    My grandmother is an avid gardener. She spends most of her free time tending to her garden, and one of her favorite activities is hoeing the soil. She believes that hoeing the soil is essential for maintaining a healthy garden. When she's hoeing, she moves the soil around to break up any clumps and remove any weeds. This helps to aerate the soil and allows water and nutrients to penetrate more easily. It also prevents the growth of weeds, which can compete with the plants for resources.
    Hoeing the soil is a physical activity that requires strength and endurance. My grandmother enjoys the exercise it provides, as it keeps her fit and active. She often tells me that hoeing is a great way to stay in shape without having to go to the gym. It also gives her a sense of accomplishment, as she can see the immediate results of her hard work. The garden looks neat and tidy after she's finished hoeing, and she takes pride in knowing that she's contributed to its beauty and health.
    In addition to the physical benefits, hoeing the soil also has several practical advantages. By breaking up the soil, my grandmother ensures that it is loose and well-drained. This is important for the plants' root development and overall growth. Loose soil allows the roots to penetrate easily and access the nutrients they need. It also prevents water from pooling around the plants, which can lead to root rot and other diseases. By removing weeds, my grandmother eliminates competition for resources and reduces the risk of pest infestations.