  1. The Rockefeller Center has leased part of its land from Columbia University.
  (A) inherited (B)bought (C) rented
  2. The World Assembly on Aging has confirmed the need to address issues pertinent to older workers in industry and agriculture.
  (A) training (B) salaries (C) subjects
  3. Some plants contain substances that interfere with the digestive processes of animals.
  (A) disrupt (B) encourage (C) augment
  4. The St. Lawrence Seaway links the Great Lakes with the shipping lanes of the world.
  (A)routes (B)centers (C) stations
  5. Myths have inspired many of the world's greatest poets, artists, musicians, and scientists.
  (A) contradicted the ideas of
  (B) fired the imagination of
  (C) overwhelmed
  6. In 1972 Cesar Chaves expanded the focus of the United Farm Workers to include all California vegetable workers and launched a nationwide lettuce boycott.
  (A)mediated (B)began (C)joined
  adj. 租用的
  v. 租用;撕裂(rent的过去分词)
  He rented the house out to a young couple.
  n. 学科;科目(subject的复数);[图情] 主题;被试者
  v. 使服从;使经受;提交(subject的三单形式)
  They have timetabled some interesting subjects.
  vt. 破坏;使瓦解;使分 裂;使中断;使陷于混乱
  adj. 分 裂的,中断的;分散的
  But people went with the flow, and no one let those issues disrupt the class.
锲而不舍近义词  routes
  n. [计] 路由,[通信] 路径;[交] 线路
  Similarly, the routes associated with a policy define a topic on which to transmit the message.
  fired the imagination of
  This event fired the imagination of many artists.
  v. 开始;创建;着手于(begin的过去式)
  Her mother began operation of a small grocery.
  1. The Metropolitan Transit Authority in New York City was established as the state agency with overall responsibility for running the buses, subways, and commuter trains.
  (A) special (B) limited (C) general
  2. MBA study in the USA gives Janet the opportunity to know a foreign culture and learn about advanced management.
  (A) money (B) chance (C) desire
  3. Today's "miracle drugs" have not only lengthened the lifespan of the average individual; they have also enabled people who otherwise would be invalids(病人)to live normal lives.
  (A) if not wise
  (B) if unprotected
  (C) in other circumstances
  4. Wheat and the other grains, owing to their remarkable nutritional qualities, have been the cornerstones of people's diets around the globe.