1. 挂面       packaged noodles
2. 拉面       hand-pulled noodles
3. 方便面    instant noodles
4. 馄饨面    wonton&noodles
5. 刀削面    sliced noodles
6. 麻辣面    spicy hot noodles
7. 麻酱面    sesame paste noodles
8. 鳝鱼面    eel noodles
9. 乌龙面    eafood noodles
10. 肉丝面  noodles with shredded meat
1. 米饭       rice
2. 焖饭       cooked rice
3. 蒸饭       steamed rice
4. 煮饭       boiled rice
5. 烩饭       stewed rice
6. 炒饭       fried rice
7. 锅巴       rice crust
8. 馒头       steamed bun
9. 花卷       steamed twisted roll
10. 蒸饼     steamed cake
11. 发面饼  leavened pancake
12. 烙饼     flapjack
13. 薄饼     thin pancake
14. 荷叶饼  lotus leaf shaped pancake
15. 饼卷     pancake roll
16. 葱花饼  green onion pancake
17. 炒饼     fried shredded pancake
18. 火烧     baked wheaten cake
19. 窝头     steamed corn bread
20. 粽子     rice dumpling; zongzi
21. 馕        crusty pancake
1. 煮              boil
2. 烤              roast
3. 煨              simmer
4. 熏              smoke
5. 腌               marinate
6. 蒸              steam
7. 炒              stir-fry
8. 油炸            deep-fry
9. 闷烧            braise
1. 红烧肉            Braised pork in brown sauce
2. 宫保鸡丁         Kung Pao chicken
3. 北京烤鸭        Peking duck
4. 手抓羊肉        Boiled mutton
5. 麻婆豆腐        Mapo tofu
6. 鱼香肉丝        Yuxiang shredded pork
7. 红烧狮子头      Braised pork ball in brown sauce
8.  清蒸石斑鱼     Steamed grouper
9. 西湖醋鱼         West Lake fish in sweet and sour sauce
10. 四喜丸子       Braised pork balls in gravy
11.  新疆切糕      Xinjiang nut cake
1. 糖葫芦           Tomatoes on sticks
2. 芝麻球          Glutinous rice sesame balls
3. 麻花              Fried dough twist
4. 豆花              Tofu pudding
5. 月饼              Moon cake
6. 春卷              Spring rolls
7. 碗糕              Salty rice pudding
8. 筒仔米糕        Rice tube pudding
9. 红豆糕           Red bean cake
10. 糯米糕         Glutinous rice cake
11. 芋头糕         Taro cake
1. 清汤              Thin soup
2. 浓汤              Thick soup
3. 鱼丸汤          Fish ball soup
4. 贡丸汤          Meat ball soup
5. 骨头汤          Bone broth                 
6. 牛肉汤          Beef soup
7. 羊肉汤          Mutton soup
8. 鸡汤              Chicken soup
9. 鸡杂汤          Chicken giblets soup
10. 蛋花汤         Egg&vegetable soup
11. 蛤蜊汤         Clams soup
12. 牡蛎汤         Oyster soup
13. 干贝汤         Soup with dried scallops
14. 紫菜汤         Seaweed soup
15. 馄饨汤         Wonton soup
16. 肉羹汤         Pork thick soup
17. 鱿鱼汤         Squid soup