专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷226 (题后含答案及解析)
题型有:1. What is effective note-taking?To【T1】______ the material and write down key elements2. Take notes instead of transcribingBe an【T2】______ : dont just record what is saidEngage with the material & determine the【T3】______Recording isnt suggested partly because【T4】______ is necessary3. Pick up on the lecturers【T5】______ and cluesVocal patterns,【T6】______ & other indicationsRecognize main ideas by【T7】______ signal words & phrasesOther clues: voice volume, repetition, gestures, actions4. Make up your own【T8】______Use【T9】______: write notes more quicklyCreate【T10】______and skip unimportant words
1. 【T1】
写,而是一个学习过程,它要求快速理解(digest)讲座内容,并记下关键要素。 知识模块:讲座
2. 【T2】
正确答案:active listener
解析:本题考查对文意的理解和细节的把握。录音在提出第一个主观点时指出,应该做一个“积极的倾听者”(active listener),而非只是机械地记笔记。 知识模块:讲座
3. 【T3】
正确答案:essential elements
解析:本题考查细节。录音继上一个空进一步说明,做笔记时应该多结合材料,判断所说内容中哪些是关键要素(determine the essential elements)。注意此处element应该用复数。 知识模块:讲座
4. 【T4】
正确答案:active engagement
解析:本题考查对文意的理解和细节的把握。录音指出,积极参与的必要性(This necessity of active engagement)是很多专家不建议对讲座录音的原因之一。因此,此处填active engagement。 知识模块:讲座
5. 【T5】
解析:本题考查对主要观点的把握。录音提出的第二个主观点为,学会捕捉演讲者给出的信号和线索(learn to pick up on the lecturers cues and clues)。注意此处cue填复数形式。 知识模块:讲座
6. 【T6】
正确答案:hand gestures
解析:本题考查细节。录音提到,演讲者往往会通过说话的方式(vocal patterns)、手势(han
d gestures)及其他暗示(other indications)来强调重要的信息。注意此处gesture应该用复数。 知识模块:讲座
7. 【T7】
解析:本题考查对文意的理解和信息的整合。录音指出,应通过捕捉信号词及词组(by identifying signal words and phrases)来把握重要内容,故填入identifying一词。 知识模块:讲座
8. 【T8】
正确答案:shorthand method
解析:本题考查对主要观点的把握。录音指出的第三个主观点为,创造一套属于自己的速记法(make up your own shorthand method),故填入shorthand method一词。 知识模块:讲座
9. 【T9】
解析:本题考查细节。录音提到,速记法可以用便捷的方式(use shortcuts)记笔记。注意shortcut不能写成两个单词shortcut,而且还要用名词的复数形式shortcuts。  知识模块:讲座
10. 【T10】
解析:本题考查对分论点的理解。录音在对第三个主观点进行说明时指出,为了提高记笔记的效率,应该使用缩写(use abbreviations)或略过不重要的单词,后面继续举例说明如何创造缩写。故本题填入abbreviations一词。 知识模块:讲座
听力原文:    Three Systems of Memory    Psychologists have many theories to explain how we remember information. The most influential theory is that memory works as a kind
of storage system, or storehouse, for information. According to this theory, there are three types of these storage systems with different functions that hold information for different amounts of time. These storage systems are sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory.    Lets start with the first storage system, sensory memory, [1]It holds information for the shortest amount of time—less than four seconds. An instant. [2]Sensory memory is where stimuli, or things that stimulate our senses, are very briefly stored. We forget sensory memories almost instantly, unless they pass into another storage system. [3]Examples of stimuli that usually go into sensory memory are things that we see and hear in the world such as a flash of lightning, or the sound of a door closing.    Now, lets move on to the second storage system, [4]short-term memory, which is also sometimes called working memory. It holds information for about 15 to 25 seconds. This is not a very long time, but the information that passes into this system has more meaning for us than just sensory stimulation. It is not entirely clear how some sensory memories transfer into more meaningful short-term memories. However, [5]it has been proven that memory going into this system is made up of chunks, or groups, of meaningful information. It has been found
