"tfc 1"暫停+自由視角
"fov xx"拉遠近角度(xx是數字,遊戲預設65,拍近照可調到20~35左右)
"showracemen u"? ???重新創作主角外型(喜歡捏人的朋友可以使用,若要正常遊戲最好不要改到種族) 全部的控制台代码。包含常用代码+特技+魔法+杂项(包括矿石材料)+食物+药剂+食物灵魂石+箭矢
player.modavhealth # 生命
player.modavstamin a # 耐力
player.modavmagick a # 魔法
player.setavhealra te # 生命恢复速度默认0.7 (打个10战斗中基本血马上就恢复满)
player.setavmagick arate # 魔法恢复速度默认3.0
player.setavstamin arate # 耐力恢复速度默认20.0
player.forcea v healra te # 改成这种之后每次进游戏就不用再输入了
行走速度:? ?player.setavspeedm ult??#默认100
添加:player.addite m a 999
添加金钱:player.addite m 0000000f 99999
负重:player.forcea v carryw eight 99999
调出改变种族窗口:showra cemen u
身高调整:setscale 1.05(先点选角!标准身高1.00)
地图全开:tmm 1(0为全关闭)
set timescale to # 将游戏时间设为真实时间的#倍。建议设为1,游戏世界时间流逝的速度和真实世界一样,更有代入感
player.setavdragon souls #龙魂数量
player.setavshoutr ecove rymul t 0??龙吼无cd
player.AddIte m 00000000 #得到代号00000000的物品#个
player.AddSpe ll 00000000得到代号00000000的魔法
player.remove itemFormID #从你身上移除代号为Fo rmID的物品#个
player.remove spell FormID? ?移除代号为F ormID的魔法
player.setcrimegol d 0 清掉自己头上的赏金。要注意的是如果正被守卫追赶,则必须离开城市再回来指令才会生效。
player.payfin e守卫停止攻击,你头上的赏金清除。
coc qasmoke 会把你传去一个拥有所有游戏物品所有制造器具的房间
挑完后再用c oc传送命令传出来
比如coc dawnst ar??coc winter hlem? ?coc riverw ood
player.addite m??FormID??#? ?? ???添加物品#个? ???
player.remove itemFormID??#? ?移除物品#个
下面的都是i tem物品
0010E44B MGRArn iel04SoulG em (Warped Soul Gem)? ?扭曲的灵魂宝石
0010CC6A TG01Ha elgaS tatue Post(Statue of Dibell a)? ?迪贝拉的雕像
0010C762 TGTQ03Value Item(Do Not Delete)??
001092B8 TG08Ey eofth eFalm erRig ht (RightEye of the Falmer)
00105A4E MS11Ys gramo rsSou pSpoo n (Ysgram or's Soup Spoon)??Ysgramor的汤勺001058AA Balbus ForkN onEqu ip (Balbus's Fork)? ?Balbus的叉
00105177 Flute01 (Flute)长笛
00105109 Dancer sFlut e (The Dancer's Flute)
00104B40 BasicK nife01 (Do Not Delete)
00104B3F BasicF ork01 (Do Not Delete)
00103370 TGCrow nValu eItem (Do Not Delete)
000FED17 WineSo litud eSpic edBot tleEm pty (EmptyWine Bottle)空酒瓶
000FE6A9 Werewo lfPel t (Werewo lf Pelt)狼人佩尔
000FBC3D dunUni queMo thInJ ar (Moth in a Jar)在罐子里的蛾
000FBC3C dunUni queBu tterf lyInJ ar (Butter fly in a Jar)在罐子里的蝴蝶
000FBC3B dunUni queDr agonf lyInJ ar (Dragon fly in a Jar)在罐子里的蜻蜓
000FBC3A dunUni queFi refly InJar (Torchb ug in a Jar)
上古卷轴5外交豁免000F6767 dunWay wardP assSk ull01 (Ancien t Travel er's Skull)古代旅行者的头骨000F5D0A Saw01(Saw) 锯子
000F5D08 Pitchf ork002 (Pitchf ork)干草叉
000F5D07 Pitchf ork001 (Pitchf ork)干草叉
000F5D06 Shovel02 (Shovel)铲
000F5D05 Shovel01 (Shovel)铲
000F583A Silver Platt er01I dleFo od (Centur ion Dynamo Core)
000F5839 Silver Platt er01I dleCu ps (Centur ion Dynamo Core)
000F4983 Dwarve nCent urion Dynam o (Centur ion Dynamo Core)
000F257D MS14Fl agonA (Michae la's Flagon)麦克拉的酒壶
000D4BE7 FoxPel tSnow (Snow Fox Pelt)雪狐皮
000D4B35 FoxPel t (Fox Pelt)狐皮
000AB7BB dunFol gunth urIvo ryDra gonCl aw (IvoryDragon Claw)象牙龙爪
000AB375 dunSku ldafn Diamo ndCla w (Diamon d Claw)钻石爪
000AA03E TGTQ01Candl estic k (Silver Candle stick)银烛台
000A34F8 MG07Ke yston e (Torc of Labyri nthia n)
