四级写作 满分评分标准解读




A. “切题,表达思想清楚”:所谓切题,最直观的理解就是“不跑题”,在四六级英语写作中,跑题是比较难的,因为题目会给出非常明确的观点选择或者命题场景。所谓表达思想清楚,尤其对于四六级写作中的给出两种观点,问你同意哪一个观点的时候,这个时候建议同学们要有清

B. “语言通畅,连贯性较好,基本上无语言错误”:这一条主要要求考生的语言的逻辑和语言的使用能力。在四六级写作中,虽然不像GRE GMAT这种高端逻辑写作对逻辑要求那么高,但是逻辑的通畅也是最基本的,而且只有逻辑通畅了,语言才是通畅的。但是英文作为“形合”语言,既注重“内容逻辑”也注重“形式逻辑”,例如必要的逻辑引导信号,firstly,secondly,whereas,on the other hand,all in all….都能引领读者和考官更加清晰的把握你的文章的起承转合。关于语言错误,建议大家还是要高标准严格要求自己,用最地道的书面英文进行写作,四六级写作还不是真正的文章写作,但是是非常好的过渡都GRE TOEFL、甚至论文写作的桥梁,培养自己书面化表达的严谨性和地道性。
批改时间:2013年0822 21:13
A young lady is 1teaching student study multiplication table in the classroom. Maybe, 2multiplication table too difficult to learn, suddenly, a girl speak up, 3No offense , but by the time we are in the job market , 4won not that stuff be outdated?” Just at that moment , the teacher also can not reply. Exactly as, the lassock said 5, stuff can change , why 6multiplication table do not outdated. 
With 7the society of the development, everything is 8happening change. Even knowledge also 9sharpen the saw ,but still have some stuff can not outdated, for example , multiplication 10table .This is the basic of math. 11Just as ,one add one always equal to two, as broad as it is long. 
We have to admit 12society is 13progress , certainly, so  14knowledge does. But some stuff 15won not outdated. We 16sole make take full advantage of these 17resource. 
18Whatever society how to change , please remember 19these basic won 20not outdated. Only 21master these basic knowledge, we 22ability to get there.
1:批改解释:Error in word combination. 修改建议:The phrase should be teaching the multiplication table to the students.
4: 批改解释:Error in word combination. 修改建议:Its wont here.
6: 批改解释:Error in word combination. 修改建议:It should be cant multiplication table be/get outdated?
7: 批改解释:Error in word combination. 修改建议:It should be the development of the society.
8: 批改解释:Error in word combination. 修改建议:You mean “changing”?
10: 批改解释:Incomprehensible text. 修改建议:Its better to say the multiplication table which is the basics of math.
13: 批改解释:Incomprehensible text. 修改建议:Better to use in progress or “progressing.
15: 批改解释:Error in word combination. 修改建议:Its better to use wont get or will not get.