1.used to与would 的区别
表示过去的继续状态或过去的习惯(和现在与未来相比)时,通常要用used to,而不用would.在表示过去的习惯是两者都可以用。但是would常表示含用感情成分的主观意思,而used to则表较客观的意思。
used to表示相当长时间的习惯,而would则表示某动作对的重复,其习惯的意味较淡,因此通常与often, sometime等词连用
eg:  He would say so when he was young.他年轻时常这么说。
    He used to be a naughty boy.他从前是一个顽皮的孩子。
be/get used to sth/doing sth 习惯于、开始习惯于做…….
eg: I am used to traveling by air and only one occasion have I ever felt frightened .我习惯了乘飞机旅行,只有一次可把我吓坏了。
be used to do 被用来做..
eg: In our school ,candles are used to give light when electricity is cut off.在我们学校停电时,就用蜡烛来照明。
There used to be 某地过去有某物
eg: There used to be a swimming pool in our school.我们镇上过去有一个游泳池。
2.a bit 和 a little 二者都可以修饰形容词或副词的原级或比较级。
eg: Its a bit /a little cold today.今天有点冷。
a little可以直接加名词,而a bit必须加of后才能加名词。
eg:a little bread =a bit of bread一点儿面包
a few bits of wood几片木片
not a bit 意为“一点也不相当于not at all而not at all则意为非常,表示肯定的意思。
eg:He is not a bit surprised at the news.他对此消息一点也不吃惊。
He is not a little surprised at the news.他对此消息非常吃惊。
He was not a little surprised.他颇为惊讶。                         
eg: We should do our bit for our country.我们为自己的祖国尽自己的一份力。
  Little does he know about his illness.他对病情知道的很少。
3.challenging  n/v. 挑战 作动词是用于challengingto或challengeto do结构,意为“向挑战.
eg: The school challenged us to a game of football.那学校向我们挑战足球赛。
  The present world is full of challenges and well as opportunities .当今社会充满机遇和挑
challenging  adj.引发兴趣的,是思考的,激发干劲的
eg:a challenging problem
spendon/in doing以人做主语
It take sb some time to do sth
pay+ money+ for以人作主语
4. free  adj免费的,空闲的eg: a free time空闲时间
All the books were given away free.所有的书都是免费赠的。
5. drop  v.放弃,断绝(往来),地下,落下。n .滴,点
eg: drop sb. a line 写封短信  drop in on sb. 造访某人
drop in at some place 造访某地
He seems to have dropped most of his friends.他好像与大多数的朋友不在交往了。
He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet.他搬起石头砸己的脚。
A job of ink may make a million think.一滴墨水写成的字可让千万人思索。
6. miss  v. 错过,失去,想念,思念
Miss doing sth.思念/错过做某事
He threw the ball to me ,but I missed it.他把球人给我,但是我没接住。
Being too tired ,he narrowly missed crashing in to the tree.太累了,他差一点就撞到树上了。
造访的意思Im sure that everybody will miss him very much.我相信每个人都会怀念他。
7. relax  vt.&vi 使松弛,放松,松懈
  relax one’ s muscles放松注意力    relax one s attention放松注意力
  relax one s pace.放松步伐      relax one s mind使脑子得到休息
  relaxed 感到轻松的    relaxing令人轻松的
He is feeling relaxed now.现在他感到轻松
The music is relaxing.音乐使人轻松 
  relaxation  n./v.放松,消遣,娱乐,「c」为消遣所做的事
9. compare  vt.比较,对照
  compare A with B把A和B作比较
eg: Compare this one with that ,and you will see the difference.把这个和那个比较一下你就会看出差别。
  compare A to B把A比作B
eg: Shakespeare compared the world to a stage .莎士比亚把世界比做一个舞台。
  Compare的过去分词短语作状语时,跟with 或to 搭配,意义相同。
eg: Compared with/to many people ,she is indeed lucky.和许多人相比,他确实是幸运的。
10. finish和complete
(1)finish 一般把一件事情做完(一直做完)
eg: We finish the homework in the school.
eg: Following ,we should complete the last assignment trying our best on time .
10. no more ()than()与more()than()
(1)no more than +数词意为“至多,仅仅.(强调少)”
  There are no more than ten apples on the table .桌上仅有苹果
(2)no more than 意为“一样不”(两者都否定)
  Jack is no more diligent than Tom.杰克不勤奋,汤姆也不勤奋。
(3)no more than +数词,意为“不多于,不超过(不强调少,不带有感情彩)
There are not more than ten apples on the table.桌子上有不多于10个苹果。(陈述事实)
(4)not more than 意为“不如..,没有的程度(前者不如后者)
  Jack id not more diligent than Tom.杰克不如汤姆勤奋。
11. by  prep.(1)不迟于,到时。
eg: Can you finish the work by tomorrow
  They were tired out by evening.
eg: The enemy attacked by night.
  (3)表示“按…” The workers are paid by the hour/the day.