Universal verb is a kind of special verb in modern Chinese. Its special feature is that its lexical meaning has been generalized and is not related to a specific action behavior. There are some differences between universal verbs and ordinary verbs in syntactic expression and object collocation. Because of its special nature, foreign students may have a lot of doubts when they study. Therefore, we should pay more attention to the study of universal verbs in Chinese as a second language teaching.
In teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the universal verb "do", "get" and "do" is the most erroneous part of speech, which is not only the emphasis but also the difficulty. They are abstract in meaning and complex in usage, so it is difficult for Chinese learners to master them completely. Academic circles can be directly used to guide the teaching of universal verbs as a foreign language, and the results are ver y limited. Therefore, in view of this present situation, this article has mainly done the following several work:
(1) Collect the related research results and summarize them as the basis of this paper.
(2)This paper probes into the differences in the use o f the four universal verbs from the ontological point of view. On the basis of this, the author compares the usage of the four universal verbs from the semantic, usage and stylistic levels.
(3) Analysis of teaching situation. This paper starts with the inv estigation of the usage and distribution of "do" and "get" in the teaching materials of Chinese as a foreign language, and the research on the real error corpus of HSK dynamic composition corpus, through investigation and analysis. This paper synthetically analyzes the teaching situation of pan-meaning verb "zuo", "gan" “nong "gao".
(4) Integrate the fragmented teaching theory into the teaching of "doing", "doing" and "doing", and then make classroom analysis through real cases to provide some help for the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language in the future.
(5)Through the analysis from the Noumenon to the corpus, this paper probes into the teaching strategy of the pan-meaning verb from two aspects: the teaching principle and the teaching method of the universal verb, and points out the practice method of the universal verb. To provide a certain reference for the teaching of universal verbs in Chinese as a foreign language.
This paper aims at Chinese learners whose mother tongue is English. There may be many factors affecting their use of generic verbs, such as the negative transfer of English as their mother tongue, Chinese textbooks, and some deficiencies and shortcomings in teaching. In future teaching practice, teachers should give students correct gu idance, education departments should actively improve teach
ing materials, students should use scientific learning methods, so as to improve teachers'teaching level and students' learning ability.
Keywords:Universal verb, zuo、gan、nong、gao, Error analysis,Teaching Chinese as a Foreign language
学位论文原创性声明和学位论文版权使用授权书 (Ⅰ)
摘要 ......................................................................................................... II Abstract ................................................................................................... III 附表索引.................................................................................................. V III 第1章绪论 .. (1)
1.1选题缘起及意义 (1)
1.1.1选题缘起 (1)
1.1.2选题意义 (1)
1.2 研究对象 (2)
1.3 研究方法 (2)
1.3.1统计分析法 (2)
1.3.2对比研究法 (2)
1.4 相关文献综述 (3)
1.1.1  泛义动词的整体研究 (3)
1.1.2 “做、干、弄、搞”的对比研究 (3)
1.1.3 “做、干、弄、搞”的对外汉语研究 (4)
第2章“做、干、弄、搞”的句法、语义、语用分析与比较 (5)
2.1 泛义动词“做、干、弄、搞”的分析 (5)
2.1.1 “做”的分析 (5)
2.1.2 “干”的分析 (9)
2.1.3 “弄”的分析 (13)
2.1.4 “搞”的分析 (18)
2.2 泛义动词“做、干、弄、搞”的比较 (23)
2.2.1 句法比较 (23)
2.2.2 语义比较 (27)
2.2.3 语用比较 (28)
第3章教材分析与偏误分析 (30)
3.1 对外汉语教材中泛义动词“做、干、弄、搞”的调查 (30)
3.1.1 泛义动词“做、干、弄、搞”的分布情况 (30)
3.1.2 泛义动词“做、干、弄、搞”的主要用法 (31)
3.2泛义动词“做、干、弄、搞”的偏误分析 (33)
3.2.1 语义偏误 (33)
3.2.2 句法偏误 (34)
3.2.3 语体偏误 (37)
3.2.4 偏误原因 (39)
第4章泛义动词“做、干、弄、搞”的教学研究 (42)
4.1 碎片化理论与课堂应用 (42)
4.1.1 理论背景介绍 (42)
4.1.2 泛义动词“做、干、弄、搞”的碎片化处理 (42)
4.2 泛义动词“做、干、弄、搞”的教学原则 (48)
4.2.1  随机教学 (48)
4.2.2  点拨式教学 (49)
4.3 泛义动词“做、干、弄、搞”的教学方法 (49)
4.3.1 演绎归纳法 (49)
4.3.2 对比分析法 (50)
4.3.3 情境创设法 (50)
结语 (52)
参考文献 (53)
致谢 (57)