  “I am not afraid of storms,for I am learning how to sail my ship.”
  “Love covers a multitude of sins…”
  “such hours are beautiful to live,but very hard to describe…”
  “I don't like favors; they oppress and make me fell like a slave.I'd rather do everything for
myself,and be perfectly independent.”
  “Simple,sincere people seldom speak much of their piety; it shows itself in acts rather than words,and has more influence than homilies or protestations.”
  The little old woman:one is the happiest thing is that somebody loves you.
  When you are at my time,I absent-minded,
  When I e to you,when you have gone.
  We are always in a meeting to miss,losing a lot of.
  However,I want to say this is because we are still young.
  No,perhaps this is our life.
  From then on,I always looked back the road.
  Jo:(二,喜欢写作) Merry Christmas, Mr. Higgins.
  Higgins(邻居): Merry Christmas, Jo.
  Beth(小妹,喜欢钢琴) :Did you hurt yourself, Jo?
  Jo: No, I never hurt myself.
  Beth :Where have you been, Jo?
  Jo: Skating. And it was splendid, my Beth.
  Beth: Look! We've just finished trimming(装扮) the tree.
  Jo: Oh, Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents.
  Amy(三,喜欢画画,有点小自私) :It's dreadful(可怕的) to be poor.
  Meg(大,喜欢打扮):I especiallyly feel it because I remember when we used to be rich.
  Jo: I remember, too.
  Amy: I certainly do not think it's fair for some girls to have plenty of lovely things,
  and other, prettier girls have nothing at all.
  Beth: We are better off than a lot orphans(孤儿),for instance. We have father
  and marmee(妈妈). And each other.
wonder girls成员  Jo: We haven't got father. We practically won't have him for a long time.
  Beth: But the men in the army are having such a terrible winter. So I think it's right when marmee said we shouldn't buy each other presents. We have to make sacrifices(牺牲).
  Meg: I'm glad to make them, but I am tired of ma-ki-ng these old dresses over year after year.
  Jo: At least you're the first to wear them, and you are the oldest.
  Amy: I don't think any of you suffer as I do. You don't have to go to school with impertinent(无礼的) girls who label(评论) your father,just because he's poor.
  Jo: If you mean libel, then say so, and stop talking about label as if papa was a pickle(调味) bottle.
  Amy: I know what I mean. And you needn't be satirical(挖苦) about it. It's proper to use g
ood words and improve one's vocabulary(词汇).
  Jo: Vocabulary? Christopher Columbus(老天). Aren't we elegant?
  Meg: Don't use slang words(粗话),Jo.
  Amy: And stop whistling! So boylish!
  Jo: That's why I do it.
  Amy: Oh, how I detest (讨厌)rude unladylike girls!
  Jo: And I hate affected niminy-piminy chits.(做作的小女孩)
  Beth :Birds in their little nests (巢)agree.
  Meg: Amy, you're too prim(正经). If you don't take care, you're going to grow up and be an affected little goose. (做作的女人) And as for you Jo, now that you've turned up your hair, you should realize you're a young lady.
  Jo: I'm not. And if turning up my hair makes me old, I'll wear it in two tails(辫子) till I'm 90. I won't grow up and be MiMarch. I won't wear long gowns(长袍) and look like a china aster(翠菊). I'll never get over my disappointment of not being a boy. Look at me!Dying to go and fight by father's side. And here I am ,sitting and knitting(做针线活), like a pokey(迟钝) old woman.
  Meg : Knitting? Bleme(我的天).
  Beth: Poor Jo.
  Jo: I don't want any pity. Because someday I intend to be a famous writer, and make my fortune selling stories. Then I shall live and behave as I please. And you'll all ride around in fine carriages(马车). And you, my Beth, you will have a new piano. And Meg, you will have ten dozen dresses and satin slippers(丝绸拖鞋). And red-headed boys to dance with.
  Meg :I should like that.
  Jo: So there's no use fighting now. Come on now, let's rehearse(排练) the play. Beth, you play someone gruesome(可怕的)Amy, I wrote a new scene for you. It's wonderful!
  Amy: Oh, no.
  Jo: It's perfectly si-mp-le. All you have to do is shout. "Roderigo, Roderigo, save me!" and faint(晕).
  Amy: and faint. Oh, I can do that. I planned my costume(服装), too. It's absolutely plain(简单)with all the colors of the rainbow in it.