0009F7A6 MG06Cr ystal (Focusi ng Crysta l)聚焦晶体
0009E01F MS06Po temas Skull (Potema's Skull)Potema的头骨
0006A10A MGRArn iel03SoulG em4 (Warped Soul Gem)扭曲的灵魂宝石0006A109 MGRArn iel03SoulG em2 (Warped Soul Gem)扭曲的灵魂宝石0006A108 MGRArn iel03SoulG em3 (Warped Soul Gem)扭曲的灵魂宝石0006A107 MGRArn iel03SoulG em1 (Warped Soul Gem)扭曲的灵魂宝石0006A106 MGRArn iel02SoulG em (Warped Soul Gem)扭曲的灵魂宝石000800E4 Leathe rStri ps (Leathe r Strips)
0007C260 dunFor elhos tGlas sClaw (GlassClaw)
0005ADA1 IngotM alach ite (Refine d Malach ite)钢锭孔雀石
0005ADA0 IngotQ uicks ilver (Quicks ilver Ingot)钢锭??水银0005AD9F IngotI Moons tone(Refine d Moonst one)钢锭??月亮石0005AD9E IngotG old (Gold Ingot)金砖
0005AD9D IngotE bony(EbonyIngot)乌木钢锭
0005AD99 IngotO richa lcum(Oricha lcumIngot)钢锭??Orichalcum0005AD93 IngotC orund um (Corund um Ingot)刚玉砖
0005ACE5 IngotS teel(SteelIngot)钢锭
0005ACE4 IngotI ron (Iron Ingot)铁锭
0005ACE3 ingotS ilver (Silver Ingot)银锭
0005ACE2 OreQui cksil ver (Quicks ilver Ore)水银矿
0005ACE1 OreMal achit e (Malach ite Ore)孔雀石矿石
0005ACE0 OreMoo nston e (Moonst one Ore)月亮石矿石
0005ACDF OreSil ver (Silver Ore)银矿石
0005ACDE OreGol d (Gold Ore)金矿石
0005ACDD OreOri chalc um (Oricha lcumOre)Oricha lcum矿
0005ACDC OreEbo ny (EbonyOre)乌木矿
0005ACDB OreCor undum (Corund um Ore)刚玉矿
0005333B FFRift enBla ckBri arMea dKeg(Black-BriarMead Keg) 00071CF3 OreIro n (Iron Ore)铁矿石
00070BC4 CivilW arMap Flag01 (Flag)旗子
00070BC3 CivilW arMap Flag02 (Flag)旗子
0006F993 Firewo od01(Firewo od)木柴
0006F266 TGLT05ShipM odel(ModelShip)轮船模型
0006E806 Ysgram orsBl adePi ece01 (Fragme nt of Wuuthr ad)
0006C9EF T01Cha lice(Statue of Dibell a)迪贝拉的雕像
0006A712 SSDPac kageF romDa rkwat er (Packag e for Grelka)
0006A711 SSDPac kageT oDark water (Packag e for Verner)
00068523 GemSap phire Flawl ess (Flawle ss Sapphi re)完美的蓝宝石00068522 gemRub yFlaw less(Flawle ss Ruby)完美无暇的宝石
00068521 GemGar netFl awles s (Flawle ss Garnet)完美的石榴石00068520 GemEme raldF lawle ss (Flawle ss Emeral d)完美的翡翠0006851F GemDia mondF lawle ss (Flawle ss Diamon d)完美无瑕的钻石0006851E GemAme thyst Flawl ess (Flawle ss Amethy st)完美的紫水晶00067185 SoulGe mPiec e0
05(Soul Gem Fragme nt)灵魂宝石碎片00067184 SoulGe mPiec e004(Soul Gem Fragme nt)灵魂宝石碎片
00067183 SoulGe mPiec e003(Soul Gem Fragme nt)灵魂宝石碎片
00067182 SoulGe mPiec e002(Soul Gem Fragme nt)灵魂宝石碎片
00067181 SoulGe mPiec e001(Soul Gem Fragme nt)灵魂宝石碎片
00067180 Clothe sIron (Clothe s Iron)
0006717F Broom01 (Broom)扫帚
000663D7 FFI01C law (Sapphi re Dragon Claw)蓝宝石龙爪
00063B47 GemDia mond(Diamon d)钻石
00063B46 GemAme thyst (Amethy st)紫水晶
00063B45 GemGar net (Garnet)石榴石
00063B44 GemSap phire (Sapphi re)蓝宝石
00063B43 GemEme rald(Emeral d)翡翠
00063B42 GemRub y (Ruby)红宝石
00062F5A FFWint erhol dAJar (Burial Urn)埋藏的缸
000319E5 Wooden Ladle01 (Wooden Ladle)木柴包
000319E4 BoneTr ollSk ull01 (TrollSkull)巨魔头骨巨人头骨
000319E3 BasicT ankar d01 (Tankar d)
0003199A BasicW ooden Bowl01 (Wooden Bowl)木碗
00031941 BasicW ooden Plate01 (Wooden Plate)木制板
