In this 21st century of increasing interconnections, countries in the world is communicating with each ot
her at a closer and more frequent pace, covering the fields of politics, economy, cultures and so on. Closer networking has enabled these countries an effective and efficient information updating in the present "global village". Based on this, China's choice of outbound cultural communication is of both necessity and historical significance. The Chinese music is an important role in this process. Yet the outcome of this action is not satisfying as expected. Against this background, the overseas Confucius Institute is to be furhter explored as an excellent channel for the exchange.
From an interdisciplinary perspective, this research is combining theories of Music and Communication to analyze the special role Confucius Institutes play in the Chinese music's "going global". To be secific, the author is approaching the subject with the aid of the "5W" communication theory. Beginning with the analysis of communicator, content, mode of communication, audience, etc., the paper is trying to locate the practical dilemma of Chinese music culture's global spreading in Confucius Institutes, and tries to pinpoint reasonable and scientific solutions to provide reference for decision-making by related authorities.
Keywords:Chinese music; External communication; Dilemma; Strategy; Confucius Institute
中文摘要 ........................................................... I Abstract ............................................................................................................................................... II 绪  论 (1)
第一章 中国音乐文化对外传播概述 (7)
第一节中国音乐文化对外传播内涵 (7)
一、中国音乐的内涵 (7)
二、文化与文化传播的内涵 (8)
第二节中国音乐文化对外传播历程 (9)
一、汉唐时期 (9)
二、宋明时期 (10)
三、明末清初 (11)
第三节中国音乐文化对外传播特征 (12)
一、传播人才的多元性 (12)
二、传播方式的丰富性 (13)
三、传播内容的广泛性 (13)
四、传播对象的分散性 (14)
本章小结 (15)
第二章 中国音乐文化对外传播现状 (17)
第一节孔子学院 (17)
一、孔子学院传播渠道 (17)
二、孔子学院传播功能 (18)
三、孔子学院传播模式 (21)
第二节中国音乐文化对外传播困境 (23)
一、孔子学院:传播力受阻 (23)
二、传播人才:量少质不高 (24)
三、传播内容:表层缺特 (25)
四、传播方式:娱乐化过度 (26)
第三节影响因素 (26)
一、外部因素制约 (26)
二、内部因素限制 (27)
本章小结 (28)
第三章 中国音乐文化对外传播优化策略 (29)
第一节传播策略 (29)
一、传播策略的概念 (29)
二、传播策略的意义 (30)
第二节“5W”对外传播优化策略 (30)
一、审视孔子学院传播功能 (30)
二、培养“综合型”传播人才 (32)
三、平衡“本体维度”与“本土化程度” (34)
四、结合“教授式”与“浸润式”传播方式 (36)
五、尊重受传者差异 (38)
本章小结 (39)
第四章 中国音乐文化对外传播意义 (41)
第一节扭转中外音乐交流逆差 (41)
第二节 增强民族文化自信 (41)
第三节 提升国家文化软实力 (42)
第四节 维护人类文明多样性 (43)
本章小结 (43)
结  论 (44)
参考文献 (45)
致  谢 (49)
攻读学位期间发表论文 (50)
独创性声明 (51)