Listening Comprehension
Section A
1、 A.It will be very far.
B.It will be taken as planned.
C.It was canceled on Saturday.
D.The arrangements are uncertain so far.
2、 A.She painted it by herself.
B.She hired her brother to paint it.
C.It needs to be painted.
D.It isn't beautifully painted.
3、 A.She was slimmer then.
B.She was 140 pounds then.
C.She was 160 pounds then.
D.She was in very good figure then.
4、 A.The audience helped the pianist.
B.The audience shook hands with the pianist.
C.The audience disliked the pianist's performance.
D.The audience applauded the pianist's performance.
5、 A.She feels fine.
B.She feels sick.
C.She feels better now.
D.She feels tired.
6、 A.The students took a physical test last week.
B.The students have to take part in the physical labor.
C.The teacher has put off the physical labor.
D.There won't be a physical test this afternoon.
7、 A.Sing the song for his friends first.
B.Continue to practice the song for a week.
C.Pretend to be performing for his friends.
D.Join in an acting group to make a few friends.
8、 A.The woman will arrive at the station in ten minutes.
B.The woman has fifteen minutes to get to the station.
C.The man thinks he will be able to reach the station in ten minutes.    D.The man doesn't think he will be able to get to the station on time.
9、 A.Before finishing school.
B.After finishing university.
C.During her university course.
D.Between high school and university.
10、 A.International children's projects.
B.Social and environmental projects.
C.Projects for people with no money.
D.Projects involving sports and languages.
11、 A.Mainly from London.
B.Mainly from England.
C.From different countries.
D.From charity organizations.
12、 A.People in developing countries.
B.People in Asian countries.
C.People in European countries.
D.People in developed countries.
13、 A.8.1 million.    B.12 million.          C.20
million. D.26 million.
14、 A.Health care and housing problems.
B.Education and transportation problems.
C.Transportation and employment problems.
D.Education and employment problems.
15、 A.Tokyo in Japan.
B.Beijing in China.
C.Shanghai in China.
D.Seoul in South Korea.
Section B
16、 A.They don't like English food.
B.Restaurants in Britain serve foreign food only.
C.English food can't be found in large towns.
D.They get few chances to eat English food.
17、 A.They think that people live to eat, but not eat to live.
B.They think that people should eat the best food when living.
C.They think that people eat to live, but not live to eat.
D.They think that people eat to live and live to eat.
A.Unfair.    B.Ridiculous.          C.Reasonable. D.Objective.
19、 A.The Red Cross workers are in many countries.
B.The Red Cross only exists in the developing countries.
C.The Red Cross is another name for world hospital.
D.Many people who are in need work in Red Cross.
20、 A.Supplying blood for people who need.
B.Providing a number of services for the public.
C.Helping the sick and wounded during the war.
D.Aiding people who were injured in an earthquake.
21、 A.The protection of prisoners of war.
B.The prevention of the outbreak of a war.
C.The signing of Geneva Convention.
D.The popularity of first aid knowledge.
22、 A.The workers on the underground platforms were replaced by machines.    B.It became the first completely automatic railway in the world.
C.A completely automatic line was added to its network.
D.Its trains became computer-controlled.
23、 A.The platform workers.
B.The computers.
C.The command spots.
D.The machines.
24、 A.To drive the train after it is started automatically.
B.To start the train and to drive it when necessary.
C.To take care of the passengers on the train.
D.To send commanding signals to the command spot.
25、 A.It will stop automatically.
四级听力B.It will move on at the same speed.
C.It will gradually slow down.
D.It will keep a safe distance from the other trains.
Section C
Scientists in India have discovered a way to make bamboo plants produce flowers in laboratory. The British  26 Nature recently reported the historic event. In the wild it can take as long as 120 years for some kind of bamboo to flower, and after the plant  27 its seeds it dies. The bamboo plant is used in many different ways. But because it takes so long to produce seeds, scientists never consider it a traditional farm crop. The recent  28  in India may change that. The research was done at the National Chemical Labor atory in India. Three scientists cut two hundred pieces from two different kinds of bamboo plants; each was a few centimeters long. The tiny cuttings were placed  29 coconut milk, plant-growth hormone and other  30 . Just a few weeks later, flowers began to appear, which were the same size as those on  31  grown bamboos. Two weeks after that the plants began to produce seeds. In the wild, it will take 30 years for these kinds of bamboos to flower and make seeds. One of them had not put the bamboo seeds in soil, but he believes they will produce plants. The Indian scientists now are planning experiments to see if they can  32 the bamboo through the techniques of  33 engineering. Bamboo reproduces in two ways. It flowers and produces seeds. It also produces new growth from its roots. Bamboo plants growing from its roots are called "Zhusun" in China. Bamboo shoots are  34 and replanted in the field. Farmers  35  the leaves. They feed them to their animals.
