The country's long-awaited NASDAQ-style second board could start around October with 40 listed firms, it was suggested Sunday. The opening of the second board has been timed to coincide with the completion of the initial public offering reform on the main board.so what does second board & main board mean?
second board就是股市中的“创业板”或“二板”,也称为growth enterprise board (GEB),是指main board(主板,即各国主要的证券交易场所)之外的专为暂时无法上市的中小企业和新兴公司提供融资途径和成长空间的证券交易市场。
IPO=initial public offering  “首次公开募股”bear market(熊市)  blue chips(蓝筹股,绩优股)opening/closing price(开/收盘价)  listed firm(上市公司)
initial share(原始股)  daily limit(每日停板限额)retail / private investor(散户)broker/dealer(券商)debt-for-equity swap(债权转股权)PE ratio=price/earnings ratio(市盈率)sell-off(抛售)   dip/edge down/slip lower (小幅下跌)crash/collapse/crumble/slump(大幅快速下跌 open low(低开)
Yankee bonds [美国]扬基债券;洋基债券 Yield to call 购回时收益 Yield to crash 临界收益 Yield to Maturity 到期收益 () Yield to put 沽出实收利息 YoY 按年() Year-end dividend 年终股利 Yield 收益 () Yield curve 收益曲线 Yield to call 购回时收益  Yield to crash 临界收益 Yield to Maturity 到期收益 (
Yield to put 沽出实收利息 YoY 按年()
YTM 到期收益 () Zero-sum game 零和游戏 Zero coupon bonds 零券息债券 
Zero-Coupon Convertible Collateralized Securities 零息票可转换担保证券 
Zurich Stock Exchange 苏黎世证券交易所
Unconditional and irrevocable letter of credit 无条件及不可撤销信用状 
Underlying 所代表或相关的 Underwriter 包销商;承销商 Underwriting 包销 
Underwriting syndicate 承销银团 Undistributed profit 未分配利润 
Unilateral/bilateral agreement 单方面/双边协议 Unit trust 单位信托 
Unlisted security 未上市证券 Unsecured debt 无担保债务
Upfront premium payment 一次清偿权利金 Upfront payment/fee 首笔支付费用 
Upfront premium payment 一次清偿权利金 Upside risk 上调风险 
US Financial Firm/Institution 美国金融公司/机构 US Investment Bank 美国投资银行 
US GAAP 美国一般公认会计原则 US Treasury 美国国库债券 Use of proceeds 所得款项用途 Utilization rate 利用率;使用率
Valuation 估值 Value-at-risk 风险值 Value added tax 增值税 
Value investment 价值投资 Vanilla bonds 纯债券 Variable equity return 浮动股本回报 () Venture capital 创业资金;创业投资 Vertical merger 垂直式合并 
Video conference 视像会议 Volatility 波动;波幅 Volume 成交量 
WACC 加权平均资金成本 Wages payable >应付工资 Warrant 认股权证
Watch list 观察名单 Weak holdings 短期持股 Wealth management 财富管理 
Weighted Average Cost of Capital 加权平均资金成本 
Wellington Stock Exchange 威灵顿证券交易所 Winnipeg Commodities Exchange 温尼伯商品交易所 Wire room 交易室;电讯室 Withdrawal Plan 提款计划 
Witholding tax 预扣税 Won 韩元;韩国货币单位 Working capital 周转资金;营运资金 
World Bank 世界银行 World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织 WTO 世界贸易组织 
X/B (Ex-bonus) 无红利的简写  X/D (Ex-dividend) 除息;无股利的简写 
X/R (Ex-rights) 除权;不带新股认股权 X/W (Ex-warrants) 除证;不附认股权 
Xerox 复印本;影印副本
S&P 标准普尔 S&P 500 Index 标准普尔500种股份指数 Samurai bonds 武士债券 
Sales return 销货退回 SEAQ 证券交易所自动报价系统 (英国
SEATS 证券交易所另项交易系统 (英国) SEC 证券交易委员会( 美国
Second junior subordinated debenture 更次一级公司债 Second liner/second line stock 二线
Secondary offering 二级发行;次级发行 Sector Fund 产业基金;板块基金 Secular 长期性;非周期性 Secured debt 有担保债务 Securities 证券
Securities and Futures Commission 证券及期货事务监察委员会 
