【教学内容】北京版 三年级下册 Unit 6 Lesson 21 《Father’s Day》
本课北京版小学英语教材三年级下册第6单元21课本单元题目是Mother’s Day。L19为Mother’s Day 内容,Lingling为妈妈准备了节日礼物,而妈妈也为姥姥准备了节日礼物;L20Baobao为爸爸准备父亲贺卡其中介绍父亲节日期,在卡片上可以书写的内容;本课所讲内容为L21Baobao给父亲送礼物,礼物有一本书和20课中所做的卡片。通过观察,发现爸爸所在的书房里有很多书,可以推断出爸爸是个爱看书的人,Baobao投其所好,送给爸爸一本书作为节日礼物。所以爸爸很喜欢Baobao送给他的礼物。本单元虽然题目为Mother’s Day, 但是学习了Mother’s Day Father’s Day 两个节日,在介绍节日要从三方面进行:节日名称、日期及人们所做的事情。一般人们在过节的时候都会送一些礼物,在送礼物的时候一定要投其所好,让对方在收到礼物时很高兴,让家人能感受到互相的爱!
在学习本课前教师对学生进行了前测:What does your father like? 多数学生父亲的喜好还是有一些了解的:大致了解父亲爱吃什么爱干什么对于问题Do you love your father? Why? 学生也能说出一些,如My father works very hard. My father helps me when I have problems. …对于这个话题学生有的可说。
1. 能在父亲节来临之际投其所好地送父亲礼物,表达自己对父亲的爱。
2. 能够朗读课文、分角表演、简单描述父亲节及要为父亲做的事情、说的话。
一、Warming up激活旧知,感恩母亲
T: What do you know about Mother’s Day? What did you do for your mother? Why did you do that for your mom?
1. 教师出示课文主题图,并通过问答练习的形式帮助学生理解图意。
T: We are talking about Mother’s Day, and are they talking about Mother’s Day?
2. 学生看主题图,看视频,验证猜测。
T: Now let’s listen and try to find the answer.
T: Are you sure? Let’s watch the cartoon again.
3. 学生看第二遍视频,理解课文大意, 感受送礼物要投其所好。
T: Baobao’s father wants to open the gift box? What does he ask?
教师贴句型条Can I open the gift box now?在黑板上。
T: What is Baobao’s answer?
教师贴句型条Please do.在黑板上。
T: What is Baobao’s gift for his dad?
T: Why does Baobao give his father a book?
Because his father likes reading books very much. Look at the picture, his father
is in the study, and there are many books here. His father loves books, so he
gives a book to his father.
4. 观察贺卡,谈论父爱。
T: Do you know what Baobao wrote on the card? Do you remember?
Dad,I love you. You are the best dad.引导学生有感情有动作的读。
T: Do you love your father? Why?
5. 学生进行group work, 表演课文。
6. 学生以pair work形式进行朗读表演。学生在表演的过程中,教师送给他们礼物。
T: Father’s Day is on …
1.T:Baobao’s dad is happy on Father’s Day. Look at this dad, is he happy?
          Why not? Let’s have a look.
2.  T: Last year, on Father’s Day…
Look at the tie, so many fish on it. Guess, who likes it? Did Dad like it?
        Look at the rabbit. Guess, who likes it? Did Dad like it?
        Look at the socks, so colorful, so many animals on them. Guess, who likes it? Did Dad like it?
3.  T: Now, who can read this sentence?
        Last year Mom gave him a computer game.
        A computer game! Dad must like it, Dad must be happy this time, do you think so?
        Look at the picture, Dad and mom were surprised, there's nothing on the screen, and here's smoke on the computer.
        It made his computer crash.
        What does crash mean?
T: Dad wasn't happy last year.
4.T: This year, on Father’s Day…
      Dad tells the children what he wants this year, but Mom and children still have a plan, what will they do? What will they give to Dad? Can you guess? 学生进行猜测。