专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷253 (题后含答案及解析)
PART I    DICTATIONDirections: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work.
正确答案:    Ball Games    Ball games have become an integral part of modern society. / They give us entertainment, providing us a means to safely free ourselves from stress. / There are many different ball games that can do this for us. / Some people enjoy football, whi
le others like basketball. / These two ball games are the most popular in China. / Other games such as baseball are growing in appeal, / yet have not become popular. / Basketball is one of the few sports with a known date of birth. / Football, or soccer, originally developed from traits found in both China and Europe. / It has grown to become the worlds most popular sport. /      涉及知识点:听力
SECTION A    TALKIn this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. While listening, you may look at ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word (s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.
听力原文:    Video Game Addiction    There is nothing like the thrill of beating the final level of a video game that you have been playing. Figuring out all the tricks and shortcuts in a difficult game is a challenge that most of us enjoy. But I have to say, a lot of us have go
ne overboard with the game playing, or been addicted to video games.    This is a global and serious problem. According to the Council on Science and Public Health in the US, [1]addiction to video games seems to occur more likely in children who start playing video games at younger ages. [2]Different studies have shown that up to 15% of video gamers can be considered addicted. That means that out of 10 of your friends that play video games, one or more may be affected. [3]Overuse of gaming is considered to be more than 2 hours per day! To do that, video gaming has to push other things out of your life, homework, hanging out with your family and playing with your friends even eating less! [4]Not to mention that it will give you sudden behavior changes. One second, you can be jollier than Santa Claus, and the next second youre angrier than the Hulk!    Here are four signs to tell if youre addicted, and need help. [5]First, you love your game and find it difficult to get off. Next, you are always thinking about it. Like you keep talking about it with others. No. 3, you spend way too much time on it, like skipping showers and meals to play. You cant sleep at night, so you get up to play video games. No. 4, you exhibit signs of irritation when forced to stop gaming.    [6]So people various take measures to correct and
prevent video game addiction. [7]Addicted gamers can get advice from credible healthcare professionals. Many professionals have been trained to use effective tools and methods to help someone recover from addiction and guarantee long-lasting results. In some countries, like Canada, China, The Netherlands, South Korea, and the United States, clinics have been set up to help those in need, [8]Inpatient treatment for addicted gamers is best for those who need to leave their environment altogether for a time in order to heal. Such treatment centers offer group therapy, individual counseling and a game-free atmosphere.    If you have a friend or family member who is a video game addict, [9]patience is always an important virtue when youre helping someone recover from video game addiction. By simply being there for that person, you can help reduce anger, depression and feelings of emptiness that an addict who is deprived of video games. For example, if the urge to go back to gaming is very strong, create distractions through sports and other strenuous activities. [10]The emotional support given by the community is powerful and beneficial for people who struggle to free themselves from their abusive behavior.    Even if you dont fulfill criteria for addiction but you are routinely gaming, reme
mber, dont let a game take over your life. The solution is only the push of a button away.
