tortured to the people, can    So he thinks that the criminal law is precisely the performance of the people. (Han Feizi heart degree). Easy to ignore is that Han Fei is to reduce the peoples corvee and tax. He believes that a serious corvee and tax will only let the minister under the strong, not conducive to the rule of the king.
        For the minister, he thought to go to five beetles, against eight rape. (3) with a sword (referring to the Ranger); 4, the speaker (referring to the Confucian); 2, the speaker (referring to the vertical home); 3, with the sword (referring to the Ranger); 4 (Including those who depend on the aristocracy and evade military service); 5, business people. He believes that these people will disrupt the rule of law, is not conducive to farming war state of insects must be eradicated. The so-called eight rape, that is: 1 bed, refers to the monarchs wife concubine; 2 in the next, refers to haiku, dwarf and other monarchs credible attendants; 3 father and brother, refers to the monarch of the uncles brother; 6 popular, refers to search for lobbyists to buy peoples minds, to create public opinion under the minister; 7 Wei Qiang, refers to the people who want to please the monarch; 5
Min Meng 8 Quartet refers to the use of treasury financial resources to make great powers to cultivate personal forces under the minister. These people have good conditions to threaten the national security, like the anti-thieves like to prepare them.
        Han Feis claims reflect the interests and demands of the new feudal landlord class. Qin Shihuang unified China after the adoption of many political measures, is the application of Han Fei theory and development.
        Han Feizi is the end of the Warring States period South Korean legalists master Han Feis works. This book is now fifty-five, about ten million words, most of Han Feis own works. Han Fei Zi, a book, focusing on promoting the Korean illegal, academic, potential combination of the rule of law theory, reached the highest theory of the pre-Qin legalists, Qin unified six countries to provide theoretical weapons, but also for the future feudal autocracy System provides a theoretical basis.
        At that time, in the Chinese intellectual circles to Confucianism, Mohism for the show, advocating the law of the first king and retro, Han Feizis view is against the retro, a
dvocated due to time. Han Feizi, according to the situation at that time, advocated the rule of law, made rewards, heavy penalties, heavy agriculture, fighting four policies. Han Fei Zi advocated the monarchical power, since the Qin Dynasty, the Chinese dynasties feudal dynasty governance concept are popular Han Feizi theory.
        Reform is strong
        Reform and governance, change the map strong, is a major content of Han Fei thought. He inherited the Shang Yun different governance, the country can not ancient ideological tradition, put forward the endless repair ancient, illegal often point of view, advocated different things different, things are different. (Beetle)
        Han Fei advocated the theory of social history and evolution, that history is the development of the times, the contemporary must prevail in ancient times; people should be in accordance with the needs of reality to reform, do not have to follow the ancient trad
ition. Han Feizi analyzes human history with evolutionary historical point of view. He divided the history of mankind into ancient times, ancient times, ancient times, and now several stages, and then explain the different times of different times and solve the problem of the problem, that would like to use the old one way to manage the people of the world are    The disciples.