/ 《最适合自习时收听的音乐》

自习室,神圣的地方,既要让自己很高效进入学习状态,又不打扰旁边的同学,本精选集精选一些大家认为最适合自习室收听的音乐。风格嘛:较轻快(但又不能太欢快,否则易分散学习注意力),不吵,同时又不能太迷幻让自习的同学昏昏入睡。 谢谢大家推荐,我会不停编辑这个精选,删除一些不合适的新加一些不错的。[详细]


01 Hey Stephen -- Taylor Swift
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“”@1天前 by 笑笑
02 Hey my friend -- Tommy heavenly6
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“”@1天前 by kamy
03 Traveling Light -- Joel Hanson
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这是虾米网上试听最多的一首歌曲,可惜Joel Hanson在虾米网上也仅有这么一首歌,所以不收听不下载就太可惜。”@1天前 by 篱歌唱晚
04 I Can't Change (new ... -- Sophie Zelmani
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曾经的邻家女孩,是否唤醒你记忆里那份朦胧?”@1天前 by 篱歌唱晚
05 All The Way To -- Rosie Thomas
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清新的吉他,优美的钢琴,婉转柔和的声线,这个来自西雅图的美丽女人给民谣界带来了不同以往的声音。”@1天前 by 篱歌唱晚
06 Hear Me Cry -- 原声带
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“”@1天前 by 篱歌唱晚
07 We Don't Try -- Chris Garneau
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“”@1天前 by 篱歌唱晚
08 3 Times and You Lose -- Travis
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“”@1天前 by 篱歌唱晚
09 Hallelujah -- Jeff Buckley
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一个短命的天才,翻唱Leonard Cohen最经典的曲目同时也成为了经典。”@1天前 by 篱歌唱晚
10 Le Retour -- Yann Tiersen
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“”@1天前 by 篱歌唱晚
11 Sorry -- Queensberry
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“”@1天前 by 篱歌唱晚
12 Stay Here Forever -- Jewel
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“”@1天前 by 篱歌唱晚
13 Trouble Is A Friend -- Lenka
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还记得那个唱The ShowLenka么?这可是澳洲的声音。”@1天前 by 篱歌唱晚
14 Top Of The World -- Naomi & Goro
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“”@1天前 by 篱歌唱晚
15 Only Time -- Enya
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凯尔特灵魂,悠扬的歌曲带你回到那个古老的国度。”@1天前 by 篱歌唱晚
16 Quiet Heart -- Kent
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“”@1天前 by 篱歌唱晚
17 Life is Wonderful -- Jason Mraz
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Lalalala Life is wonderfulJason Mraz曾在Twitter上说过一句话,大意是如果我还享受现在又能要求怎样呢?总之我记不住了。”@1天前 by 篱歌唱晚
18 To Be By Your Side -- Bruno Coulais
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“”@1天前 by 篱歌唱晚
19 Father & Son -- Rod Stewart
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“”@1天前 by 篱歌唱晚
20 Love to Be Loved by ... -- Marc Terenzi
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“”@1天前 by 篱歌唱晚
21 Moongate -- Secret Garden
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“”@1天前 by 篱歌唱晚
22 Valder Fields -- Tamas Wells
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“”@1天前 by TinKioLea
23 Heartbeats -- Amy Diamond
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“”@1天前 by 篱歌唱晚
24 Wish You Well -- Katie Herzig
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“”@1天前 by mocca+
25 We Are One -- Kelly Sweet
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“”@1天前 by boylook
26 Canon in D 室内管弦版卡农 -- Jean-François Paillard:
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“”@1天前 by boylook
27 Replenish The Earth -- Dan Gibson
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“”@1天前 by 爱琴海
28 A World Of Wonder -- Dan Gibson
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“”@1天前 by 爱琴海
29 In the Sun -- She & Him
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“”@1天前 by jovi
30 Silver -- Lampshade
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“”@1天前 by ♠ 蜜 柚
31 Say Yes -- Elliott Smith
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“”@1天前 by 穿穿
32 Dear Darkness -- PJ Harvey
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“”@1天前 by anne
33 Bicycle Tricycle -- Rosie Thomas
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“”@1天前 by 小块
34 Wonderful Tonight -- Eric Clapton
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“”@1天前 by 篱歌唱晚
35 你喔 -- 苏打绿
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大学生生活嘛。这旋律特能让回忆保留。”@21小时前 by 不朽音符
36 背着你 -- 苏打绿
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