复仇者联盟3无限战争中英对照剧本这是阿斯加德This is the Asgardian
难民船领袖号refugee vessel Statesman.我们受到了攻击We are under assault.重复我们受到了攻击I repeat, we are under assault.
引擎受损生命保障系统失灵The engines are dead, life support failing.
请求范围内任何船只的支援Requesting aid from any vessel within range.
我们目前位于距阿斯加德跳跃点的位置We arejump points out of Asgard.
我们的船员都是阿斯加德平民Our crew is made up of Asgardian families.
我们的士兵寥寥无几We have very few soldiers here.
这不是战舰This is not a warcraft.
重复这不是战舰I repeat, this is not a warcraft.
听我说你们该感到欣喜Hear me and rejoice.
伟大的泰坦拯救了你们You have had the privilege
这是无上的光荣of being saved by the Great Titan.
你们可能认为这是痛苦吧You may think this is suffering.
这是救赎It is salvation.
万物的天平Universal scales tip toward balance
因为你们的牺牲而走向平衡because of your sacrifice.
即使面对死亡For even in death,
你们仍是灭霸的子民you have become Children of Thanos.
我知道失败的滋味I know what it's like to lose.
尽管绝望地认为自己能赢To feel so desperately that you'
却还是输了yet to fail, nonetheless.
当恐惧It's frightening.
使你两腿发软Turns the legs to jelly.
我问你什么是最后的结局But I ask you, to what end?
害怕或是逃避Dread it, run
命运终会到来destiny arrives all the same.
就在现在就在这里And now, it's here.
或者我应该说Or should
我就是命运I am.
你话太多了You talk too much.
要宇宙魔方The Tesseract.
还是你哥哥的命Or your brother's head.
我猜你已经有了主意吧?I assume you have a preference.
是的Oh, I do.
动手吧Kill away.
够了停下!All right, stop!
宇宙魔方没在我们手上We don't have the Tesseract.
它与阿斯加德一起毁灭了It was destroyed on Asgard.
我怎么会有你这样的弟弟You really are the worst brother.
我向你保证哥哥I assure you,
我们会没事的the sun will shine on us again.
你真是盲目乐观阿斯加德人Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian.
好吧第一点我不是阿斯加德人Well, for one thing, I'm not Asgardian.
我们有浩克we have a Hulk.
让他点乐子吧Let him have his fun.
让黑暗魔法最后再赐我一次let the dark magic flow through me
你不该这样做That was a mistake.
你会为此偿命的!You're going to die for that.
将臣服于您的伟大bows before your grandeur.
从来没有人有如此达能No other being has ever had
能掌控无限宝石而且还是两个to wield not one, but two Infinity Stones.
整个宇宙都在您的掌握之中The universe lies within your grasp.
还有两枚宝石在地球上There are two more stones on Earth.
到它们我的孩子们把它们给我带回泰坦星Find them, my children, and bring them tome on Titan.
我们不会让您失望的父亲Father, we will not fail you.
请让我插句话If I might interject.
如果你们要去地球最好带上一个向导If you're going to Earth, you might want a guide.对于那里我可以说是很有经验的I do have a bit of experience in that arena.
你说的是失败的经验吧If you consider failure experience.
失败是成功之母I consider experience experience.
我洛基阿斯加德的王子I, Loki, prince
尤顿海姆的正统之王the rightful king
在此向你投诚do hereby pledge
且永不背叛my undying fidelity.
你用词应该更小心一点You should choose your words more carefully.
一个真正的神a god.
这次不会再有什么假死的把戏了No resurrections this time.
不洛基No. Loki.
你不是说笑吧?你一分钱都没有?Seriously, you don't have any money?
那我跟熟食店的伙计说说I'll tell the guys at the deli.
也许他们能给你做个精神火腿面包Maybe they'll make you a metaphysical ham on rye.等等我觉得我有Oh. Wait, wait, wait. I think I have .
卢布也就是?Rupees. Which is?
.美元吧Uh, buck and a half.
你想吃点什么What do you want?
给我弄个吞拿鱼三明治就行I wouldn't say no to a tuna melt.
灭霸要来了Thanos is coming.
我们得赶快...He's coming.
慢点儿慢点儿我来说说清楚Slow down, slow down. I'll spell it out for you.