2015年南京师范大学英语翻译基础真题试卷 (题后含答案及解析)
题型有:1. 词语翻译 2. 英汉互译
正确答案:北大西洋公约组织(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) 
2. GPS
正确答案:全球定位系统(Global Positioning System) 
3. IMF
正确答案:国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund) 
正确答案:中国人民银行(People’s Bank of China,常缩写为PBC) 
5. GMT
正确答案:格林尼治标准时间(Greenwich Mean Time) 
6. CBD
正确答案:中央商务区(Central Business District) 
正确答案:亚太经济合作组织(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) 
8. IPO
正确答案:首次公开募股(Initial Public Offering) 
正确答案:联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization) 
10. OPEC
正确答案:石油输出国组织(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 
11. break a butterfly on the wheel
12. corporate income tax
13. opportunity cost
14. There is no smoke without fire.
15. Talk of the devil and he comes.
16. 国内市场
正确答案:domestic markets 
17. 以人为本
正确答案:people foremost/people-oriented 
18. 土豆泥
正确答案:mashed potato 
19. 清洁能源
正确答案:clean energy 
20. 老龄化人口
正确答案:aging population 
21. 与时俱进
正确答案:advance with the times 
22. 军备竞赛
正确答案:arms race 
23. 国际援助
正确答案:international aid/international assistance 
24. 物以类聚,人以分。
正确答案:Birds of a feather flock together. 
25. 有其父必有其子。
正确答案:Like father, like son. 
26. AA制
正确答案:Going Dutch 
27. 航站楼
正确答案:airport terminal 
28. 凡人皆有得意时。
正确答案:Every dog has his day. 
29. 五环路
正确答案:the Fifth Ring Road 
30. 一个中国原则
正确答案:One-China Principle 
31. Of the fruits of the year I give my vote to the orange.In the first place it is a perennial—if not in actual fact, at least in the greengrocers shop. On the days when dessert is a name given to a handful of chocolates and a little preserved ginger, when mace-doine de fruits(水果什锦)is the title bestowed on two prunes(李子干)and a piece of rhubarbs(大黄), then the orange, however sour, comes nobly to the rescue and on those other days of plenty when cherries and strawberries and raspberries(木莓)and gooseberries(醋栗)riot together upon the table , the orange, sweeter than ever, is still there to hold its own. Bread and butter, beef and mutton, eggs and bacon, are not more necessary to an ordered existence than the orange.It is well that the commonest fruit should be also the best. Of the virtues of the orange I have not room fully to speak. It has properties of health giving, as that it cures influenza and establishes the complexion. It is clean, for whoever handles it on
its way to your table, but handles its outer covering, its top coat, which is left in the hall. It is round, and forms an excellent substitute with the young for a cricket ball. The pip(果核)can be flicked at your enemies, and quite a small piece of peel makes a slide for an old gentleman.But all this would count nothing had not the orange such delightful qualities of the taste. I dare not let myself go upon this subject. I am a slave to its sweetness. I grudge every marriage in that it means a fresh supply of orange blossom, the promise of so much golden fruit cut short. However, the world must go on.
正确答案:    一年四季的水果中,我最推崇柑橘。    首先,柑橘常年都有——即使不是在树上,至少在水果店是如此。有时,几块巧克力和一点蜜饯生姜就能名日餐后甜点,两块李子干加一片大黄便被冠以蔬果什锦之美名,这时仍带酸味的柑橘便慷慨救驾;其他时候,水果丰盛,樱桃、草莓、木莓、醋栗在餐桌上竞相争艳时,此时比往日更加甜美的柑橘依然能与它们势均力敌。对于人们的日常生活,面包和黄油、牛肉和羊肉、鸡蛋和成肉,都未必像柑橘那样不可或缺。    很幸运,这种最常见的水果恰恰是最好的水果。论其优点,难尽其详。柑橘有益健康,比如,它可以流感,滋养皮肤。柑橘干净,因为不管是谁把它端上桌子,也只触到它的表皮,即其外衣,吃完后橘皮便被留在餐厅。柑橘是圆的,给孩子当板球
玩再好不过。柑橘核可用来弹射你的敌人,一小片橘皮也能让一个老者滑个趔趄。    但是,如若不是柑橘的味道甜美可口,上述的一切便都不足取。我真不敢纵谈柑橘的美味。我拜倒在它的美味之下。每当有人结婚我便心生怨意,因为那就意味着一束鲜橘花——未来金黄果实的夭折。然而,人类总得继续繁衍。 
32.    互生最叫我们纪念的是他做人的态度。他本来是一副铜筋铁骨,黑皮肤衬着那一套大布之衣,看去像个乡下人。他什么苦都吃得,从不晓得享用,也像乡下人。他心里那一团火,也像乡下人。那一团火是热,是力,是光。他不爱多说话,但常常微笑;那微笑是自然的、温暖的。在他看,人是可以互相爱着的,除了一些成见已深、不愿打开窗户说亮话的。他对这些人却有些憎恶,不肯假借一点颜。世界上只有能憎的人才能爱;爱憎没有定见,只是毫无作为的脚。互生觉得青年成见还少,希望最多;所以愿意将自己的生命一滴不剩而献给他们,让爱的宗教在他们中间发荣滋长,让他们都走向新世界去。互生不好发议论,只埋着头干干干,是儒家的真正精神。我和他并没有深谈过,但从他的行事看来,相信我是认识他的。(朱自清《哀互生》)
正确答案:What was most memorable about Husheng was his attitude toward life. He was as strong as a man of steel, and his dark complexion set off by clothes of coarse cloth, looking like someone from the countryside. He could withstand any hardship and never sought ease and comfort. In this respect he was like a countryman, too. Again like a countryman, he had a heart as warm as fire radiating warmth, power and light. He was a man of few words, but of all smiles; his smile was natural and friendly. In his view, people could love each other, except those with deep prejudices and those who could not bring themselves out in the open. He hated these people, and to them he wouldn南京有什么大学t show anything like gentleness. In this world, only those who could hate could love. Those who did not know what to love and what to hate were useless people. Husheng thought that young people had little prejudice but lots of future promise , so he was willing to devote his life to them without reservation , letting the religion of love grow and flourish among them so that they could all go to a new world. Husheng was not fond of talking too much, instead, he put his mind on work, and work, and nothing but work—an embodiment of the Confucian spirit. Though I never had a chance to talk with him very closely, I was convince
d that I understood him from the way he carried himself and conducted matters.(Zhu Ziqing Mourning for Husheng)