1.  A rose is a flower that produces a good s ________.
2.  A s udden e ________ happened in the village and almost nobody survived.
3.Although my grandpa is over 80 years old, he r ________ healthy and active.
4.As a p ________ basketball player, Yao Ming can be called a successful one.
5.As teenagers, we read both for p ________ and knowledge.
6.Astronauts came back successfully from the moon to the e ________.
7.Batman, Spiderman, Superman and Ironman are all h ________ in the movies who always help people
and save the world.
8.Bell learned how to send musical notes through an i ________ similar to a telephone.
9.  C ________ speak English and French.
10."—Can you help me take the box to my office?
—With p ________."
11.Children have different s ________ of learning: some learn by seeing, some by hearing, some by doing.
12.Could you t________ the sentence into English.
13."—Do you s ________ something wonderful from the kitchen?
—It must be mom cooking."
14.Don't forget to t ________ the story into English. They don't know Chinese.
15.Dr. Naismith d ________ the men in his class into two teams and taught them to play basketball.
16.Dr. Naismith d ________ the students in his class into two teams and taught them to play his new game.
17.Even the most ________(日常) activities can seem important.
18.Even though many people now know about tea culture, the Chinese are without d ________ the ones
who best understand the nature of tea.
19.For most people, stinky tofu s ________ terrible but tastes great.
20.H ________ are people who are admired for having done something very brave or having achieved
something great.
21.Hangzhou Marathon(马拉松) is d ________ into full marathon, half marathon, mini marathon, couples
run and family run.
22.Hangzhou National Tea Museum is a relaxing and p________ place to enjoy tea.
23.He had a p ________ trip last summer. He enjoyed himself a lot.
24.He has a habit of keeping a diary to record d ________ activities.
25.He m ________ several useful books in the course of his speech and I took notes in time.
26.He said he just didn’t like the job anyhow, but that was just s ________ grapes.
27.He t ________ this passage from English into German.
28.He used to be a very quiet teenager. He r ________ silent most of the time and seldom talked to other
29.House prices are dropping, so you can buy a house at a l ________ price than before.
30."—How is your homework, Tony?
—N ________ finished. I need ten more minutes."
31."—How was your holiday, Tom?
—Don’t m ________ it. It was totally destroyed by the heavy rain."
32.I can understand the main purpose of the writer, but it’s hard to t _______ the article into Chinese
33.I d________ if Ben has the ability to deal with the problem, but as you all believe in him, let's give him a
34.I don’t know how much food there is in the f ________. Maybe I should get some from the supermarket.
35.I don’t know whether it’s going to rain tomorrow, but if it does, I would r ________ at home.
36.I was n____ knocked down by a fast car while crossing the road.
37.I’ve added too much salt to the noodles so they taste quite s ________.
38.In China, tea is regarded as the n ________ drink because most Chinese people like drinking it.
39.In our hotel, we should provide the best service for our c ________ and let them feel at home.
40.In P.E. class, the students are always d ________ into several groups to have a competition.
41.It is said that a Chinese r ________ called Shen Nong was the first to discover tea as a drink.
42.It was n ________ 9: Our headmaster didn’t have dinner because of busy work.
43.Jane is not only good at singing but also good at playing all kinds of musical i ________.
44.Jenny is a shy girl. She never answers teachers’ questions in class and always speaks in a very l ________
45.Koala are l ________ in the book as Australia’s endangered animals, so we should protect them.
46.Last year many of his short stories were __________ into some foreign languages.
47.Li Na is without d ________ one of the greatest tennis players in the world.
48.Lionel Messi, Ellen Page, Zheng Jie and Usher are all my h ________. They are very great!
49.Many pioneers were m________ in that website.
50.Many regular c ________ have noticed that the service in the restaurant is not as good as before.
51.Many young people look up to these basketball h ________ and want to become like them.
52.Mr. Bell learnt to send m ________ notes through an instrument similar to a telephone. It sound beautiful.
53.N ________ half of the passengers got injured during the accident.
54.People put fruit and vegetable in a f ________ to keep them fresh.
55.Ping pong has become a national sport because n ________ all the people in China can play it for fun or
56.Tests are without d ________ students’ top worries.
57."—Thank you for helping me download the app.
—It’s my p ________."
58."—Thanks for helping me out.
—Don’t m ________ it."
59.The big cake was d ________ into small pieces for us to share.
60.The birthday cake is d ________ into eight pieces so everyone can enjoy it.
miss a fei61.The book was t ________ into fifteen languages and sold worldwide.
62.The c ________ in the restaurant wonder why the dish sells so well.
63.The c ________ said the potatoes were not thin enough. They didn’t like them.
64."—The door is l ________ and I can’t go into the room.
—Don’t worry. I have the key to it."
65.The door was l ________, so we had to wait outside.
66.The f ________ is empty, so we have to go out for dinner tonight.
67.The fish has gone bad and it has a terrible s ________.
68.The h ________ returned to their hometown from the battle field, and people thanked them for
protecting the country.
69.The Internet is playing a more and more important part in our d ________ life.
70.The meat is producing a terrible s _________. Throw it away!
71.The meat you bought last week s_________ terrible. It must have gone bad.
72.The milk should be kept at a l________ temperature in the fridge.
73.The mountain is difficult to climb. It’s n ________ 1500 meters tall.
74.The problem now we face were m ________ in his speech, but he didn't give the way to solve them.
75.The s ________ of this skirt is just in season, it sells very well in the shop.
76.The science teacher told us that water b ________ at the temperature of 100 C.
77.The soup tastes s ________, maybe you have put too much salt in it.
78.The students were d ________into four groups before doing experiments yesterday.
79.The temperature today is l ________ than that of yesterday, so put on your coat before going out.
80.The traders from America spread the p ________ of McDonald’s all over the world.
81.The watermelon was d ________ into four parts and each group got one.
82.There is a big garden in front of our house. The flowers in it s ________ really sweet.
83.There is no d ________ of his success. You know, he is so clever and hard-working.
84.There is no d ________ that fruit and vegetables are good for our health.
85.There is no d ________ that our school is one of the best schools in Hangzhou.
86.There is no d ________ that she will be the final winner. She has been practicing in the past two weeks.
87.There is no d ________ that we Chinese are the ones who best understand the nature of tea.
88.There is no d____ that English is very important for us to learn.
89.These apples were d ________ into quarters by Miss Smith.
90.They let a tea plant fell into the water and r ________ there for some time.
91.Think about how often it’s used in our d ________ lives.
92.Those daily hard-working fathers are the real h ________ in our life. They are great.
93.Though it wasn’t m________ in the article, we can infer from the third paragraph.
94.Tom is p ________ to take a trip this weekend with his friends.
95.Tom studies English hard every day. However, his English r ________ poor.
96.Two famous men, Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai were m ________ in this passage.
97.We can improve our English by reading English newspaper like China D____.
98.We were d ________ into six groups in the English class and were asked to do the report work with our
99.We were d ________ into two teams to play this game yesterday.
100.Without d ________ Fu Yuanhui has been one of the most popular swimmers since the Rio Olympics. 101.Without d ________, Yao Ming in one of the greatest basketball players in the word.
102.Would you please d________ the big apple into two halves and give me a half?
103.Would you please t _________ it into Chinese for me? I know little French.
104.X-man, Spider Man, Bat-man, they are all h________ in the movie.
105.You can say something about your d ________ life.
106.Yue Fei and Lin Zexu are national h ________ of China and we Chinese should never forget them. 107.Yue Fei is thought to be one of the national h ________ in China.