1.Is this where we can check in for flight 237 to Los Angeles ?请问飞往洛杉机的237号班机是在这里办理登机手续吗?
2.We’d like a seat with plenty of leg room and a window.我们想要一个伸脚空间宽阔而且靠窗的座位
3. When will the flight board?航班什么时候起飞?
4. Excuse me. I didn’t hear the announcement clearly. Please tell mewhat they said.抱歉,我听不清楚广播,请告诉我广播些什么?
5. Where should I board?我应该在什么地方登机?
6. Is the flight for Seattle leaving on time?往西雅图的班机会准时出发吗?
7.May I have your ticket and passport, please?请让我看你的机票和护照好吗?
8. When am I supposed to check in?我应该什么时候办理登机手续?
9.I’d like to check in for Flight No.72.我想办理72次航班的登机手续。
10.I’d like to consign my luggage by air.我想航空托运这些行李。
11.How much is the airport tax?机场税多少?
12.How much extra do I have to pay?我要再付多少?
13. Would you please help me adjust the air flow ?请您帮我调节一下空调好吗?
14. Why are you interested in working with this travel agency?你为什么对在这家旅行社工作感兴趣?
15. Why should we hire you?请说说我们要雇用你的理由是什么?
16. What kind of personality do you think you have?你觉得你的性格怎样?
17.What are your weak points ?你性格中的弱点是什么?
18. What attitude do you take towards life?你对生活的态度是怎样的呢?
19. What do you believe is the most difficult part of being a tour guide ?你觉得做导游最难的是什么?
20. What have you learned from your part-time jobs?你从兼职工作中学到了什么?
21.How would you describe yourself?你觉得你是一个怎样的人?
22. Can you work well under deadlines or pressure?你能在巨大的工作压力下很好地工作吗?
23.How much do you expect if we offer you this position?如果你得到了这份工作,你在待遇方面有何要求?
24.As I know that your company has good reputation, best chance for personal development and working environment.
25. In my opinion, if you want to be a good tour guide, you have to think independently,b
eing cooperative,creative,outgoing etc.依我看来,要想做一名好导游,你得学会独立思考,善于合作、创新并且性格开朗。
26. I believe“Time is money and efficiency is life".我坚信“时间就是金钱,效率就是生命”
27.As for salary,I leave it to you to decide after experience of my capacity.
28.You can reach me any time at your convenience by dialing xxx .
29. I have already learned a lot in the classroom and I hope to be able to make practical use of it in your travel agency.
30.My specialization at the college is just in line with the area your company deals with. I am sure I can apply what I have learned to the work in your company.
31.As for my weak points in applying for this post, I think I’ ll soon be qualified for it with my knowledge and skills,but as a green-hand in this field, I lack of practical experience at present .
32.My favorite course is Practical English for Tour Guide.
33.I've spent so much time on student com munities activities during the three years.However, I've never missed any of my classes. But I think my academic records would have been much better if I had put more time and energy into studying, looking back on it.
34.Shall we take a tour to the some places?我们去某个地方游览好吗?
35.Shall we go to some place first?我们先去某个地方好吗?
36.Shall I give you a hand, Susan?要我帮你一把吗?
37.Please watch your step. It’s very steep here and the surface is a lit tleslippery.小心你的脚下。这儿很陡,地面有点滑。
38.Hold on. A few more steps will bring us to the top.你坚持住,再走儿步我们就到山顶了。
39. We can go up to the hilltop and have a broad view of all the fascinating scenes from there.