file too large翻译
file too large翻译是“文件过大”。大文件发送
1. The email attachment is file too large to send.这个邮件附件文件过大,无法发送。
2. I can't open the file because it is too large for my computer's memory.我无法打开这个文件,因为它对我的计算机内存来说太大了。
3. The video file is too large to fit on a single DVD.这个视频文件太大,无法放在一张DVD上。
4. I can't upload the photo online because it exceeds the file size limit.我无法在线上传这张照片,因为它超过了文件大小限制。
5. The document cannot be saved as the file is too large for the disk space available.由于磁盘空间不足,无法将文档保存为文件。
6. To reduce the file's size, you can compress it using a file compression tool.如果要减小文件的大小,可以使用文件压缩工具来压缩它。
7. You may need to convert the file to a different format if the current one is too large.如果当前的文件太大,你可能需要将该文件转换成其他格式。
8. The file size cannot be reduced without compromising the quality of the image.无法在不损失图片质量的情况下减小文件大小。
9. Upgrading your storage plan on the cloud service will allow you to upload larger files.升级云存储服务的存储方案可以让你上传更大的文件。
10. The software crashed when I tried to open a file that was too large for it to handle.当我尝试打开一个对该软件来说太大而无法处理的文件时,软件崩溃了。
11. Unable to attach file because it exceeds the maximum file size permitted.无法附加该文件,因为它超过了允许的最大文件大小。
12. The server rejected the file upload due to its excessive size.由于文件过大,服务器拒绝了上传。