实习医生格蕾第一集前10分钟台词(全)    Meredith VO: The game. They say either a person has what it takes to play, or they don't. My mother was one of the greats. Me, on the I'm kinda(或kind of) screwed. 这场竞赛,参加的人要么是有本事,要么什么都没有。我母亲曾经是其中的佼佼者。而我呢,就有些惨了。   Kinda:adv 有一点,有几分screwed混乱的,搞糟的,弄坏的。例句 Our plans got all screwed    up. 我们的计划全给打乱了。   (Meredith wakes up on the couch and pulls a blanket off a naked man on the floor, wrapping it    around herself. She hits him with a pillow and he grunts, waking up. He lifts up her bra.)    Man: is...? 这是? Meredith: (grabbing it, smiling) Humiliating on so many levels. You have to go.丢脸丢到家了,你赶快走吧。   humiliate:vt,使蒙羞;humiliating丢脸的;例句: It was so humiliating, a terrible blow  to my self-esteem. 这件事如此丢脸,深深地挫伤了我的自尊心。 Man: (sitting up) Why don't you just come back down here and we'll pick up where we left off?你为什么不回来回味一下之前的缠绵? left off:停下来     Meredith: No, seriously. You have to go, I'm late. Which isn't what you want to be on your first day of work, so不,说真的,你快走吧,我要迟到了。我可不想上班第一天就迟到。 Man: So, ah, you actually live here.那,你真的住这里。    Meredith: No. 不。    Man: Oh. 哦。    Meredith: Yes.
Kind of. 是的,在某种程度上是 Man: (dressing) Oh. It's nice. Little dusty. Odd. But it's nice. So how do you kind of live here?这里不错,有点灰,很奇怪,但是很好。那你算哪种程度住在这里?   dusty:adj.布满灰尘的; 尘状的; 浅灰的; 枯燥无味的    Meredith: I moved two weeks ago from Boston, it was my mother's house, I'm selling it. 我两周前从波士顿搬来。这曾经是我母亲的房子,我正想卖掉它。 Man: Oh, I'm sorry.哦,非常抱歉。    Meredith: For what? 抱歉什么? Man: You said was.你说的是曾经?    Meredith: Oh! My mother's not dead, she's - you know what, we don't have to do the thing. 哦,我的妈妈没死。她只是……,你知道的,我们不用这样。 Man: Oh. We can do anything you want.你想怎样都可以。    Meredith: No, the thing, exchange the details, pretend look, I'm gonna go upstairs and    take a shower, okay, and when I get back down here, you won't be here, so, um, um... 不,这事,谈心事,假装关心的那种事情。我要上楼去洗澡了。好吧,等我回来的时候你已经走了,所以,嗯,拜拜,嗯 Man: Derek.德里克    Meredith: (they shake hands) Derek. Right. Meredith. 德里克,好,梅瑞狄斯。 Derek: Meredith.梅瑞狄斯    Meredith: Yeah. (he comes closer, she backs away) Mm-hmm. Derek: Nice meeting you.很高兴认识你 Meredith: Bye Derek (smiling and fleeing for the stairs).拜拜,德里克。
(Cut to Meredith leaving the house. Derek is presumably gone. Panning shots over the city as  Meredith drives to work. Meredith enters a room filled with other interns as a doctor talks.) Doctor: Each of you comes here hopeful.今天你们满怀希望的来到这里Wanting in on the game.想参加这场竞赛A month ago you were in med school being taught by doctors.一个月前你们还在医学院里学习做医生 Today, you are the doctors. 而今天,你们就是医生The seven years  you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life. 在这就职住院外科医生的7年,也是你们人生中最好和最糟的7年。You will be pushed to the breaking point. 你们会被推向崩溃的边缘Look around you. Say hello to your competition. 看看你的周围,和你的竞争对手打个招呼。Eight of you will switch to an easier specialty. 你们当中八位会转到更容易的专科。Five of you will crack under the pressure. 5位会在压力下崩溃。Two of you will be asked to leave. 2位会被劝退。This is your starting line. This is your arena. 这是你们的起跑线,竞技场。How well you play? That's up to you. 你们讲何去何从,都看你们的了。 Meredith VO: Like I said. I'm screwed.就像我说的,我惨了。  Doctor: Okay. Martin, Robinson, Bond, Parkins. Meredith: Only six women out of twenty.20个人中只有6个是女的。  Female Korean intern (Cristina Yang): Yeah. I hear one of them's
a model. Seriously, that's gonna help with the respect thing?是啊,我听说其中一个模特,说真的,这是让我们肃然起敬吗? Meredith: You're Cristina, right?你是克里斯蒂娜,是吗? Cristina: Which resident you assigned to? I got Bailey.你被分给哪个住院医师?我跟贝利。 Meredith: The Nazi? Yeah, me too.是纳粹吗?我也是。  Male intern (George O'Malley): You got the Nazi? So did I. 你们跟纳粹吗,我也是。At least we'll  be tortured together, right? 至少我们要一起受苦受难了。I'm George O'Malley, 我是乔治欧麦利。uh, we met at the mixer, 我们在见面会上见过。you had a black dress with a slit up the side, (Cristina and Meredith exchange looks)你当时穿着黑裙子,裙边有开叉,还有罗马凉鞋。   tortured v使痛苦;mixer搅拌器,美国俚语;交谊会,捣蛋者,惹是生非的人。例句The mixer was a success, except for the cold.除了天气冷以外,交谊会开得很成功。He'S a king mixer.他是个捣蛋大王。 George: Now you think I'm gay.现在你们以为我是同性恋。  Cristina: (walking away) Uh-huh.  George: No, I'm not gay, it's, ah, it's just that, you know, you were, I mean, you were very, unforgettable.不,我不是同性恋,只是,只是你当时,我的意思是你非常令人印象深刻。  Doctor: O'Malley, Yang, Grey, Stevens. George: (muttering) And I'm totally forgettable.我被完全忽视了。 Cristina: (to Doctor) Bailey?贝利在
哪? Doctor: End of the hall.大厅尽头。 Cristina: That's the Nazi?她就是纳粹?  (Medium shot of Dr. Bailey. She's short, black and a bit overweight. She doesn't look very  threatening.) George: I thought the Nazi would be a guy.我以为纳粹是个男的。 Meredith: I thought the Nazi he Nazi.我以为纳粹就应该是……纳粹。 Pretty female intern (Izzie Stevens): Maybe it's professional jealousy. Maybe she's brilliant, and   they call her Nazi because they're jealous . Maybe she's nice. 也许是同行间的嫉妒    [ˈdʒɛləs]    她太nice是什么中文意思优秀了。她被叫做纳粹是因为人们嫉妒她。或许她人很好。