(证监会)( 香港) Securities Exchange Commission 证券交易委员会( 美国
Securities Exchange of Thailand 泰国证券交易所 Seed financing 种子资金融通
Seed stage [投资] 种子期 Sell short 卖空;抛空 Sell-side analyst 卖方分析员
Selling concession 销售特许佣金 Senior debt 优先债务 Separate listing 独立上市 
Settlement 创业板股票怎么买交割;结算  SFC 证券及期货事务监察委员会 (证监会)( 香港) Shanghai Stock Exchange 上海证券交易所 Shareholders' Equity 股东权益 
Shareholder value 股东价值 Shares 股票;股份 Sharp Ratio 夏普指数 ;回报风险指数 Shelf Company 现成公司 Shelf registration 缓行注册;暂时搁置注册 
Shell company 空壳公司 Shenzhen Foreign Exchange Trading Centre 深圳外汇交易中心 Shenzhen Stock Exchange 深圳证券交易所 Short-term revolving letter 短期循环信用状 Short (position) 沽空;短仓;淡仓;看跌 Short and medium term loans 中短期贷款 Short f
orward 卖远期 Sidelined investors 抱观望态度投资者 
Sideliner 暂停交易者  Sight draft 即期汇票 SIMEX 新加坡国际金融交易所 
Singapore International Monetary Exchange 新加坡国际金融交易所 
Singapore Stock Exchange 新加坡证券交易所 
Singapore Straits Times Index 新加坡海峡时报指数  Sinking fund 偿债基金 
Small Cap 小型股;小型公司  SOEs 国有企业 Sovereign rate 国家信用评级 
Special stock 特种股票  Spin-off 资产分拆 Spot market 现货市场 
Spot price 现货价格 Spread 差额; 差价 Sprint period 冲刺期Stall speed 失速 
Standard & Poor 标准普尔 Startup financing 创办资金融通 
Startup stage [投资] 创建期 State-owned enterprise 国有企业 
State shares 国家股 Stock Broker 股票经纪 
Stock Exchange Alternative Trading System 证券交易所另项交易系统 (英国
Stock Exchange Automated Quotations System 证券交易所自动报价系统 (英国
Stockholm Options Market 斯德哥尔摩期权市场  Stock Market 股票市场;股市 
Stock Trader, Stock Trading 股票交易商;股票买卖  Stocks 股票;股份 
Stop loss limit 止蚀限额  Strangle 勒束式期权组合 
Strategic Investment, Strategic Investor 策略投资;战略投资;策略投资者;战略投资者  Strategic sale 战略出售  Street price 场外价格 
Stressed securities 债务危机证券  Strike price 执行价;行使价 
Stripped securities 拆开证券    Structured bond 结构债券 
Structured financing 结构融资  Subordinated debt 次级债务 
Subordinated debt w/ revenue participation rights 附收益参与权利的次级债务 
Subpar 次平值;低于预期水平  Supply and marketing cooperatives 供销合作社 
Swap 掉期   Swaption 掉期期权 Syndicated loan 银团贷款 
Synergy 增效作用; 协同效益  Synthetic securities 组合证券;合成证券 
T/T 电汇 Taiwan Weighted Stock Index 台湾加权股价指数 Take position 坐盘 
TARGET System 跨国支付系统:泛欧自动实时总清算高速转帐系统,是英文Trans-European Automated Real Time Gross Settlement Express Transfer System的简称。
Tax benefits 税务优惠 Tax haven jurisdiction 税务优惠的司法权区 
Tax rebate 退税 Taxable munis 课税的州政府债券 Telegraphic Transfer 电汇
Tender bond 投标担保/保证金 Tenor 票期;合约期 Term sheet 条款说明书 
Tick size 价格变动单位 Tight market 交投活跃而差价小的市场
Time deposit 定期存款 Time horizon 投资期 Tokyo Grain Exchange 东京谷物交易所 
Tokyo International Financial Futures Exchange 东京国际金融期货交易所 
Tokyo Stock Exchange 东京证券交易所  Tokyo Sugar Exchange 东京原糖交易所 
Toll revenue bond 通行税收入债券  Top-down 由上而下(方法) 
Toronto Futures Exchange 多伦多期货交易所 Toronto Stock Exchange 多伦多证券交易所  Trade balance 贸易收支 Trade deficit 贸易赤字;贸易逆差 
Trade surplus 贸易盈余;贸易顺差 Tranche 发行份额/部分 Treasury 国库债券;国库券  Treasury strips 国库债券条子 Trough 波谷;周期的转折点 
Trustee deed 托管人契约 Turnover ratio 周转率