that only around seven chunks of information can be stored in short-term memory. Therefore, there is not a lot of room for information in short-term memory, and it does not stay there for very long. [6]Examples of the type of information that typically goes into short-term memory are telephone numbers, addresses, and names.    Finally, lets look at the third story system, [7]long-term memory, which holds information almost definitely, although retrieving it can sometimes be difficult. We can think of long-term memory as a very big library, or even a computer chip, with almost unlimited capacities for storage. [8]Information gets filed, catalogued, and stored. Long-term memory has several different components, or modules, that correspond to separate memory systems in the brain. The main two categories of long-term memory are declarative memory and procedural memory. [9]Declarative memory is where we store factual information, such as names, faces, and dates. [10]Procedural memory is where we store memory of skills and habits, like how to ride a bike. Within declarative memory, there are two smaller categories of memory, namely, episodic memory and semantic memory. Episodic memory is where we place memories that relate to our personal lives, things we have done or experienced, such as ha
ving a car accident. Semantic memory is where we organize general knowledge or facts about the world, such as math formulas.    OK, to sum up, today weve taken a brief look at the three storage systems and their different functions of holding information for different amounts of time. Next time, well look at some other aspects of psychology.
    Three Systems of Memory1. Sensory memoryInformation held for less than【T1】______【T2】______ of senses stored brieflyExamples:【T3】______ or door-closing sounds2. Short-term memory or【T4】______Information held for about 15 to 25 secondschunks of【T5】______ information storedExamples: telephone numbers,【T6】______ and names3. Long-term memoryInformation held almost【T7】______Information gets filed,【T8】______, and storedTwo main categoriesDeclarative memory:【T9】______【T10】______ memory: skills and habits
11. 【T1】
正确答案:4/four seconds
解析:本题要求填入感官记忆系统保存信息的时长。录音提到,感官记忆保存信息的时间是最短的。少于四秒(less than 4 seconds),故填入4/four seconds。 知识模块:讲座
12. 【T2】
解析:本题要求填入何种信息被短暂地储存于感官记忆系统。录音提到,感官记忆短暂地储存刺激物(stimuli)或者是刺激了我们感官的事物(things that stimulate our senses),故本题应填入Stimuli。 知识模块:讲座
13. 【T3】
正确答案:flashing lighting/lighting
解析:本题要求填入和“关门声”并列的名词(短语),同属于与感官记忆相关的例子。录音提到,感官记忆的刺激物通常是我们在现实世界中看到和听到的东西,例如闪电或者是关门声,故本题应填入flashing righting或是直接简写成lighting。 知识模块:讲座
14. 【T4】
正确答案:working memory
解析:本题要求填入与short-term memory(短时记忆)相对应的名称。录音提到,短时记忆也被称为working memory(工作记忆)。故本题填入working memory。 知识模块:讲座
15. 【T5】
解析:本题要求填入修饰information的词。录音提到,短时记忆的信息是由几“块”或几组(“chunks,”or groups)有意义的信息(meaningful information)构成,故本题填入meaningful。 知识模块:讲座
四级听力16. 【T6】
解析:本题要求填入与telephone numbers,names相并列的名词,同属于短期记忆的信息。录音提到,短期记忆的典型信息即为电话号码,地址以及姓名,可见此处应填入addresses。 知识模块:讲座
17. 【T7】
解析:本题要求填入long-term memory(长时记忆)中信息保存的时长。录音提到,长时记忆几乎无限期地储存信息(holds information almost indefinitely),故本题填入indefinitely。 知识模块:讲座
18. 【T8】
解析:本题要求填入长时记忆中信息经过怎样的处理。录音提到,信息被归档(filed)、编目(catalogued)和储存(stored),故本题填入catalogued,注意要使用过去分词。 知识模块:讲座