第一步:根据划线部分的词、句确定特殊疑问词。whose,  what , how , when , where ,why , which,  who , because,  how many, what colour, how much,  how old ,how  long, how  often等。
1.Lily  plays  soccer  every  day.确定用what
 2.She  cleaned room  last  night. 确定用when
3.He  is  at  home. 确定用where
4.Her  coat  is  red. 确定用what colour
5.Tom’s  bike  is  $ 50. 确定用how much
6.This  is  Lucy’s  book. 确定用whose   
7.She  likes English  because  it  is  interesting. 确定用why
如:What’s  your  name  Wang Wei? (你叫什么名字王伟?)
1.Lily  plays  soccer  every  day.
 2.She  cleaned room  last  night.
3.He  is  at  home.
4.Her  coat  is  red.
5.Tom’s  bike  is  $ 50.
6.This  is  Lucy’s  book.
7.She  likes English  because  it  is  interesting.
1.What  does  Lily  play every  day?
2.When  did  he  clean  room ?
3.Where  is  h e ? 
4.What  colour  is  her  coat? 
5.How  much  is  Tom’s  bike? 
6.Whse  book  is  this ?
7.Why  does  she  like  English? 
1.Tom  does  his  homework  yesterday.
Who does his homework?
Tom  has  helps  me  with  my English.
 WhoWhom does Tom help  with  English?
2.对句子中介词词组提问,要分清介词词组在句中的成分,以确定使用which 或者where
1.The  book  is  on  the  desk.
    Where  is  the  book?
2.H e  saw  a  book  on  the  desk.
Where  did  he  see  a  book?
(1.) The  man  in the  car is  Tom’s  father.
    Which  man  is  Tom’s  father?
 (2.) The  book on  the  desk is  mine
    Which  is  your  book?
This book is mine.
Whose  is  this  book
This is my book.
Whose  book  is  this?
3.使用how many ,how much的区别和具体的规则:分清划线部分是可数名词还是不可数名词。如果可数就用how many,如果不可数就用how much
(1.)He  has  $10.
 How much does he have?
(2.)They  have  10  cats.
How  many  cats  do  they have?
4.what 提问there be句型时要注意去掉there be
There  are  20  books  in  the room.
What  are  in  the  room?
(1.)She  played  soccer  last  night.
What  did  she  do  last  night?
(2.)He  is  a  student.
What  does  he  do?
(3.)Tom  is  looking  at  the  picture.
(4.)What  is  Tom  doing?
(5.)Lucy  is  of  medium  height.
What  does  Tom  look  like?
He  plays  the  guitar  every  day.
Does  he  play  the  guitar  every  day?
They  played  tennis  in  the  moring.
Did they  play  tennis  in  the  moring?
1.      His father is an engineer.(对划线部分提问)
______ his father’s ___ ____?
2.      My first name is Tom.(改为同义句)
My __ _____  ________ is Toms.
3.      Mr King is from America.(对划线部分提问)
______ is Mr King _____ ___?
4.      Jenny is English.(对划线部分提问)