1. 26张卡片(可以是彩卡片或白卡纸并上);
2. 彩笔、铅笔或记号笔;
3. 字典或在线翻译工具。
1. 取出一张卡片,并使用彩笔或记号笔写下一个字母。重复此步骤,直到有26张卡片,每张卡片上有一个字母。
1. A – Apple [苹果]
  Example sentence: I ate a delicious apple for dessert.
2. B – Banana [香蕉]
  Example sentence: He likes to eat bananas as a healthy snack.
3. C – Carrot [胡萝卜]
  Example sentence: Carrots are rich in vitamin A and good for eyesight.
4. D – Durian [榴莲]
  Example sentence: The durian has a strong and distinct smell.
5. E – Egg [鸡蛋]
  Example sentence: She likes to eat scrambled eggs for breakfast.
6. F – Fish [鱼]
  Example sentence: Grilled fish is a popular dish in many coastal regions.
7. G – Grapes [葡萄]
  Example sentence: I love eating sweet and juicy grapes.
8. H – Honey [蜂蜜]
  Example sentence: Honey can be used as a natural sweetener in tea or desserts.
9. I – Ice Cream [冰淇淋]
  Example sentence: In summer, many people enjoy eating ice cream to cool down.
10. J – Juice [果汁]
  Example sentence: She likes to drink orange juice in the morning.
11. K – Kiwi [猕猴桃]
  Example sentence: The kiwi is a small, green fruit with a fuzzy brown skin.
12. L – Lemon [柠檬]
  Example sentence: Lemon juice can be used to add a tangy flavor to dishes.
13. M – Mango [芒果]
  Example sentence: Ripe mangoes are sweet and have a tropical taste.
14. N – Noodle [面条]
  Example sentence: She made delicious stirfried noodles for dinner.
15. O – Orange [橙子]
  Example sentence: Oranges are a good source of vitamin C.
16. P – Pizza [披萨]
  Example sentence: Pizza is a popular fast food item with various toppings.
17. Q – Quinoa [藜麦]
  Example sentence: Quinoa is packed with protein and is a nutritious grain.
18. R – Rice [大米]
  Example sentence: In many Asian countries, rice is a staple food.
19. S – Salad [沙拉]
  Example sentence: She prepared a fresh and colorful salad for lunch.
20. T – Tomato [番茄]
  Example sentence: Tomatoes can be used in various dishes, such as salads and pasta sauces.
21. U – Udon [乌冬面]
  Example sentence: Udon is a type of thick Japanese noodle often served in a hot broth.
22. V – Vegetable [蔬菜]
  Example sentence: Eating a variety of vegetables is important for a balanced diet.
23. W – Watermelon [西瓜]
  Example sentence: Watermelon is a refreshing fruit to eat during hot summer days.
24. X – Xigua (Chinese for Watermelon) [西瓜]
  Example sentence: Xigua is the Chinese name for watermelon.
25. Y – Yogurt [酸奶]
制作卡片  Example sentence: She enjoys eating yogurt topped with fresh fruits for breakfast.
26. Z – Zucchini [西葫芦]
  Example sentence: Zucchini can be used in stirfries, salads, or even as a pasta substitute.