    Video Game Addiction1. A global and serious problemAddiction occur more likely at【T1】______【T2】______ of video gamers addicted2 hours more per day:【T3】______ of gamingThe effect of video gamingTaking over your lifeSudden【T4】______2. Signs of video game addiction【T5】______to get it offAlways thinking about itSpending too much time on itIrritated when forcing to stop gaming3.【T6】______ to correct and prevent video game addictionAdvice from credible【T7】______professionals【T8】______treatmentGroup therapy, individual counseling and a game-free environment4. How to treat a video game addicted friend or family member【T9】______ as important virtue【T10】______by the community
2. 【T1】
正确答案:younger ages
解析:本题考查考生对要点的把握。录音提到,根据美国科学与公共卫生委员会(Council on Science and Public Health)的说法,在儿童当中,电子游戏上瘾症有低龄化趋势,使用young的比较级才能表明问题日趋严重,所以填入younger ages。 知识模块:听力
3. 【T2】
正确答案:15%/fifteen percent
解析:本题考查细节。录音提到,不同的研究表明15%的玩家都存在上瘾的情况,所以填入15%或fifteen percent。 知识模块:听力
4. 【T3】
四级听力解析:本题考查细节。录音提到,每天玩游戏超过2小时就属于过度游戏(overuse of gaming),空格中应填入overuse。 知识模块:听力
5. 【T4】
正确答案:behavior changes
解析:本题考查细节。录音提到,电子游戏除了掌控了上瘾者的生活外,还会使其出现行为变化(behavior changes),时而高亢时而愤怒。这里要注意使用复数形式,所以填入behavior changes。 知识模块:听力
6. 【T5】
解析:本题考查对要点的把握。录音提到,讲话人指出患者的四种症状,其中第一种就是陷入游戏中难以自拔(difficult to get off),所以填入Difficult或Hard皆可。 知识模块:听力
7. 【T6】
解析:本题考查对要点的把握。演讲提出了几个应对措施(measures)来纠正或预防电子游戏上瘾,录音提到了take measures这个搭配,故measures为最佳答案,亦可以采用同义词如
methods、ways等。 知识模块:听力
8. 【T7】
正确答案:healthcare/health care
解析:本题考查细节,要求填入修饰professionals(专业人员)的词。录音提到,上瘾者可以从可靠的医疗保健专家那里获得忠告(advice from credible healthcare professionals),故填入的是health care或health-care。 知识模块:听力
9. 【T8】
解析:本题考查细节。录音提到,对于需要离开居住环境来展开的上瘾者,住院(inpatient)是最佳的方式,所以填入Inpatient。 知识模块:听力
10. 【T9】
解析:本题考查对分述点的把握。录音提到,如果朋友或家人对电子游戏上瘾,则耐心(patience)是帮助电子游戏上瘾者戒瘾的重要美德,所以填入Patience。 知识模块:听力
11. 【T10】
正确答案:Emotional support
解析:本题考查对分述点的把握。录音提到,来自社区的精神支持(emotional support)是强大而有利的。故填入Emotional support。 知识模块:听力
SECTION B    CONVERSATIONSIn this section you will hear two conversations. At the end of each conversation , five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of [A], [B], [C] and [D], and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.You have thirty seconds to preview the questions.
听力原文:W: Hey, Tom, welcome back!M: Hi, Mary.W: How was your holiday? Did you go
home?M: Yeah. How about you?W: No! [1]It was Spring Break. I went to Miami. I love it there during Spring Break.M: Oh, yeah, I see you got a tan. How was it? Isnt it awfully crowded there?W: Yep, thats whats so great about it. Its one big crowded party.M: Who did you go with?W:[2]My roommate, and two other girls. We drove down. One of them has a car. Its a real old clunker, but it got us there and back OK. M: Where did you stay? In the car? I hear rooms are impossible to get down there during Break. W: No, [3]we just found a motel up the coast about twenty miles and stayed there most nights. We drove down to the beach in the morning and back at night. You can park anywhere along the beach. The only problem was choosing our, urn, designated driver each time. Nobody wanted the job. M: I guess not! What did you do, rotate? W: We tried to, but one afternoon we all got separated. When we finally met up back at the car, it was way past midnight, and nobody was in any condition to drive. So we just stayed there all night and danced on the beach. M: Sounds like you had fun. Nobody got in trouble? W: Well, we didnt. The police had their hands full, like they do every year, I guess. Theres always somebody who ends up drunk and disorderly. M: Yeah. And what about your assignment for this class? Did you get it done? W:
I did. [4]I wrote it in the car on the way back yesterday. M: In the car?! With three tired, sunburnt girls?W: Yup. They did all the driving, and I sat in the back and wrote.M: But what about your research, your, uh, references? I dont suppose you had a library in the back seat, did you? W: Yeah, it was a bookmobile. No, I got an early start. I did my research before I left and then took a bunch of notes with me. And I carried along a couple of the, uh, most important reference books. M: How did your paper come out? OK? W: [5]Pretty good, I think. Im pretty happy with it. I had to go to the library last night to pick up a couple of missing, you know, citations, but that didnt take long. And I got it typed up and printedout this morning.1. What did the woman do during the Spring Break?2. How many people did the woman go with?3. Where did they stay most nights?4. How did the woman write her assignment?5. What does the woman think of her paper?