外贸英语 步入商界4-接受访问者(文档1)
kate mckenna: you know mr. sakai is coming at ten o' clock, don' t you, jenny? 凯特.麦凯纳:詹妮,酒井先生10点钟要来,你知道吗?
jenny ross: yes, i do. it' s an important meeting, isn' t it? 詹妮.罗斯:是的,我知道。这次会议很重要,是吗?
kate mckenna: and the slides are ready, aren' t they? 凯特.麦凯纳:幻灯片已经准备好了,对吗?
jenny ross: yes, they are. 詹妮.罗斯:是的,准备好了。
kate mckenna: and you have checked the monitor, haven' t you? 你也检查过显示器,对吧?
jenny ross: yes, kate, i have. 詹妮.罗斯:是的, 凯特,我已经检查过了。
kate mckenna: sorry, jenny, it really is very important.詹妮,不好意思,不过这次会议真是太重要了。
don bradley: good morning! 堂.布拉德利:早上好!
jenny ross: hello, don. 詹妮.罗斯:你好, 堂。
don bradley: is everything ready for the big day? 堂.布拉德利:这可是个大日子,都准备好了吗?
jenny ross: i think so. 詹妮.罗斯:我想是的。
kate mckenna: don, i' m worried about the last part of the presentation. can we talk? 凯特.麦凯纳:堂, 我对演示的最后一部分有点担心。我们能谈谈吗?
mr. sakai: thank you very much for collecting me. 酒井先生:非常感谢你来接我。
clive harris: it' s a pleasure. don' t mention it. 克莱夫.哈里斯:乐意效劳。没什么的。
clive harris: is your hotel okay? 克莱夫.哈里斯:宾馆还好吧?
mr. sakai: yes, thanks. it' s fine. 酒井先生:是的, 谢谢。很好。
clive harris: it is good of you to visit us. 克莱夫.哈里斯:你来探望我们真是太好了。
thank you for sparing the time. i know you have a busy itinerary. 谢谢你抽出时间来,我知道你的行程很紧。
mr. sakai: it' s a pleasure, mr. harris. 酒井先生:这是我的荣幸,哈里斯先生。
i enjoy coming to britain. and i am looking forward to my visit to bibury systems. 我很高兴来英国。并且很期望对bibury系统公司的参观。
nice是什么中文意思clive harris: it' s kind of you to say so. 克莱夫.哈里斯:你这么说真是太感谢你了。
we' ll do our best to make your visit worthwhile. 我们会尽一切努力使你的来访有价值。
don bradley: you' re seeing phil watson at twelve o' clock about the display unit design. 堂.布拉德利:你12点钟要见菲尔o沃森,商谈展品的设计
do you understand the problem? 你明白有什么问题了?
edward green: no, i don' t. 爱德华.格林:不,没有。
don bradley: these are the rough designs. 堂.布拉德利:这些是设计初稿。
choosing the right colour is very important. 选择正确的颜是很重要的。
edward green: sorry, could you explain what you mean? 爱德华.格林:不好意思,能解释一下你的意思吗?
don bradley: well, we need different colours. 堂.布拉德利:哦,我们需要不同的颜。
edward green: ah, do you mean stronger colours? 爱德华.格林:啊,你是说要更深的颜吗?
don bradley: yes, i do. 堂.布拉德利:是的。
this display unit must make an impact. 这件展品必须给人眼前一亮的感觉。
it' s very important. 这很重要。
it must look right for the launch. 它必须要适合本次的发行。
it must look exciting. 必须令人心动。
edward green: i understand. 爱德华.格林:我明白了。
don bradley: well, make sure that phil understands. 堂.布拉德利:对了,一定要让菲尔明白。
also this pictures of big boss need to 另外,大老板的照片还要大些……
clive harris: so, we aren' t a very but i think we are very efficient.
mr. sakai: how many people do you employ? 酒井先生:你们公司有多少员工?
clive harris: about seven hundred full-time. 克莱夫.哈里斯:有约700名全职员。
but we take on casual staff when we need them. 但有需要时我们也会雇临时工。
would you like some more coffee, mr. sakai? 酒井先生,要不要再来些咖啡?
mr. sakai: no, thank you. and, please, call me kazo. 酒井先生:不, 谢谢。请还是叫我加须吧。
clive harris: and you must call me clive. 克莱夫.哈里斯:那你就叫我克莱夫。
so, shall we have a look around? 那么,我们四处参观一下?
mr. sakai: that would be very nice. 酒井先生:那太好了。
clive harris: then perhaps we could have some lunch. 克莱夫.哈里斯:之后,我们可以一起吃午餐。
and then after lunch some of my senior managers will make a presentation to you. 午餐后,我的几名高级经理会给你做场演示。
would you like to leave your coat and briefcase here? 你要不要把外套和公文包放在这里?
mr. sakai: thank you. 酒井先生:谢谢。
clive harris: and this is our sales and marketing department. 克莱夫.哈里斯:这是我们的销售和市场营销部。
i don' t think you have met kate mckenna. 你还没见过凯特.麦凯纳吧?
she is head of sales. 她是我们的销售主管。
kate mckenna: how do you do? 凯特.麦凯纳:你好!
mr. sakai: kazo sakai, let me give you my card. 酒井先生:加须.酒井,这是我的卡片。
kate mckenna: thank you. 凯特.麦凯纳:谢谢。
clive harris: and this is don bradley. 克莱夫.哈里斯:这位是堂.布拉德利。
外贸英语 步入商界4-接受访问者(文档2)
don bradley: hello, mr. sakai. we have spoken on the phone. 堂.布拉德利:你好, 酒井先生。我们在电话上交谈过。
mr. sakai: hello, mr. bradley. you are american. 酒井先生:你好, 布拉德利先生。你是美国人。
and what part of america are you from? 美国哪个部分?
don bradley: los angeles. but i have lived in the uk for five years. /ah. i have visited ? 堂.布拉德利:洛杉矶。不过我在英国已经住来年了。我喜欢……/啊。我参观过 ……
mr. sakai: i' m sorry. 酒井先生:对不起。
don bradley: no, please,after you. 堂.布拉德利:不,你先请。
mr. sakai: i have been to los angeles two or three times. 酒井先生:我曾经去过洛杉矶两、三次。