例: El Nino is the name given to the mysterious and often unpredictable change in the climate of the world. This strange
__47__ happens every five to eight years. It starts in the Pacific Ocean and is thought to be caused by a failure in the trade winds, which affects the ocean currents driven by these winds. As the trade winds lessen in __48__ , the ocean temperatures rise, causing the Peru current flowing in from the east to warm up by as much as 5°C
The warming of the ocean has far-reaching effects. The hot , humid air over the ocean causes severe __49__ thunderstorms. The rainfall is increased across South America __50__ floods to Peru. In the W
est Pacific, there are droughts affecting Australia and Indonesia. So while some parts or the world prepare for heavy rains and floods, other parts face drought, poor crops and __51__.
El Nino usually lasts for about 18 months. The 1982-83 El Nino brought the most __52__ weather in modern history. Its effect was worldwide and it left more than 2,000 people dead and caused over eight billon pounds __53__ of damage. The 1990 El Nino lasted until June 1995. Scientists __54__ this to be the longest El Nino for 2,000 years.
Nowadays, weather expert are able to forecast when an El Nino will __55__, buy they still not __56__ sure what leads to it or what affects how strong it will be.
A) estimate I) completely
B) strength J) destructive
C) deliberately K) starvation
D) notify L) bringing
英语四级技巧E) tropical M) exhaustion
F) phenomenon N) worth
G) stable O) strike
H) attraction
名词有B) strength F) phenomenon H) attraction K) starvation M) exhaustion N) worth;
动词有A) estimate D) notify L) bringing O) strike;
副词有C) deliberately I) completely;
形容词有E) tropical G) stable J) destructive
影响。第⼀段讲述了El Nino的成因,原El Nino,如果不认识没有关系,因为第⼀句后半段有climate 这个单词,这说明El Nino与⽓候变化有关,注意第⼆句开头的This strange __47__就是指El Nino,之后有动词happens,说明47题应该填⼀个名词,结合上下⽂,只有F) phenomenon适合。再看48题,也是⼀个名词的辨析,由空格之前的介词in得知。前⼀句的failure和本句的lessen意思⼀样,表⽰“减少,减弱”,所以判断选B) strength,表⽰风的⼒量减弱。由语⾔环境判断这两个空全部填名词,所以在具体选择答案时⼀定要结合上下⽂的意思。再看第⼆段, thunderstorms是名词,所以49空应填形容词来修饰它,E) tropical“热带的”符合,表⽰“热带风暴”。50空前的句意是“南美的降⾬量增加”谓语动词是“is increased”,所以后半句应使⽤⾮谓语动词形式,表⽰“给秘鲁带来洪⽔” L) bringing正好表⽰“带来”。51题由句意就可判断出答案,“⼀部分地区洪⽔泛滥,⽽另⼀部分地区遭遇⼲旱”,该处与drought, poor crops意思并列,只有K) starvation“饥饿”符合。52题⼜可由词性来判断,weather是名词,之前应⽤形容词修饰,并且由上下⽂判断这个词是个贬义词,因此选J) destructive“具有破坏性”。53题后的of damage表⽰“.…..的损失”所
以“over eight billon pounds __53__”是⽤来修饰它的,根据句意,只有N) worth “价值”与pounds意思相近,表⽰“带来80亿英镑的损失”。54题根据句⼦结构判断空格处应填⼊谓语动词,前⼀句“厄尔尼诺现象从90年持续到95 年”与本句存在推测关系,所以填⼊A) estimate。55题前的will和应填的词之间是“情态动词+动词”的关系,通过排除法选择O) strike,意思为“科学家们可以提前预测厄尔尼诺现象的发⽣”。56题由词性判断选择副词I) completely,它修饰动词sure,表⽰“科学家不⼗分确信……”
这是⼀篇与⽓候有关的⽂章。El Nino(厄尔尼诺现象)反复出现,是⽂章的中⼼词。像这类热门的话题词汇,考⽣应格外关注,因为四、六级考试越来越注重与实际问题的结合。如果⼀眼就洞察出它的意思,那么就能轻松理解⽂章的⼤意,这对成绩的提⾼很有帮助。通过以上讲解,读者不难发现词性划分对于提⾼15选10这类题型的答题速度和正确率起着举⾜轻重的作⽤,考⽣应多加练习,掌握其中的规律。