田朴珺梁家辉 毕业设计(论文)
作 者: 仇莹 学 号: ********
专 业: 汽车技术服务与营销
指导者: | 刘勺华 陈德富 | |
评阅者: | |
2013 年 5 月
车险体系的完善和发展对我国汽车工业的发展意义重大。文章针对我国车险的现状,借鉴了美国、日本在车险方面的先进经验,出存在的差距,并据此提出我国车险体系的未来发展趋势:随着社会经济的发展,汽车保有量不断增加。汽车给人们出行带来便利的同时,由于交通事故叉引发了复为严重的社会问题。经过世界各国保险实战证明,车辆保险是防范化解车辆风险,解决速一社会问题的唯一有效办法,并且因其效益和规模成为财险公司最重要的险种。中国车辆保险市场已具备一定规模和特,但因发展历史较短,还存在不足。本文通过对我国汽车保险市场现状的分析,使人们能够更加清楚地了解我国汽车保险市场。 关键词:保险 汽车 发展 趋势苹果手机充电器 |
Title:__ Current Situation And Development Trend Of China´s Automobile Insurance Abstract: Perfection and development of auto insurance system is of great importance to the development of China auto industry. Based on the current status advanced experience of USA and Japan, gap is found out and the development trend of China insurance system is presented. With the society-economic development, increasing car ownership Auto travel convenience to people, because of the traffic accident-caused complex as a serious social problem China's Auto insurance market has a certain scale and characteristics, but due to the relatively short history, there is insufficient. This article on China's automobile insurance analysis of the market enables people to more clearly understand our automobile insurance market. Keywords : insure automobile develop trend |