  when the mid-autumn festival is near, shop windows are beautifully decorated. many moon cakes are displayed for people to buy. peopl//e send presents such aswine, fruits and moon cakes to their friends and relatives. in the evening of the day, they have a feast. after the feast, they go out to the garden to look at the moon. the children run and laugh on the streets.
  the introduction of the mid-autumn day:
  zhong qiu jie, which is also known as the mid-autumn festival, is celebrated on the 15th da
y of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. it is a time for family members and loved ones to congregate and enjoy the full moon - an auspicious symbol of abundance, harmony and luck. adults will usually indulge in fragrant mooncakes of many varieties with a good cup of piping hot chinese tea, while the little ones run around with their brightly-lit lanterns.
  zhong qiu jie probably began as a harvest festival. the festival was later given a mythological flavour with legends of chang-e, the beautiful lady in the moon.aording to chinese mythology, the earth once had 10 suns circling over it. one day, all 10 suns appeared together, scorching the earth with their heat. the earth was saved when a strong archer, hou yi, sueeded in shooting down 9 of the suns. yi stole the elixir of life to save the people from his tyrannical rule, but his wife, chang-e drank it. thus started the legend of the lady in the moon to whom young chinese girls would pray at the mid-autumn festival.
  mid-autumn day is a traditional festival in china. almost everyone likes to eat mooncakes on that day. most families have a dinner together to celebrate the festival. a saying goes, t
he moon in your hometown is almost always the brightest and roundest. many people who live far away from homes want to go back to have a family reunion. how happy it is to enjoy the moon cakes while watching the full moon with your family members.
  mid-autumn day中秋节
  mooncakes with meat / nuts 肉馅/果仁月饼ham mooncake火腿月饼
  grapefruit / pomelo / shaddock柚子glue pudding汤圆
  lantern / scaldfish灯笼
  chang e嫦娥
  hou yi后羿
  light lantern点灯笼
  carry the lantern around提灯笼burn incense烧香
  fire dragon dances火龙舞
  family reunion家庭团聚 / 圆篇三:有关中秋节的英文介绍
  mid-autumn day 中秋节
中秋节好词好句  mid-autumn day is a traditional festival in china. almost everyone likes to eat mooncakes on that day. most families have a dinner together to celebrate the festival. a saying goes, the moon in your hometown is almost always the brightest and roundest. many people wh
o live far away from homes want to go back to have a family reunion. how happy it is to enjoy the moon cakes while watching the full moon with your family members.
  zhong qiu jie, which is also known as the mid-autumn festival, is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. it is a time for family members and loved ones to congregate and enjoy the full moon - an auspicious symbol of abundance, harmony and luck. adults will usually indulge in fragrant mooncakes of many varieties with a good cup of piping hot chinese tea, while the little ones run around with their brightly-lit lanterns.
  zhong qiu jie probably began as a harvest festival. the festival was later given a mytholo
gical flavour with legends of chang-e, the beautiful lady in the moon. 中秋节最早可能是一个庆祝丰收的节日。后来,月宫里美丽的仙女嫦娥的神话故事赋予了它神话彩。
  aording to chinese mythology, the earth once had 10 suns circling over it. one day, all 10 suns appeared together, scorching the earth with their heat. the earth was saved when a strong archer, hou yi, sueeded in shooting down 9 of the suns. yi stole the elixir of life to save the people from his tyrannical rule, but his wife, chang-e drank it. thus started the legend of the lady in the moon to whom young chinese girls would pray at the mid-autumn festival.
将士们曾把联络信藏在月饼里。因此,中秋节后来也成为汉人推翻蒙古人统治的纪念日。 在元朝,蒙古人统治中国。前朝 * 们不甘心政权落入外族之手,于是密谋策划联合起义。正值中秋将近,起义首领就命令部下制作一种特别的月饼,把起义计划藏在每个月饼里。到中秋那天,起义军获取胜利,推翻了元朝,建立明朝。今天,人们吃月饼纪念此事。