With the rapid development of network technology and social media, the traditional marketing mode has not been able to satisfy the need of today's consumption demand, fission marketing has emerged as the times require, and China's coffee industry has also evolve with circumstances. Internet retail coffee has changed the traditional coffee consumption model with fission marketing, new retailing and other strategies, quickly occupied the consumer market, and achieved well-established public praising. However, fission marketing has not until now, formed a complete theoretical system, there are still a lot
of problems in the course of implementation. Therefore, this paper takes mainly Luckin Coffee for example, and uses the SWOT analysis to investigate the internal and external environment of the company. Based on enterprise data, questionnaire results and SPSS, analyzing the existent problem of the present situation of fission marketing strategies.And put forward some countermeasures and proposals for the implementation of fission marketing in the future, so as to realize the best effect of fission conversion and promote implementation of fission marketing effectively.
Key words:Luckin Coffee;Fission marketing;SWOT analysis
1  引言 (1)
1.1 研究背景 (1)
1.2 研究意义 (1)
1.2.1 理论意义 (2)
1.2.2 现实意义 (2)
1.3 国内外研究现状 (2)
1.3.1 国外相关研究现状 (2)
1.3.2 国内相关研究现状 (3)
1.4 研究方法 (5)
2  裂变营销 (5)
2.1 裂变营销概念 (5)
2.2 裂变营销特征 (6)
3  瑞幸咖啡SWOT分析及裂变营销策略 (6)
3.1 瑞幸咖啡SWOT分析 (6)
3.1.1 优势分析 (6)
3.1.2 劣势分析 (8)
3.1.3 机会分析 (8)
3.1.4 威胁分析 (11)
3.2 瑞幸咖啡的裂变营销策略 (12)
3.2.1 普及产品信息,打造鲜明特 (12)
3.2.2 细分目标市场,培养“种子用户” (13)
3.2.3 设计诱惑赠品,激发口碑传播 (13)
3.2.4 多种裂变技巧,巩固转化效果 (14)
3.2.5 巧用营销手段,发挥媒体宣传 (15)
4  瑞幸咖啡裂变营销存在问题 (15)
4.1 品牌意识薄弱,留存难度高 (15)
4.2 产品创新较少,竞争对手多 (16)
4.3 裂变渠道受限,控制效果差 (17)
4.4 反馈效果不佳,负面影响大 (18)
5  瑞幸咖啡裂变营销对策建议 (19)
5.1 重视品牌文化,提高服务质量 (20)
5.1.1 重视文化传播,深化品牌意识 (20)
5.1.2 加强员工培训,提高服务质量 (21)
5.2 加强质量管理,创新产品种类 (21)
5.2.1 加强质量管理,优化用户体验 (21)
5.2.2 创新产品种类,增强品牌特 (22)
5.3 合理设计渠道,管控裂变效果 (22)市场营销书籍
5.3.1 合理设计渠道,扩宽受众体 (22)
5.3.2 利用相关技术,管控裂变效果 (23)
5.4 完善社交平台,强化口碑宣传 (23)
5.4.1 完善社交平台,改善负面影响 (23)
5.4.2 强化口碑宣传,优化线上互动 (24)