作者:黄英亮 黄广超 崔灿 张晨光 杜罗娜 史斌
        摘要: 随着科技的发展,人们越来越重视机器人的研发与应用,集科技、娱乐于一身的舞蹈机器人迅速得到人们的青睐。本文利用PEST分析法,通过对政治、经济、社会、技术四个方面的具体分析,发现高校舞蹈机器人表演具有巨大的商业价值。在此基础上,将高校舞蹈机器人商业表演与推广的问题抽象为PDCA循环模型,在传统开发方案的基础上,充分利用舞蹈机器人表演形式的新颖性,按照调研-宣传-推广的步骤,制定出以高校自发展型为主,技术转让型为辅的推广模式, 最终将高校舞蹈机器人由参加比赛的单一模式向研发、宣传、表演、维护一体化的商业模式转变。
        Abstract With the development of science people attach great importance to the research and application of the robots gradually. In this case the dance robots which have the function of science and entertainment draw people's attention. This article uses the "PEST" to make concrete analysis from the point of polity economy society and tec
hnology. Not so hard to draw the conclusion that the dance robots in colleges and universities have potential commercial values. The topic is abstracted as the circle model of PDCA. On the basic of traditional developmental approaches this article makes a model which centers on university self-development type and is supplemented by the technology transfer model. Finally turn single-mode which the dance robots in colleges and universities follow to integrated business model containing the research development promotion performance and maintenance.