[.CAREFUL READING (40 pointy 2 points each)
LC    2. A    3. B    4. D 5, D
6. C
7. D
8. A
9. A10, B
n/D 12. C13. A 14. D15. A
16. B 17. C IS. D W, B 20, C
IL SPEED READING (10 points^ 1 point each)
21. C 22. B23. A 24. B25. A
26. B 27. B 28. A 29. D 30. C
UL DISCOURSE CLOZE C1Q points, 1 point each)
3L G 32. C»・J 34. E35. H
36. A37. F38. D 39. K 40. L
IV. WORD FORMATION ( 10 poiots, 1 point each)
4 k irregularity 42. utterly43. excellence
44. activate 45. influential 46. ensure/insurc
47, variety 48r respectful 49. wholly酚怎么读
50. purify
V.GAP FILLING (10 points^ 1 point each)
51_ cultural 52. small 53. sliares/shared 54. combination
55. for 56- to 57. whom 58. where
59. so 60- &cm
VI.SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (10 points, S points each)
61. (1) Eugenics was so popular in the U.S. in the 1920s that it became commonsensical. (2)
It affecteu American politics, social sciences, medicine, public policy, aesthetic theory, literature, and popular culture, (3) It influenced both white American wrilers and African American intellectuals. Eugenics in some form showed up in various writings between 1890 and 1940.
62- There were a number of reasons for the success of eugenics in the U.S. (I) First, it appealed to a wide variety of modem American intellectuals. (2) Second, the U.S/s particular historical circumstances in the early twentieth ccnturj r helped fiirdier explain the ideology that promised to increase national competitiveness and efficiency. (3) Finally, Americans accepted eugenics because it provided them with a th&ory that supportedl racism around the turn of the twentieth century.
t评分参考】本题共分三个采分点,(I )占1.3分,(2)占2分,(3)占1.5分.遗生只要答出其由的大意即可,答题语言不要紊一致.
VII.TRAN SLATION (10 points, 2 points each)