1.My friend Peter often__________soccer in the afternoon. (play)
2.—Why do you hate working with Tom?
—He is much selfish. He only ________ about himself. (care)
3.There _________ (be) some orange juice in the glass.
句意:玻璃杯里有一些橙汁。根据句意可知,句子是一般现在时,主语“some orange juice”是第三人称单数形式,故be用is。故填is。
4.The English story ________(sound)very interesting. We all like it.
句意:这个英语故事听起来很有趣,我们所有人都喜欢它。sound“听起来”,根据“We all like it”可知,用一般现在时,主语为“The English story”,故填sounds。
5.Her mother ________ (not watch) TV every evening.
【答案】doesn’t watch
句意:她妈妈每晚不看电视。根据时间状语“every evening”可知,时态为一般现在时;主语为“Her mother”,变否定句要用助动词doesn’t,助动词后接动词原形。故填doesn’t watch。
6.I ________(study)Chinese, maths, English, science and art at school.
7.My brother sometimes ________ (go) to the park with my uncle.
8.If he ______ (come) here this Saturday, he will go to the party.
9.The little girl ________ (look) like her father. Now, she ________ (look) at the photos of her family.
【答案】    looks    is looking
句意:这个小女孩长得像她爸爸。现在她正在看她的家庭照片。由语境可知,第一句话表示女孩的外貌特征,用一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词look加s;第二句根据Now“现在”可知,表示现在正在做某事,时态用现在进行时be(am/is/are)+doing的结构,主语是第三人称单数,be动词用is,look变现在分词加ing。故填looks;is looking。
10.Look! The children ________(play)football on the playground. They ________(play)football every Sunday afternoon.
【答案】    are playing    play
playing;根据“every Sunday afternoon”可知第二句中动作是经常性发生,所以用一般现在时,主语是复数,所以谓语动词用原形play,故填are playing;play。
11.I like the silk dress, and it ________ (feel) so soft and comfortable.
12.He is so kind that he _________(regard)the homeless child as his son.
13.Look! Each of the children ________ (have) some toys in their hands.
句意:看!每一个孩子在他们的手里有一些玩具。根据Look可知,需要用一般现在时。主语“each of children”的核心词为each,each意为“每一个”,作主语时,谓语用单数。have的第三人称单数形式为has。故填has。
14.Alan ________ (study) English every day.
小call 三点照片
句意:艾伦每天都学英语。根据“every day”可知,句子时态为一般现在时,因为“Alan”主语为第三人称单数,故填studies。
15.Bob ________ (have) a new schoolbag.
16.We read English at 8: Then our first lesson________(begin) at 8:
句意:我们早上8点读英语,然后第一课在上午8点25分开始。句子We read English at 8:是一般现在时,所以句子Then our first lesson________(begin) at 8:
也用一般现在时。主语first lesson是单数,因此谓语用三单形式。故答案为begins。
17.It usually ______ (take) me two hours to do my homework every day.
句意:我通常每天花两个小时做作业。根据every day可知此句时态是一般现在时。结合句意
18.Gina and I ________ (be ) in the same class.
句意:我和吉娜是同班同学。句子是一般现在时,主语“Gina and I”是复数形式,故系动词应用are。故填are。
19.Along with these physical changes, there ________ (come) many psychological changes.
句意:伴随着这些身体上的变化,还有许多心理上的变化。根据句意该句为一般现在时;又分析句子结构可知,该句为倒装句,主语“many psychological changes”后置,所以谓语动词用原形,故填come。
20.70% of the teachers in our school ________ (be) women.
句意:我们学校70%的教师是女性。主语是“70% of the teachers”是可数名词复数,故填are。
21.Tom usually ________ (watch) TV on Saturday.
22.Sandra Clark _________(eat) eggs and apples every day.
句意:Sandra Clark每天吃鸡蛋和苹果。根据every day可知,句子用一般现在时,又因为主语Sandra Clark为第三人称单数,故动词用第三人称单数形式。故填:eats。
23.The afternoon lessons ________ (begin) at 1:30.
24.Some rice ________ (be) on the table.
句意:一些米饭在桌子上。主语Some rice是不可数名词,be动词用is,故填is。
25.Jane ________(call)me as soon as she ________(reach)the village.