000318FB CastIr onPot Mediu m01 (Cast Iron Pot)Cast Iron Pot
000318FA CastIr onPot Small01 (Cast Iron Pot)铸铁锅
000318EC Lanter n01 (Lanter n)灯笼
0003807B Spigot01 (Spigot)龙头
00035074 DB04aL etter (Sealed Letter)密封的信
00035073 DB04aA mulet (Jewele d Amulet)护身符
0002996F C04Hag raven Head(Glenmo ril WitchHead)Glenmo ril女巫的头0003ADA4 Dragon Bone(Dragon Bone)龙骨
0003ADA3 Dragon Scale s (Dragon Scales)龙鳞
0003AD93 HorseH ide (HorseHide)马皮
0003AD90 DeerHi de (Deer Hide)鹿皮
0003AD8F CowHid e (Cow Hide)牛皮
0003AD8E GoatHi de (Goat Hide)山羊皮
0003AD75 WolfIc ePelt (Ice Wolf Pelt)冰狼皮
0003AD74 WolfPe lt (Wolf Pelt)狼皮
0003AD6E SabreC atSno wPelt (SabreCat Snow Pelt)剑雪猫皮
0003AD6D SabreC atPel t (SabreCat Pelt)剑猫皮
0003AD6C Mammot hTusk (Mammot h Tusk)猛犸象牙
0003AD68 Horker Tusk(Horker Tusk)
0003AD57 Chauru sChit in (Chauru s Chitin)
0003AD54 BearSn owPel t (Snow Bear Pelt)雪熊皮毛
0003AD53 BearCa vePel t (Cave Bear Pelt)洞穴熊皮毛
0003AD52 BearPe lt (Bear Pelt)熊皮毛
0003A070 TG08Sk eleto nKey(Skelet on Key)骨架关键
00039647 MS13Go ldenC law (Golden Claw)黄金爪
00037C E9 TG07Me rcers Plans (Mercer's Plans)
00034CD6 RuinsL inenP ile01 (LinenWrap)亚麻包
00034C D4 RuinsS cisso r (Embalm ing Tool)
00034C D2 RuinsE mbalm ingPi ck (Embalm ing Tool)
00034C D0 RuinsS crewT ool (Embalm ing Tool)
00034C CE RuinsS calpe l (Embalm ing Tool)
00033764 TG06Ru bbing (Calcel mo's StoneRubbin g)
00033761 PaperR oll (Roll of Paper)卷纸
0000000F Gold001 (Gold)金
0000000A Lockpi ck (Lockpi ck)
01000200 overGe arMIS C_000A7921 (Destru ction Ritual Spell)毁灭法术仪式00010031 GearCo ntain er(Destru ction Ritual Spell)毁灭法术仪式
00000A31 01Reco verGe arMIS C_000A7921 (Destru ction Ritual Spell)毁灭法术仪式
00043E26 FFRift en14S oulGe m (Wyland riah's Soul Gem)Wyland riah的灵魂宝石00094E40 Whiter unSou lGem(Treate d Soul Gem)灵魂宝石
0006A0C2 DummyS oulGe m (The BlackStar)黑暗之星
00063B29 DA01So ulGem Black Star(The BlackStar)黑暗之星
00063B27 DA01So ulGem Azura sStar (Azura's Star)雅淑拉之星
0002E504 SoulGe mBlac kFill ed (BlackSoul Gem)黑灵魂宝石
0002E500 SoulGe mBlac k (BlackSoul Gem)黑灵魂宝石
0002E4FF SoulGe mGran dFill ed (GrandSoul Gem)大灵魂宝石
0002E4FC SoulGe mGran d (GrandSoul Gem)大灵魂宝石
0002E4FB SoulGe mGrea terFi lled(Greate r Soul Gem)特大的灵魂宝石
0002E4F4 SoulGe mGrea ter (Greate r Soul Gem)特大的灵魂宝石
0002E4F3 SoulGe mComm onFil led (Common Soul Gem)常见的灵魂宝石
0002E4E6 SoulGe mComm on (Common Soul Gem)常见的灵魂宝石
0002E4E5 SoulGe mLess erFil led (Lesser Soul Gem)较小的灵魂宝石
0002E4E4 SoulGe mLess er (Lesser Soul Gem)较小的灵魂宝石
0002E4E3 SoulGe mPett yFill ed (PettySoul Gem)小灵魂宝石
0002E4E2 SoulGe mPett y (PettySoul Gem)小灵魂宝石
0010E2DE Follow erIro nArro w (Iron Arrow)铁箭
0010B0A7 boundA rrow(BoundArrow)束缚之箭
00109AB7 TrapDw eBall istaB oltAm mo05(SteelArrow)钢箭
00109AB6 TrapDw eBall istaB oltAm mo06(SteelArrow)钢箭
00109AB5 TrapDw eBall istaB oltAm mo04(SteelArrow)钢箭
00109AB4 TrapDw eBall istaB oltAm mo03(SteelArrow)钢箭
00109AB3 TrapDw eBall istaB oltAm mo02(SteelArrow)钢箭