《优秀是教出来的》(“The Essential 55”)的作者克拉克(Ron Clark)老师年仅二十八岁,是全美最佳教师奖得主,是唯一被美国总统接见过三次的小学老师,已荣获“全美最佳教师奖”。他教过的学校,学生都来自最贫困的家庭,学校的资源也不丰富。但凭着他的热情与本书所介绍的“基本五十五条”,只要被他教过的学生,成绩一定会突飞猛进,气质也会变得彬彬有礼。
Rule 1 When responding to any adult, you must answer by saying “Yes ma’am” or “No sir.” Just nodding your head or saying any other form of yes or no is not acceptable.
Rule 2 Make eye contact. When someone is speaking, keep your eyes on him or her at all times. If someone makes a comment, turn and face that person.
Rule 3 If someone in the class wins a game or does something well, we will congratulate that person. Claps should be at least three seconds in length with the full part of both hands meeting in a manner that will give the appropriate clap volume.
Rule 4 During discussions, respect other students’ comments, opinions, and ideas. When possible, make statements like, “I agree with John, and I also feel that…” or “I disagree with Sarah. She made a good point I feel that…” or “I think Victor made an excellent observation, and it made me realize…”
很多时候“我们不同意别人的观点,可又苦于没有一种很轻松的氛围能让我们把满脑子的想法自由地表达出来。” “担心一旦自己的想法自由地表达出来,别人会怎么看,自己会不会遭到嘲笑、贬低和忽略。”
克拉克先生的办法是:“在讨论问题的时候,要对其他同学的评论、观点和想法表示尊重。要尽可能地这样说:“我同意约翰的观点,同时我也感到……” “我不同意沙拉的看法,尽管她抓住了问题的核心,但我觉得……”或者“我认为维可多的观察真是太精彩了,它让我意识到……
克拉克先生的办法是:“在讨论问题的时候,要对其他同学的评论、观点和想法表示尊重。要尽可能地这样说:“我同意约翰的观点,同时我也感到……” “我不同意沙拉的看法,尽管她抓住了问题的核心,但我觉得……”或者“我认为维可多的观察真是太精彩了,它让我意识到……
Rule 5 If you win or do well at something do not brag. If you lose, do not show anger. Instead, say something like, “I really enjoyed the competition, and I look forward to playing you again,” or “good game,” or don’t say anything at all. To show anger or sarcasm, such as “I wasn’t playing hard anyway” or “You really aren’t that good,” shows weakness.
Rule 6 If you are asked a question in conversation, you should ask a question in return.
Me: “Did you have a nice weekend?”
You: “Yes, I had a great time. My family and I went shopping. What about you? Did you have a nice weekend?”
It is only polite to show others that you are just as interested in them as they are in you.
Me: “Did you have a nice weekend?”
You: “Yes, I had a great time. My family and I went shopping. What about you? Did you have a nice weekend?”
It is only polite to show others that you are just as interested in them as they are in you.
Rule 7 “When you cough or sneeze or burp, it is appropriate to turn your head away from others and cover your mouth with the full part of your hand. Using a fist is not acceptable. Afterward, you should say, “Excuse me.”
Rule 8 “Do not smack your lips, tusk, roll your eyes, or show disrespect with gestures.”
Rule 9 “Always say thank you when I give you something. If you do not say it within 3 seconds after receiving the item, I will take it back. There is no excuse for not showing appreciation.”
Rule 10 “When you are given something from someone, never insult that person by making negative comments about the gift or by insinuating that it wasn’t appreciated”
Rule 11 “Surprise others by performing random acts of kindness. Go out of your way to do something surprisingly kind and generous for someone at least once a month.”
Rule 12 “Occasionally we may grade each other’s papers as a group. When grading other students’ papers, if you give someone an incorrect grade, whether it is higher or lower than they deserve, the amount the grade differs from the actual grade will be deducted from your paper. The only marks you are allowed to make on others’ papers are an “X” and the number they got incorrect.”
Rule 13 “When we read together in class, you must follow along. If I call on you to read, you must know exactly where we are and begin to read immediately”
Rule 14 “Answer all questions with a complete sentence. For example, if the question asks, “What is the capital of Russia?” you should respond by writing, “The capital of Russia is Moscow.” Also, in conversation with others, it is important to use complete sentences out of respect for the person’s question. For example, if a person asks, “How are you?” instead of just responding by saying, “Fine,” you should say, “I’m doing fine, thank you. How about yourself?”