Listening Comprehension
Section A
M: Will the field trip be on Saturday as originally scheduled, Mrs. Smith? It is said to be canceled.
W: Not yet. It is still under discussion, as far as I know.
Q: What does the woman say about the field trip?
M: Your living room looks beautiful. Did you paint it yourself on the weekend? W: You must be joking. I know nothing about it. I paid my younger brother to do it. Q: What does the woman say about her living room?
M: You're slimmer than you used to be, aren't you?
W: You bet I am! I've been dieting for five months. I've lost 20 pounds. I'm down to 140, and I feel great now.
Q: What was the woman like five months ago?
W: Did you attend the concert last night?
M: Yes. It was wonderful. When the pianist finished, the audience stood up and gave him a big hand.
Q: What can be drawn from this conversation?
M: Bella, how are you? Mary said you had been sick since last night. I've come to take you to see a doctor.
W: She must have confused me with somebody else. I've never felt better.
Q: How does Bella feel?
M: Are we going to have a physical test this afternoon? I've prepared for it since last week.
W: It is put off because the teacher has to take part in the physical labor.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
M: I've been practicing that song all week, but I'm still afraid of standing in front of such a large audience.
W: Just act as if they are all your friends and you'll be fine.
Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?
W: Can you take me to the station quickly? I'm going to meet a friend at 10:00, but it's 9:50 now.
M: I don't know. I'll try But with such a heavy traffic it will take at least fifteen minutes more.
Q: What do we learn from this conversation?
M: Come in.
W: Good morning, Mr. Brown.
M: Oh, come in, Mary. I've been expecting you. Take a seat.
W: Thanks.
M: And what can I do for you?
W: Well, I was thinking about taking a year off after we finish school this summer, and I want some advice.
M: I see. You mean putting off going to university for a year.
W: That's right.I've been offered a place at London University, but what I'd really like to do is taking a year off first—doing something different, maybe going abroad.
M: So were you thinking of getting some sort of job, or traveling around?
I mean, is your main aim to earn some money, or to do something else? Or do you want to do a bit of both?
W: I'd really like to travel, but I don't have any money. But I've heard of an organization called Peterson International—and that's what I want to ask you about. Do you know anything about it?
M: Sure. It's a charity and it's aimed very much at young people like you, and what they do is to get teams of young people to work together on various projects
all over the world—environmental projects, community projects, that sort of thing.
W: Mmm, it sounds great. Is it just English people on the projects?
M: No, they're international teams. You'd be working with quite a variety of people.    When does Mary want to take a year off?
What projects does Peterson International carry out?
Where do the people in the Peterson International teams come from? 12、D
W: In Britain we are often told that people are leaving the big cities to live in the countryside but is this the case worldwide?
M: Not at all. If you look at the biggest cities in 1950, seven out of the top ten were in the developed countries. However, by the year 2025, the developing countries will have eight out of the top ten.New York, which in 1950 was number one with a population of around 12 million, will only be the sixth largest city in the world with an extra 8 million.
W: And London?
M: London, which was number two, won't even be in the top ten. Its population in 1950 was about 10 million.
W: Why is this happening? Why are people moving to the big cities from the country in developing countries?
M: The reasons are complex but many are moving to look for jobs. And the problems this creates are enormous. In fact, the increasingly large population must lead to the problems of health, transport and education.
W: Yes. What about the cities of Asia? Will they be experiencing a similar sort of growth?
M: In some cases, yes. Calcutta in India which was number 10 in the league in 1950 is expected to be the eighth biggest city in the world with a population of 20 million, four times its size in just 75 years.
W: What about Japan?
M: Ah! Well, Tokyo was number three in 1950; in 2025 its population will increase to about 20 million, three times that of the year 1950. Looking at the other major cities in Asia, Shanghai and Seoul will be in the top ten as well but, perhaps surprisingly, not Beijing or Hong Kong.
Which kind of people tends to move from the big cities to the countryside?
What will the likely population be in New York in the year 2025?
What problems can be caused by the increasingly large population? 15、B
Which Asian city won't be in the top ten largest cities in terms of population? Section B
Visitors to Britain are always complaining about English food. But they do